352 show off
This is showing off?

Hearing what Sun Mei said, Zhang Guilan could only feel that she was showing off her pregnancy to Sun Mei, or that she couldn't be defeated?No matter what happens, she will stand here and show off to herself?
It's really childish.

Luo Ji stopped in front, making it impossible for Sun Mei to get any closer, "Sun Mei, it's your own business that you're pregnant. We Ming people don't talk dark words. I also said that we will return from the bridge to the bridge and return to the road in the future." , walk on both sides of the main road, and don’t have any intersections. You came here again today, I don’t know what is the purpose?”

To put it bluntly, an ordinary woman would have already run away.

Sun Mei's face turned pale, and her smile was cold, "Luo Ji, isn't it too humane for you to say that? Your family is blessed with a son, and I came here to congratulate you. I don't know what's wrong with this? People say that you are an enemy. It's easy to solve but not easy to tie. It's quite interesting that you're still thinking about making enemies. If that's the case, then I'm wrong today, and I will remember what you said, and I will never forget it in the future."

Obviously he has no face again and again, but now he pretends to be very ambitious.

Zhang Guilan really didn't like Sun Mei's behavior. When things happened like this, the family was disturbed by Sun Mei. Even when Luo Ji was reported to the family, Zhang Guilan suspected that it was Sun Mei's fault.

"Sun Mei, the three of us are here today, so let's talk about it. I know you like Lao Ji, but Lao Ji has married me, and you still want to be with him when you know he has a family. , This is your fault. Not only did you fail to realize your fault, but you tried every means to fight for it. It’s okay if he doesn’t admit it, but we got 5 yuan for no reason, don’t you think? It’s considered an advantage. I used to think that everything was for everyone’s face. If you can’t say it directly, don’t say it. It’s okay to be transparent, so that everyone will not feel embarrassed, but now I find that I was wrong.” Zhang Guilan pushed Luo Ji who was in front of him.His eyes were sharp, his voice was not loud, but he carried an energy that could not be underestimated, "You have become like this now, if I want to deal with you, I only need to spend a few dollars to take advantage of you, and you can't catch me!" People, you can only suffer from this dumbness. I don't believe that a woman can get a few men. If you run away, you can't catch them without evidence. What can you do? I didn't do that, but it doesn't mean I can't do that , I have a factory now, it’s not wrong. It’s still easy to find a few people to do this kind of thing, what do you think?”

"Zhang Guilan, do you think I'm scared when you say that?" Sun Mei sneered, but shuddered, and glanced at Luo Ji, "See? This is the kind-hearted woman you've always thought of. Look at her now." Have you seen her true face? I like you. I fell in love with you at the commendation meeting. At that time, I knew that your family was engaged. I broke the engagement and married my colleague’s younger sister, an illiterate and unmarried rural woman. At that time, my heart moved again. I don’t want such an excellent you to spend a lifetime with such a woman, I miss you You will always see my goodness. It's a pity that my skills are not as good as others, Zhang Guilan hides deeply, and I know that I am not her opponent."

"If this is the case, what are you now? Friends? The moment you contacted outsiders to harm me, Luo Ji, you are no longer friends." Luo Ji stared at her, "Guilan is bad, I like it too, she is my wife , I am Luo Ji's woman."

Zhang Guilan smiled into crescents, "Sun Mei, did you hear me clearly? Don't look for shame. I'm a poisonous woman, and I'm the only one in his eyes, and he will never have you."

All the grudges in her previous life were avenged at this moment, and Zhang Guilan felt that God was open, otherwise how could Sun Mei be reduced to such a state in this life?
"I haven't finished my words yet." Sun Mei said indifferently, "I didn't realize until later that I was blind, and you, Luo Ji, are nothing more than that. So you don't have to be complacent, I just want to see you How good can life with Zhang Guilan be?"

Apart from speaking harshly, Sun Mei didn't know how to maintain her self-esteem.

After leaving the ward, looking at the empty corridor, Sun Mei didn't know how to get back to the ward, she threw herself on the bed and didn't get up again.

