Chapter 349
Please enter the text and look at both of them like eggplants beaten by frost, this is the first day, just like this, the days to come will grow.

Mrs. Zhou decided to tell them carefully, "You can't do this, you have to divide the work, otherwise you can't sleep all night, and your body can't bear it. If you fall down, Guilan can't take care of the child by herself. You now I didn’t go to the forest area, so I can help take care of it when I get to work. I don’t think it’s possible to hire a nanny. Your mother is too old and can’t afford to be alone. Take a good rest. Just ask for a year, and when the child can go, you can take care of yourself, so it's easy to take care of."

"A babysitter?" Sun Shubo came from the countryside, but he had never thought of this before.

In rural areas, some families have four or five children, one is one year older than the other, and they have never heard of hiring a nanny. This is only two children, so they need to hire a nanny. Will people say anything?
What Luo Ji thought about was not what people said, but he felt that this was a good way. After all, he was not at home all the time, and his mother-in-law was also old. It would be easier for the wife to find someone to help look after the children.

"I think it's okay, but it's hard to find a nanny now, isn't it?" I want to find someone who can take care of the children, and it's best to stay at home at night.

"Yes, can it be like taking care of your own children?" Sun Shubo was worried about this.

"Don't worry about this, leave it to me, I'll look for it, I know some old friends, and I have hired a nanny at home, this matter is easy to handle, you can rest assured, I am here to take care of the children, if we are not careful, we can't use it " Mrs. Zhou took the matter over.

"Then thank godmother." Luo Ji thanked first.

The old lady Zhou smiled, "It's nothing serious, I'm just looking for someone, and you should pay for it yourself."

Sun Shubo also laughed, but he was relieved to hear that he was looking for a nanny. After all, there are two boys now, and children are important.

After Zhang Guilan woke up.He was also very happy when he heard that he was going to hire a nanny, "I think this will work."

Luo Ji laughed, and heard his daughter-in-law speak again. "Didn't you say that Song Zidong and the others were here last night? The hotel will make arrangements first, and the family members have to go. You go first, take a look and make arrangements. My mother and godmother are here. I guess my sister-in-law will be there later." They still have to come."

"Yes, Lao Ji, go and have a look, you can't let Fu Guo be alone." Sun Shubo also thinks this is the reason.

"Okay, I'll go there now." Luo Ji took the coat.Wearing it on her body, she said, "If there is anything wrong, send someone to find me at the hotel in front of my house, which is the one where Fu Guo held the banquet for his wedding."

"Go quickly. With these people, you can't help coaxing the children." After being told by Mrs. Zhou, Luo Ji blushed and left.

After the people had left, Mrs. Zhou sat by the bed and talked to Zhang Guilan, "She looks cold and doesn't care about others, but she only has you in her heart. It's not bad."

Zhang Guilan smiled.

Sun Shubo poured the trotter soup brought by Mrs. Zhou into a bowl, took a spoon to feed her daughter, and talked to Mrs. Zhou, "The ones delivered last night were cold, and Lao Ji and I drank them. You gave them again this morning. Come on. Get up before dawn, right?"

"This soup is easy to make, just put it in the pot and simmer slowly, don't worry about it." Mrs. Zhou said vaguely.

Sun Shubo was still quite embarrassed, but Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Godmother is just practicing. I will give it to Xiaoyue in a few months."

"No, let's practice with you first." Mrs. Zhou also smiled.

The atmosphere became more relaxed.

Sun Shubo was so polite before he left, so he chose the person who got it.

Especially Mrs. Zhou is still Zhang Guilan's godmother.

Zhang Guilan knew that her mother had no other intentions, she just felt sorry for bothering her, but she was too polite to push her away.

Sun Shubo knew he shouldn't be like this, but after staying in the countryside all his life, he had never taken advantage of others like this.

After drinking a bowl of soup, Zhang Guilan felt that she had finally come back to life. Sun Shubo and Mrs. Zhou carried a child each, and showed her in front of her. Looking at the two sleeping eyes, the whole heart melted into a puddle. Water, eye circles are also red.

In her previous life, she died alone, but in this life she has two sons. God treats her well.

"This child..." Sun Shubo saw her daughter's eyes were red and her nose was sore.

The old lady Zhou smiled and said, "After I gave birth to Fu Guo, at the beginning, I cried when I saw the child. Hey, so this woman is made of water."

Zhang Guilan smiled.

Sun Shubo also laughed. At this time, the sleeping child opened his eyes, staring at the small round eyes, and muttering in his small mouth as if he was looking for something to eat. Zhang Guilan liked it more and more. .

But some people don't want Zhang Guilan to be in a good mood. Guo Ying walked in without knocking on the door, walking towards the bed with a cold air all over her body, "I heard that Guilan gave birth to twins, I'll come over right away gone."

No embarrassment at all.

Like nothing happened.

Before she got close, the old lady Zhou shouted sharply, "Stand still, the cold air in your body is unbearable for a young child, Guilan is confinement again, you have given birth to a child, no Don't you understand this?"

