Chapter 320
When Song Weidong said it, his tone was very disappointed. He was fine in the compound at first, but he didn't expect it to become like this today, like a stranger.

Wang Wanwan took a deep breath of cigarettes, "He only said to see us when he came back, but he mentioned your matter to us, making people feel that he went back to tell us about your bribery. knew."

In fact, what Wang Wanwan said was very euphemistic, but the meaning was also expressed.

Li Xuezhang went back and spread the news that Luo Ji was taken away by the Disciplinary Committee. No wonder Wang Wanwan and Song Weidong were so angry. Not to mention, Luo Jike took care of Li Xuezhang the most in the past, even Zhang Guilan took care of Jiang Zhi on weekdays There is a family, but look at these two couples, they are wolves at first, and they bite people in turn.

"Lao Ji, don't get angry about this matter. Everyone in the compound believes in you and knows that there must be a misunderstanding. This time we came here, and the leader above said that we should comfort you and let you not worry. , Lin District will never let you be wronged." Wang Wanwan said, "Li Xuezhang did this, I think he really doesn't want to miss the previous love, don't worry, there is such a traitor among our colleagues , and nothing sad."

Luo Ji smiled, "I'm glad you two can come and tell me these things. He is him. Don't let him affect our relationship in the future, and there's no need to be angry because of it. It's not worth it."

"Yes, it's not worth it for an outsider." Song Weidong smiled.

But the laughter of the three of them didn't last long before being broken by Li Xuezhang who came suddenly.

Li Xuezhang dared to come, Song Weidong couldn't see it the most, "Xuezhang, aren't you busy? Just came here?"

"Isn't my sister-in-law hospitalized? I'll come and have a look." Li Xuezhang didn't feel embarrassed at all, and walked up to Luo Ji, "Lao Ji, I've heard about you, how did you do it? Did something like this happen? I have changed my job now, and every day is a trivial matter. I thought about it after hearing the news, so don’t worry about it.”

Seeing his bold and unrestrained appearance, Wang Wanwan and Song Weidong both looked at Luo Ji.

"It's good to be here. It means that we didn't know each other in vain." Luo Ji stood up and looked directly at him, "When I was away, I heard that something happened to your sister-in-law's shop, and my mother-in-law was also injured. You can’t do painful work, you meddled in this matter? Now that the compensation has not been paid, you can also help to ask what’s going on? If your sister-in-law is not hospitalized now, I’ll go over and ask myself.”

Luo Ji didn't know that the money was to be paid by Li Xuezhang and several other staff, and the situation of Li Xuezhang's family.Luo Ji also understood that Li Xuezhang would not be able to pay much for the monthly expenses of the family, so how could he save enough money.

Luo Ji had never asked before, and even thought about it and let it go.In the future, just remember not to communicate. People don't hurt the tiger's will, and the tiger hurts the heart. That's the truth.

"I'll ask you about this." In front of other people, Li Xuezhang didn't have the nerve to admit that he couldn't afford it.

Luo Ji would never have pursued him before, but this time it was different, "No need. I'll go and ask when I find time tomorrow."

Song Weidong and Wang Wanwan looked at each other, they knew about this, now they want to see what Li Xuezhang should do?He also pretended to be unclear, only to realize that he was also so hypocritical.

"Old Ji, I'm not afraid of your jokes. What happened this time was that I didn't do my job well. So the organization decided that I should pay the money. You know my family's situation. I can't take out the money at once. I can only save it. I'll send it to you when I've counted enough." Seeing that Li Xuezhang couldn't keep the secret, he could only tell the truth.

See Song Weidong and Wang Wanwan here.I also understand why Luo Ji poked at me and forced me. This is because I knew that I went back to the country, and I regretted going back to the country for a while. Cheng Xiangren was just suspended and released, nothing to do with Ben.

Then I thought about going to the hospital to take a look. I didn't expect such bad luck to bump into Wang Wanwan and Song Weidong. Now they appointed Luo Ji to tell Luo Ji what they did, otherwise he wouldn't treat him like this.

It's impossible for him not to know what happened to his mother-in-law, so it means that he knows it and makes things difficult for himself?

After thinking everything through, Li Xuezhang clenched his hands tightly under his sleeves, he must get back such humiliation.

If he couldn't wait for Luo Ji to come, and was stared at by the two people below him on weekdays, Li Xuezhang moved uneasy, and the smile on his face could hardly hold on.

Only then did I hear Luo Ji's voice, "So that's how it is. If this is the case, then don't worry. Your sister-in-law is doing business, and the family is not in a hurry to use that little money. Just save it slowly."

Saying "that little money" still makes people save slowly.

But he didn't say no.

Compared with the usual generous Luo Ji, it was a different person.

Li Xuezhang nodded, "OK."

He had to go in even when he came, but Li Xuezhang came empty-handed again. When he saw the things inside the room, his face became hot.

