Chapter 351
Xu Feng was arrested, and Sun Mei only went in twice to see it, and never went there again. After all, Xu Feng's case involved many people, and the investigation could not be completed in a short while.

Sun Hai's application to change jobs was not approved, and he didn't have to go into the forest area. He just stayed with Sun Le. The Sun family's house in the compound was moved in by new people, but it seemed like a few months had passed. Ten years are normal, things and people are different.

Sun Mei stayed in the old house every day and didn't go out except to buy food, otherwise she didn't go out with Ben. She was also fired from the hospital, and she wasn't even asked to go for the final handover.

Especially after hearing that Zhang Guilan gave birth to twin boys, Sun Mei lost her appetite all day long, and she even vomited in the afternoon. She didn't care about it at first, but her whole body was weak. When she thought she was going to die At that time, when I was alone in this old house, there was a knock on the door.

The strong desire to live made her use all her strength to open the door, and after she saw the person in front of her, she fainted as soon as her eyes darkened.

Xu Hu caught the fainted Sun Mei and frowned. Today he came here to tell her to sign the divorce tomorrow, but now she has fainted. Without much hesitation, he carried her directly into the car and went to the hospital.

The two came to the forest district hospital, which is the hospital where Zhang Guilan lived.

The nurse was quite surprised when she saw that the person who sent her was Sun Mei, so she sent the person to the emergency room first, took blood and performed laboratory tests, and consulted some Xu Hu, how did Xu Hu know, he only said that he People fainted when they saw people.

The blood test report came out, and Sun Mei was pregnant for nearly three months.

Xu Hu listened for a long time before he came to his senses, "Pregnant?"

"Yes, it's been nearly three months, congratulations." The little nurse congratulated.

Xu Hu nodded in a daze, and when Sun Mei was sent to the ward, he stepped out.Standing alone in the courtyard and smoking fiercely, Sun Mei's pregnancy was an accident, if the superior had approved it earlier, the marriage would have been divorced long ago.But now suddenly there is an extra child.

This gave Xu Hu a headache.

When Luo Ji entered the hospital from the outside, he happened to see Xu Hu smoking a cigarette with a sad face, and he was shocked, "Is someone sick at home?"

Looking at Luo Ji, thinking about himself, Xu Hu only felt that his mouth weighed a thousand catties, and he couldn't open it no matter what.

Seeing his distressed expression, Luo Ji also became serious, "If something happens at home, you can speak up, and you can use it if you can."

Luo Ji only thought that the old man in the family was sick.I don't know how to comfort.

Xu Hu smiled bitterly, "It's okay, I don't have time to go to the banquet at my house today, here is 100 yuan, you take it."

"Today is full of excitement. You haven't done it for a hundred days, so you are in a hurry to give gifts." Luo Ji pushed back, "Forget it, I am very happy if I have this heart."

"Are you afraid that I will report you for taking bribes? Take it quickly, or you will be polite to me." Thinking about the child in Sun Mei's womb, Xu Hu didn't know how long the relationship with Luo Ji could last.

"If you talk about it for this sake, I'll accept it. Let's have a drink in a hundred days' time." Luo Ji finally accepted it.

Xu Hu smiled and nodded, "Okay, I must go. You go quickly, I will stay outside for a while."

"Okay, we'll talk when we have time." Luo Ji nodded.advanced.

The smile on Xu Hu's face faded away when there were no more people in sight. With a sad look on his face, he thought for a while and called home, and it was Mrs. Xu who answered the phone.I was shocked to see my son calling me, and asked if something happened?
Seeing that it was getting dark and it was time to go home, it was no wonder that Mrs. Xu was thinking too much when she called at this time.

"Sun Mei is pregnant for three months." Xu Hu had no idea at all.

In the past, the family was looking forward to having a child every day, and this expectation lasted for a year, until something happened, the two were about to divorce, and she was pregnant, how could this not make people worry.

"What?" Li Yun also exclaimed, "Can you confirm that it is three months and not one month?"

"It's been three months. I've had a blood test and a B-ultrasound." Xu Hu smiled wryly when he heard his mother's words, "Mom, what should I do?"

"Our family can't have Sun Mei, but the baby will give our family a headache when it's born, but it's been three months since we don't want this child. That's a crime." What Li Yun said, Xu Hu thought exactly like this Yes, otherwise I wouldn't worry about it.

That's a life, and it's been three months.

"A woman like Sun Mei is not worthy of being a mother, or she should not get pregnant. If she is pregnant, she must be responsible for the child. She has put herself in this situation. What should I do now?" Li Yun couldn't help but cursed on the other end of the phone. , then remembered to ask, "How did you know? She told you?"

"I'm going to tell her about the divorce tomorrow. She fainted as soon as she opened the door, and now she's lying down in the hospital." Xu Hu didn't hide it, "Mom, my idea is to see what Sun Mei thinks. If she wants to If she wants this child, our family will pay for it, if she doesn’t want it, our family will, and when the child is born, bring it to our family, after all, it’s a life.”

