Chapter 321
After Sun Mei left the hospital, she was not in a hurry to go home. Instead, she called her family and said she had to work overtime. Mother Xu answered the phone, and when she heard that no one came back, she became upset again.

"Sun Mei, I'm not talking about you. You and Xu Hu have no children now, and you always work overtime and don't come home. When will you have children? Xu Hu didn't say much, because he was afraid that you would be under pressure, but I This mother-in-law has always understood you, right? I didn’t say anything before, but now all the people in this compound who got married later than you are pregnant. Can you say a few more words for me, a mother-in-law? You have never let you take care of the family affairs, that is, my mother-in-law cooks three meals. At most, you eat at home at night and let you clean up the table. I wash the clothes you change on weekdays. I just need to help you wash your underwear, my mother-in-law can't find anything wrong, can she?"

Zhou's mother paused, and tried her best to control her anger, "The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law say that they don't really want to get along with each other. I don't expect anything. I just hope that you can give birth to a child for the Zhou family. I don't even say a girl." What, I can only blame our Zhou family for not being so lucky, but you don’t give birth to anything now, you are not in a hurry, and you work overtime all day long. Do you regard yourself as the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family? Really for our Zhou family Have you ever thought about it? Sun Mei, you have been married for half a year or almost a year. I have never said hard work. Today, as a mother-in-law, I just play a temper. Whether you are angry or don’t care, I don’t know the hospital If there is anything in the hospital that can make you work overtime, if you are really busy, I will call your chief doctor, and I think he can understand the current situation of our Zhou family."

Without further ado, the other end hung up the phone with a snap.

Sun Mei's face turned blue, staring at the phone wishing she could throw the phone against the wall.

After calming down, Sun Mei didn't know what to do. She called home to say homework because she was going to see what Ruan Chizhong was looking for, and now she listened to her mother-in-law.I'm really afraid that my mother-in-law will call the dean, so I won't be exposed all of a sudden because I didn't work overtime?
If you didn't break up with Xu Hu during the day, you can also give him a call.Now there is no one who wants to find help, and it can't be dragged into the house. Now my father comes home every day, just to keep an eye on my mother and not mess with me.

Ruan Chizhong couldn't wait, there was no way to have both, so Sun Mei could only do it this way, after all, it was related to her own fate, as for the Zhou family, the worst would be a divorce.

After almost everyone left, Sun Mei tidied up.I left with my bag.

Sun Mei walked cautiously, turning her head to look back from time to time. After walking around the street twice and finding that no one was following her, she hurried all the way to the house she thought she was originally living in.

Ben didn't realize that there was a figure secretly following behind her.

Sun Mei went all the way to her old house, but she didn't rush in.Instead, he waited for a while to confirm that no one was paying attention, then took out the key, opened the door and walked in.

As soon as she entered, someone came out from the other side of the alley, walked slowly with a sneer on his face, stood at the gate and pushed it, only to find that the door was locked from the inside.Standing outside is not in a hurry, with hands crossed in front of his chest, waiting for someone to come out.

Inside the room, Ruan Chizhong was smoking a cigarette and watching TV, a pile of beer bottles were placed on the ground, and the room was full of smoky air.Ruan Chizhong was taken aback when he saw Sun Mei coming, then he laughed and got up from the sofa.

"Is everything okay outside?"

"Do you think it's okay? It's such a big deal. You've scammed so many people, and now the police are arresting you everywhere. At the beginning, I persuaded you not to mess around. You're really good. Why did you cause such a big trouble?" Come on, otherwise just follow what I said and finish Luo Ji's affairs, why would it be so troublesome? I will also give you a lot of money, seeing that money is open, you still want to leave it like this now?" Thinking of this Sun Mei Full of anger.

Now he is being relied on by Ruan Chizhong, and he can't get rid of him even if he wants to.

"Since it's all right, what are you doing here?" Ruan Chizhong didn't care.

Sun Mei was taken aback, "Didn't you ask me to come?"

"I dare not go out, why did I ask you to come? There is no phone here." Ruan Chizhong said halfway, the smile froze on his face.

The two looked at each other, and Sun Mei's face turned pale.

Ruan Chizhong also put away his foolishness and jumped off the sofa, "Who did you call?"

"It's not a phone call, it's a note." Sun Mei sat on the bed weakly and muttered, "It's over, it's over now."

Ruan Chizhong didn't send him a letter, so who sent him the letter without saying anything, Luo Ji's trap?
So they have been planning for a long time, just waiting to jump into the trap.

"Let's leave now." It's useless for Ruan Chizhong to get angry now, "Maybe they haven't arrived yet."