Wang Li didn't care about the occasion, so she took a sip, "What is it, pretending to be a person, it's obviously a dog."

"How do you talk?" Song Weidong glared at her.

Wang Li refused to accept, "I'm not wrong, I'm not good enough on weekdays, and now I see a man who is not as good as me, I finally feel balanced."

When she said that, everyone in the room laughed.

"Your mouth, you know you're not good and you don't change it." Zhao Chunmei teased her.

Now the two of them are familiar with the compound, so the relationship is getting better and better. On weekdays, Zhao Chunmei is not used to Wang Li, so she just said that although Wang Li refused to accept and followed up, she accepted it, and she didn't really get angry with Zhao Chunmei. .

No matter who she learns from, Wang Li is not as annoying as before.

While talking, Zhu Lan and the others came back after lunch, and there were so many more people. Luo Ji didn’t eat, and seeing that the food Zhu Lan brought back was not enough, Zhang Guilan asked Luo Ji to take Song Weidong and the others. When eating, he ate what Zhu Lan brought back.

"We'll go back and stop eating." How could they still eat here when they were hospitalized.

"It's okay to be in a hurry, let's go together and have a drink too." Luo Ji patted him on the shoulder.

He said so, and Song Weidong didn't want to say more, Zhao Chunmei looked embarrassed, "We take this little egg, it's not enough for the meal, it's not for visiting patients, but for eating."

"If you think like that, you won't be able to see each other anymore." Zhang Guilan said with a smile, "Go, come here when you have time."

Sun Shubo went to send someone off, Zhang Laowu and Bai Song were left in the house, Zhu Lan finished the meal, Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry to eat, "Is sister-in-law okay?"

"You're the only one with a lot of thought." Zhu Lan smiled, pulled up a chair and sat down, "Eat first, I'm talking about it first."

"Just talk." Zhang Guilan knew she wouldn't talk if she didn't eat, so she ate slowly.

"I see something wrong with Xiaolan and the little mute these days." Zhu Lan paused, and said what he saw one by one, "These two are like a couple who are at odds together. Pretending to be okay in front of people, do you think something happened between them? Seeing these two people so awkward, I feel uncomfortable."

Zhang Guilan's eyes widened in shock, "Sister-in-law, you mean between them?"

"Who knows, I just hope I'm not thinking too much." Zhu Lan also looked powerless, "If you say that the two of them are good people, but if they are really together, I don't know what others will say. Now People can drown people with their saliva, maybe it’s because they were really together before, I’m not afraid of this, I’m afraid they won’t be able to bear it.”

"Dong Jianguo is also married now, and he married Su Miao back. Others won't say anything, but if it's really like what my sister-in-law said, the two seem to be at odds. If you want me to say that it must be Xiaolan who disagrees, little dumb Chasing after him, and Xiaolan is also interested in him, otherwise he would have left far away." The more Zhang Guilan thought about this possibility, she couldn't help laughing, "The little mute regards that child as his own, I think The two of them are quite suitable together. The little mute is rich now, and Xiaolan also has a share in our garment factory. Both of them earn a lot. The little mute has a disability, so find someone who is not familiar with normal people. , what would happen if his money was kidnapped? And it’s hard to find Xiaolan with a child. It’s fine if the two don’t know each other before. They’ve been together for so long. It’s not bad if they really have a good impression of each other. .”

Bai Song smiled, and said to Zhang Laowu, "Look, I told you, Guilan just has a different idea, and Zhu Lan still doesn't believe it."

Zhang Laowu nodded, "As Guilan said, if it's really those two children, they're really good."

Zhang Laowu thought it was impossible when he heard it before, but now after hearing his daughter's analysis, he thinks it makes sense.

Little Mute's clothes hangers are selling very well now. Although there are others who make them, but his craftsmanship is good, and he can make furniture, so now his family needs some money.

If you really want to find a woman for money, then it will be troublesome, and the money will be empty.

Zhu Lan smiled, and pointed to Zhang Guilan, "Look at your elder brother, he's just waiting to laugh at me here."

Seeing their husband and wife like this, Zhang Guilan almost spit out food from her mouth with a smile, "Then it depends on my sister-in-law's tutor, we outsiders can't control it."

Being teased by Zhang Guilan, Zhu Lan blushed.

Zhang Laowu also laughed out loud.

When Sun Shubo and Luo Ji came in, they saw everyone in the room laughing and wondered what was going on.

Zhu Lan blushed and complained, "Godmother, look at Guilan, she's bullying again."

"Okay, when you leave, the godmother will scold her."

Seeing her godmother laughing and joking, Zhu Lan blushed even more, "Godmother, you bully me with them."

It's okay not to say anything, when everyone in the room laughed, Sun Mei outside the door heard the laughter, turned around and left again.

(End of this chapter)

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