The smile on Guo Ying's face froze, and he cursed secretly for being nosy, and finally stood there, "Look at me, I'm so happy, I've forgotten about it. Are the children all right? Have you got a name yet? Yo, these twins need to set up a few tables."

If it wasn't for repairing, she wouldn't let the other party go.

Guo Ying didn't like that Mrs. Zhou stopped her just now, and tried her best to poke her head forward, trying to see the child.

"The name hasn't been taken yet, but the table is set up today. In the hotel, doesn't my mother-in-law know?" Mrs. Zhou had an idea, "The old man of the Luo family is also entertaining guests there. It stands to reason that Guilan's mother should also go. Just here to take care of the children, it's hard to get through. This banquet is not easy to handle without a hostess."

Sun Shubo didn't understand what Mrs. Zhou was talking about before, but now she understands, she also answered, "No, I don't know what the men are doing there."

The two sang together and deceived Guo Ying, especially Guo Ying who still loves money.

Seeing Guo Ying's eyes rolling wildly, Mrs. Zhou and Sun Shubo were not in a hurry.

When Guo Ying heard that there was a banquet over there, his heart was moved.Then I heard that there are fewer women Zhang Luo over there, and I feel that it is a good thing, no matter what, I can always get benefits, gift money from other people's homes.

Do some calculations.Guo Yingcai exclaimed, "That's right, there are too many things at the banquet, men don't understand this, why don't I go over and help."

"This..." Sun Shubo looked embarrassed.

Guo Yingsheng was afraid that he would not be allowed to pass by, so he immediately took the lead, "It's all right, where did you put it? You can't let their men show up there."

"There's a hotel in front of the compound, don't you know?" Mrs. Zhou told her 'kindly'.

"I know, then I'll go there now." Even the grandson didn't look at it.Guo Ying left without being chased away.

As soon as the people left, Sun Shubo's face darkened, "How can there be such a mother-in-law who doesn't want money when she sees it."

If it was not beneficial, Guo Ying would not be so easy to dismiss.

Zhang Guilan laughed. "Being able to solve it with money is better than not being able to solve it."

Besides, Guo Ying has gone, and her father-in-law and Lao Ji are there. As for how to deal with her, then they don't care.

Mrs. Zhou and Sun Shubo thought the same way.

Instead of being noisy here in the hospital, it's better to send them over there, because it's not in front of their eyes anyway.

Today is the first day.Zhang Guilan began to breastfeed herself, from sweating profusely to getting used to it slowly, and Zhang Guilan could keep up with the food after pregnancy, so the milk was very good, and both children could eat enough.But keep them separate.

On the other side of the hotel, Zhou Fuguo booked two tables, and people from the Song family and Wang family were also helping in the hotel. Today, all the people from Luo Jilin District were invited, so Guo Ying would be the first to arrive.

The old man Luo saw the person.The first one rushed over, pulled the person and walked out, "What are you doing here? How did you find this place?"

Guo Ying broke free twice, but he didn't shake old Luo's hand. He could only let him pull her out, and said dissatisfiedly, "My son is holding a banquet, can I not come? What can you guys do? It's what women do."

When Luo Yongzhi heard this, the veins on his forehead twitched, but he didn't let go of his hands for a moment, "Nonsense, today I'm inviting people from Lao Jilin District, and it's not just for a hundred days. What are you doing here? Besides, you and I haven't remarried yet, so if you come here now, you won't be afraid of embarrassment. Do you want to make trouble so that everyone knows what you look like? Let me tell you, Laoji may not be able to stay in the forest area anymore, you Do you have to make Laoji change his job to be happy? Let me tell you, the money is also given to you, so you go back immediately. "

"If I don't go back, why can't I take care of my son's affairs?" Guo Yingcai would not be frightened.

So what if the son is not a man?Anyway, I have to spend my own money.

"Okay, then let me tell you something, if you dare to continue to make trouble, I will kill you first even if I go to prison myself, so as to save you from hurting my son."

Luo Yongzhi's eyes flashed fiercely, and Guo Ying was so frightened that he dared not move.

"I originally wanted to remarry you, but I was afraid that you would talk about my son. Now it seems that you and Ben don't care about anything. If you still want to have food in the future, and a place to live when you get old, then give me a little peace of mind." .” The old man Luo also reached his limit.

Guo Ying pouted, "I'll go back when I go back, but I have to come to the grandson's banquet for a hundred days, and no one can stop me."

After leaving the words, Guo Ying left.

Old man Luo gritted his teeth resentfully, and in a few days it will be the end of the month, and he will take her back after the court session, and see what else she can do.

Luo Ji, who received the letter, also came out. Seeing his mother leaving, he asked in a low voice, "Mom is gone?"

"Can the case go to trial at the end of the month? After the trial, I'll take your mother and your sister back. You take good care of the children and Guilan in the city, and live a good life. You don't have to worry about your family. Come back to see when you have time during the New Year. You don’t need to come back when you’re free.” Old man Luo dropped his words and entered the room.

Luo Ji had no choice but to follow him to the hotel.

 I feel like I’m done writing a few chapters. Is it irresponsible?There is no ending, nothing is explained, but let me finish, hehe, readers have seen what it is like to write an article, and it is enough.

(End of this chapter)

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