Chapter 350 Revenge
Besides, after being returned to the hotel by Guo Ying, he looked unhappy.

Luo Haiying was lying on the bed, seeing her mother's unhappy face, she mocked, "I didn't get any money today? Or did you fight with someone again?"

After the fight that day, Guo Ying went back to the hotel directly, and she didn't learn from her daughter who to fight with. If Guo Ying was stupid, she also had her own narrow-mindedness.

Today, when he was threatened by the old man Luo and provoked by his daughter when he returned home, Guo Ying couldn't help telling the truth, "Fight? You don't know who I fought with that day? It was Chen You. He even pestered your elder brother and said he wanted to find you." , I admit my mistake to you. I don’t think he has any good intentions. Your elder brother punched him and left. If he continued to pester him, I scratched him. If I saw him again, I would still scratch him , let’s see if he dares to come.”

Luo Haiying was silent, she didn't jump up like Guo Ying imagined, and she didn't say a word, as if she was listening to someone else's story, it had nothing to do with her.

But there was a coldness in his heart, that damned man still had the face to come to him, did he think that he could reconcile with him because he heard that something happened to him now?It's a pity that after the incident with Ruan Chizhong, Luo Haiying gave up on men, not to mention hating men all over the world.

But thinking about what Chen You has done, it is not impossible to take revenge on him if he takes the opportunity.

Seeing her daughter's silence, Guo Ying broke out, "I'm telling you, don't try to reconcile with Chen You, the kind of man who slaps you once, will slap you a second time, if you really dare to go to him again, Just don't go back to this house."

"Home? Is this still home? It's only you who believe that I'm arranged in a hotel every day." Luo Haiying sneered.

Guo Ying blushed, "What do you know? Your father and I haven't remarried yet. Your elder brother hates me and Tong Laosan again, so of course he won't forgive me now, it will be fine after a while. I am Damn, how dare he deny me? It's you. He has found three men in a row, and he has to rely on his parents when he gets old. Hmph, I'm still here every day as if everyone owes you. If I say you should put the money away Here I am. It’s nice to say it after all, you gave your parents money, but you didn’t eat and live for nothing.”

He didn't even give up.

Luo Haiying sat up, "Mom, how did you become like this? Are you willing to let you marry another person for money? Can you still sell me for money? If this is the case, what kind of son do you want? Just ask for some money I can live with my money."

"You don't need to talk about my affairs, just take care of yourself."

The mother and daughter broke up after talking.

Luo Haiying went out straight away. It was the first time she went out these days when she stayed at the hotel, and Guo Ying bought her meals on weekdays.

Go down the street.Luo Haiying looked up and saw someone looking at her from a distance, after seeing who it was, she raised the corners of her lips coldly and ran towards that person, which surprised Chen You for a moment.Previously, he was thinking that Luo Haiying would hide from him with hatred when he saw him, but now he came straight to him, and he couldn't help but feel complacent. Sure enough, Luo Haiying would never forget herself no matter what time it was.

After recovering from the injury for a few days, the bruises on Chen You's face also subsided.When Luo Haiying didn't arrive in front of her, she tugged at her clothes and greeted her with a smile.

"It's really you." Luo Haiying greeted as if meeting an old friend.

"Yeah, are you okay?" Chen You also raised his airs.

Seeing his appearance, Luo Haiying knew what he was thinking.

"Are you waiting here?" Luo Haiying asked him.

"No, just take a casual stroll." Chen You made an excuse with a guilty conscience.It was completely different from what I had thought before.

After Chen You was beaten by Guo Ying, he went home angry for two days, and went to work with his injuries, making people laugh a lot, he was not reconciled.Thinking that Guo Ying and Luo Haiying were together, they would go to the compound to guard as soon as they got off work, this time they shifted their target and followed Guo Ying directly, and today they saw Guo Ying walking away in a huff at the compound, so they followed all the way When he came, he saw Guo Ying entering the hotel.

I have been thinking about when Luo Haiying will come out, but unexpectedly, I saw someone come out, even God helped him, and I was preparing to review the words I had thought up before, so that I could trick Luo Haiying into believing in me, and then took it to Sun Mei Then go, and finally humiliate the person severely, then everything will be resolved.

Now that I don't need to follow Ben, Luo Haiying came directly in front of me.

She thought about holding on to her airs, otherwise Luo Haiying didn't know how to be proud of herself.

Chen You thought that the situation was under control, but he didn't want the situation to turn around suddenly.

"Really? I heard from my mother that you came to see me and wanted to admit your mistake. My elder brother refused to let you see, and you have been pestering me all the time. Now it seems that what my mother said is false. I came here to confirm For a moment, since it's not, then I'll leave first." Luo Haiying smiled, turned and left.

Seeing that the person was about to leave, Chen You was in a hurry.