"Okay, son, mother is very relieved when you say that. Our Xu family can't be cruel people, so you tell Sun Mei this. If she insists on not having this child, just ask her how much she wants. We The family will buy this child with money." Li Yun was worried that if he had this child, it would be difficult for his son to marry a wife.

Li Yun also supported his son at this time.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Hu felt relieved and strode back to the ward.

Seeing that Sun Mei woke up, Xu Hu walked over and sat down beside the bed, "Are you still feeling uncomfortable?"

Sun Mei was taken aback by Xu Hu's attitude, then shook her head and did not speak.

"Sun Mei, there is something we need to talk about." Xu Hu looked at her seriously, "You are pregnant, three months, and now I want to ask you what you plan to do with this child?"

"Three months?" Sun Mei rubbed her stomach with disbelief on her face, then smiled, from the bottom of her heart, "I never thought there was a life here."

The Xu family has been chasing after a child, and Sun Mei's menstruation began to be abnormal, sometimes for two months, sometimes for a month, so she didn't take it seriously, just like now, she didn't expect it to happen.

"Do you need time to think about it?" Xu Hu scrambled to find her.

Sun Mei shook her head, "I want to stay with the child, it has nothing to do with your Xu family."

Seeing that she didn't say that she would abort the child, Xu Hu gave her a high look.

With so many things happening, she has a conscience and knows that this is a life.

"That's what I think, you can listen to it." Xu Hu paused before continuing, "If you want a child, our family will not ignore it and pay you child support. After all, this is also a child of the Xu family. .If you don’t raise it, our Xu family will raise it.”

Sun Mei raised the corners of her lips coldly, "Yes, this is a child of your Xu family."

In the end, Xu Hu's words made Sun Mei lose her mind. She thought that with this child, the Xu family would pick her up. Now it seems that the Xu family is not in a hurry to have a child, and has even thought of a solution.

That being the case, there is no need for me to pretend to be noble, the Xu family is what I want.

"Then you have a good rest first, I'll go buy you food." Xu Hu stood up, confessed and left.

The ward was empty. Sun Mei got out of the bed and went out to the outside of another ward. The door was closed tightly. She couldn't see the scene inside, but she could hear the laughter inside. Such laughter I have owned it before, but now it will never belong to me.

After leaning against the wall and listening for a while, Sun Mei turned back to her ward, touched her stomach, why didn't she find out that she was pregnant earlier?If something happened to the Sun family, how could the Xu family ignore it?
Although it's late, it's the right time, no matter what, the Xu family is constantly talking.

An hour later, Xu Hu came back with a meal. There was braised pork, rice, and a plate of vegetarian dishes. He hadn't eaten such a meal for too many days. Sun Mei could fill it with the first few mouthfuls, and finally ate it in small bites. , Xu Hu couldn't bear to watch, and turned his head.

After eating two dishes and a box of lunch, Sun Mei wiped her tears away, and finally threw the lunch box on the ground angrily, with a look of hatred on her face, how could she do this to her broken self?

Xu Hu's face was gloomy, and her previous sympathy was also annoyed by her actions, "Why are you crazy? Where did the lunch box offend you? Forget it, you can think about it yourself."

He bent down to pick up the lunch box on the ground, Xu Hu left without looking back.

Sun Mei covered her face and began to cry. She couldn't forget the nurses pointing at her not far away in the corridor outside. The once pride has now become a mouse crossing the street.

After crying enough, Sun Mei lay powerlessly on the bed. There was no one in the cold room. Thinking of the laughter in Zhang Guilan's ward, Sun Mei lost all sleepiness, walked out of the ward again, and walked to Zhang Guilan unconsciously. outside of the ward.

This time, the door of the ward was open, and Zhang Guilan could be seen holding the child through the gap, and Luo Ji looked at it with a face of joy, happiness piercing the eye, Sun Mei clenched her lips, originally she could be so happy, but They were all ruined by Zhang Guilan.

Zhang Guilan was breastfeeding her baby when she suddenly got a wit and looked up abruptly, and met Sun Mei's eyes through the crack of the door. The light in the corridor was very dim, so she couldn't see the expression on Sun Mei's face clearly, she could only recognize her. It was her.

Zhang Guilan looked at her coldly, didn't let go of her gaze, thinking that Sun Mei would go away again, but she was wrong, Sun Mei pushed open the door and walked in, so confident.

"Congratulations, twins are born." Sun Mei said as she walked, and she had already reached the bedside.

Luo Ji tensed up, as if threatened, he stopped in front, "What are you here for?"

"It happened to be hospitalized, so I stopped by to have a look." Sun Mei ignored her unpopularity, "I'm also pregnant, three months old, and I'm going to be a mother soon, and now I like the baby when I see it."

 One update today, there is something to do, five updates tomorrow, make it up.

(End of this chapter)

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