While packing his things with his head down, "You idiot, you don't have to think about it. I have been hiding and dare not go out. I even asked you to deliver the food. If someone really delivered the note for me, where would I be?" This is waiting for you to deliver food? Well now, I'm going to be caught and you're not going to be okay, you remember, so better be glad I didn't get caught, or I'll be the first to stab you out. You The 5 yuan that you gave me to frame Luo Ji is not your own, right? Who is helping you behind the scenes, just wait for the police to ask you."

"Are you threatening me?" Sun Mei wished she could kill Ruan Chizhong right now, "Remember me, since I dare to find you, I have a way to have nothing to do with you. Do you really think I Are you under your control? Ruan Chizhong, my grandson family is not something you can offend. If you don’t believe me, we can try it. When you are caught by the police, you will immediately spit me out, and then you will only die faster."

Ruan Chizhong's hand holding the money paused, and he was not as tough as before, "Sun Mei, it's not that I said harsh words, who do you blame for what happened today? Now that the matter has come to this point, we both have made it clear. If I was arrested, if you still think that I helped you, I will think of your kindness if the years of helping you are less, and naturally I will not stab you out. If you really throw your hands away and do nothing, Then don't blame me for being ruthless, it's a money transaction between the two of us, and we don't have much affection in terms of affection, right?"

Sooner or later, there will be a day when the face will be torn apart. At this point, Sun Mei also knows that it is best to speak clearly.

"Ruan Chizhong, since you want to talk today, let's cut the long story short. Now you know this situation. Unless you hide in the house for the rest of your life, you won't be able to hide there. If you are caught one day, maybe You can save the sentence, you can directly admit that you gave the cigarettes, but there is no money in it, so whether the Luo family has replaced the cigarettes you gave with the same box as other people's gifts, their sophistry is useless, so I can't convict you, it's the factory's business, if you listened to me, why did you hide like this, now it's only a fraud, so you can only blame yourself, As for the sentence, I can only do my best to help you."

What Sun Mei said was also clear, Ruan Chizhong would be arrested because he was greedy for money, otherwise this kind of thing would not have happened, both of them are not fools, so Ruan Chizhong understood it without saying too much.

Seeing that Ruan Chizhong didn't speak, Sun Mei stood up with a cold face, and the words were about the same, let's go first, you can find a place by yourself first, and call my mother's house at five o'clock in the evening the day after tomorrow, we are in contact.

Ruan Chizhong didn't make a sound, which was a tacit agreement.

Sun Mei went out of the house first. Hearing that there was no movement outside, she took out the key and opened the door. After seeing the people standing outside, Sun Mei's heart stopped beating for a moment.

"What a coincidence, I happened to come here. I saw you going back to the old house, so I came to take a look. It turned out that I was right, it really was you." Shang Hong blocked the doorway with a smile.

"Why are you here?" Sun Mei raised her voice.

After she yelled, Ruan Chizhong from the room naturally didn't come out.

"Why are you yelling so loudly? It's like you're afraid that others won't hear us, yes, there's no one in the room, right?" Shang Hong smiled, and that expression was obviously mocking Sun Mei.

Sun Mei knew that something was wrong after Shang Hong appeared there.

When listening to Shang Hong's words, there was faint sarcasm, and his heart sank again.

"You asked someone to give me that note?" Sun Mei asked through gritted teeth.

Shang Hong smiled more and more, "No, you are so smart that you guessed it."

After the story of beating her and defrauding her of marriage spread in the compound, Shang Hong stared at Sun Mei secretly every day, originally thinking of grabbing her some small trick to deal with her well, but she didn't expect to find out that Sun Mei and the Luo family had a relationship. The son-in-law would meet secretly. He was so excited that he paid more and more attention, but he never saw the son-in-law of the Luo family meeting Sun Mei again. Laughed.

She was thankful for her discovery. She never expected to discover Sun Mei's secret. She stared at Sun Mei more and more closely, but found that Sun Mei had never gone to other places except for commuting. I went to the old house of the Sun family, and asked around, and heard that Sun Mei had been back, so I guessed that Ruan Chizhong might be hiding here.

Of course, she was not in a hurry to call the police, otherwise it would be cheaper for Sun Mei, she wanted Sun Mei to listen to her, and she would do whatever she asked her to do, otherwise, how could she possibly relieve the hatred in her heart.

But before Sun Mei came, Shang Hong couldn't hold her breath anymore, so she wrote a note and got someone to give it to Sun Mei, just to trick her into coming, so that she could be caught, and it was useless to make Sun Mei try to argue. It's time for revenge.

 In the new article, if you want to read ancient ones, you still want to see this kind of rural ones.
(End of this chapter)

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