"Wait." At this moment, Chen You didn't care about face anymore, and went forward to stop Luo Haiying, "Haiying, I've been looking for you, and I want to admit my mistake to you. I was the one who wronged me before, and I hope you can forgive me." I."

Chen You's words are very clever, directly avoiding "give me a chance".

He hid his mind, and when Luo Haiying questioned himself, he could also deny that he had not made any promises.

Luo Haiying is not a fool either, seeing that Chen You came to find her, and she didn't come to get along with Ben, so Luo Haiying couldn't figure out what the purpose was.

"I have never hated you. Everyone has their own happiness. If you want to admit your mistakes, then I forgive you." Luo Haiying suppressed the disgust in her heart, "If you had told me the truth earlier, before Sun Mei married If we broke up, then you and her would have a chance, but you only separated from me after Sun Mei got married, and that would be too late. Fortunately, Sun Mei is about to be single now, so you can be together again .”

Chen You had no idea that Luo Haiying would know the inside story, and now hearing what she said, everyone was stupid.

"There will be no chance to see you again in the future. Let me wish you happiness here first." Luo Haiying ignored Chen You, and when she turned to walk away, her heart was filled with coldness.

"Haiying, don't go, I have something to say." Chen You stopped her.

Luo Haiying looked back at him, "Do you have anything else to do?"

"Long time no see, let's go for a walk together." Chen Youqiang found an excuse.

He also calculated whether Sun Mei would be at home at this time.

Luo Haiying raised her eyebrows, "I still have something to do, so I won't leave."

"Let's go, I still have something to tell you." Chen You didn't know what reason to find for Luo Haiying to go with him.

"Then tell me, you can do it here."

"Let's go." Chen You lowered his head and pleaded, "Can't we even be friends?"

"Chen You, is there something wrong with you? Just tell me." Luo Haiying was deceived once by Ruan Chizhong, and she will not be fooled lightly again. "You know what happened to the two of us back then. I think you can understand it too. You dumped me because of Sun Mei's words. You forgot that the money I spent when I came out of the village was mine. After I arrived in the city, I paid for food and lodging. In the end, Sun Mei said that you don’t want me. Now that you’ve turned around, you’ve come back and told me to be friends. Do you think we can still be friends? I just came here to chat with you, but I just wanted to see what your purpose is? Sure enough? As shameless as before, I will also give you a piece of advice, Sun Mei will never fall in love with you, even if she divorces, she will not look for you, so you will die."

Looking at Chen You's green and red face, Luo Haiying knew that she was right, "Chen You, you are so pitiful. Let me advise you, I still want to stay in this city safely and stay away from Sun Mei. It's not her opponent, she was played to death, and she doesn't even know."

Then he smiled, "But I'd love to see what happens to you."

Not looking at Chen You anymore, Luo Haiying turned around and walked back in a good mood.

No matter what Chen You's purpose was, where he lied to him, he didn't fall for him, but he didn't like him, and he said everything he wanted to say, which can be regarded as the relief of the hatred in his heart.

But this matter is probably related to Sun Mei, otherwise why did Chen You's face turn so ugly when it was mentioned that he could not be with Sun Mei?
Thinking of this, Luo Haiying bit her lips fiercely, Chen You, Chen You, you really think of me, Luo Haiying, as a fool, if you want to use it, you can use it, your calculation is wrong.

Seeing Luo Haiying who left after hurting herself, Chen You chased after her cheekily, "Luo Haiying, since you said that, let's make it clear before we leave."

"Don't touch me." Luo Haiying shook off his hand, "Chen You, what else can we not understand? Don't be too close, show some face. I don't care what your idea is, don't use it on me body, don’t forget, I still have my elder brother.”

Speaking of Luo Ji, Chen You hesitated.

At this moment of his hesitation, Luo Haiying got rid of him and left.

Back at the hotel, Luo Haiying snorted when she saw Chen You who was still standing stupidly on the street, a dog can't change eating shit, why didn't she see through his disgusting side at the beginning.

Chen You couldn't deal with Luo Haiying, so he could only go home bitterly, the house was in a mess, and seeing that the day to pay the rent was coming again, the money in his pocket was paid for the rent, and he would not be able to eat enough to eat with his children. If you have a house, the money you save must be enough to eat.

The matter of the house reminded him of Sun Mei, and of Sun Mei's house. It was so big and she lived alone. It would be great if she could move in by herself, but if she wanted Sun Mei to accept her, she had to do something. She saw her sincerity.

Luo Ji didn't dare to offend her, Luo Haiying refused to give in, and Chen You stomped back and forth in the room irritably.

In the Sun's mansion, Sun Mei was throwing things and throwing her clothes all over the floor. Damn it, Zhang Guilan gave birth to two sons, why not a daughter?Where is she going?God help her like this.

(End of this chapter)

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