On the other side, Luo Ji had a dark face, "Why is there such a shameless woman."

"Forget it, I picked up all the talk today. I don't think she still likes you now, but she is a little bit ashamed and wants to take revenge. She just doesn't want to be reconciled." Zhang Guilan understands this feeling, just like she was not reconciled in her previous life. But Sun Mei is different from herself, and Zhang Guilan can't take it lightly, "The more extreme people are, the more extreme things they do. Be careful for a while. I'll be in the hospital for a few days. I can go home in a few days, ask the doctor if we can leave the hospital earlier?"

"You haven't had your stitches removed yet, so how can you be discharged from the hospital." Luo Ji scolded, "You don't have to think about anything, just take a good rest. I'm the one to do other things. What can I think she can do?"

Sun Shubo was driven home by Zhang Guilan to rest. Now she has enough milk, and when the baby wakes up at night, Luo Ji just needs to hug her and change diapers. Said that in this way, someone can have a good rest and take care of him during the day, Sun Shubo agreed after hearing this.

At present, the nanny has not been found. In order not to tear everyone's bodies down, there is only one way.

After feeding the two children, Zhang Guilan rested, still worried, "Be more energetic at night, don't Sun Mei do anything to the children."

After thinking for a while, he smiled, "Are you afraid of what I said to Sun Mei just now? Do you think I'm bad?"

Luo Ji was tucking the quilt up for the child without raising his head, "Didn't you say that I like poisonous women too?"

Zhang Guilan sneered, "It's hard to be a poisonous woman, so I'll be a shrew in the future."

The corner of Luo Ji's mouth twitched, "It's late, go to sleep, you have to get up to feed in the middle of the night, you will suffer."

After finishing the two children, Luo Ji looked up and found that his wife had fallen asleep. He smiled softly, went to the door and closed the door, and lay down on the bed near the door. The moonlight shone in through the window, and he could faintly see the baby on the crib. Sleeping little eyes, Luo Ji's heart has never been at ease like this moment.

The child only woke up once at night, and Zhang Guilan fed her milk and fell asleep with Luo Ji's help in a daze, until dawn, when she woke up in the morning.Sun Shubo and his wife came with breakfast.

Nothing happened all night, and Zhang Guilan also breathed a sigh of relief, laughing secretly that she was too nervous, and Luo Ji was there.How dare Sun Mei act recklessly.

On the other side, Sun Mei went through the discharge procedures, and Xu Hu sent her back to the old house of Yi Sun's family, while telling her about going to sign, Sun Mei smiled, "Then go and sign now, and I will also sign after signing." Go back and rest, by the way, you will also get the nutrition expenses, right?"

Xu Hu was stunned for a moment, not understanding what nutrition fee meant.

"I have to eat well when I'm pregnant. This way the baby will be healthy, don't you understand?"

Xu Hu turned cold and ignored the sarcasm on her face, "I really don't understand, but now I understand. Don't worry. Our Xu family will take all of these."

The two went directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau. Seeing that Xu Hu took all the certificates and materials with him, Sun Mei had a faint smile on her face from the beginning to the end. She was clearly here for a divorce. She still smiled like this, and let the staff look at her They were all quite surprised.

Back at Sun's old house, Xu Hu took out 50 yuan from his pocket. "It's a nutrition fee."

Sun Mei took it generously, "That's right, quite generous, the Xu family really has a conscience."

"Sun Mei, I don't owe you anything, and you don't have to say these sarcastic remarks to me. You are the one who caused the two of us to come to this day. You can think about it when you are free. How can I, Xu Hu, be sorry? You live." Xu Hu couldn't bear it anymore, "If you stab everyone like this, you will only blame others. You will never be happy in your life. For the sake of your children, I advise you to think about it."

If she saves some money, it will be enough for the mother and daughter to pay for the nutrition expenses for the child herself, and the money for raising the child in the future. A smart woman will naturally understand, but Sun Mei acts like she is paying back what everyone owes her. , Xu Hu was angry in his heart.

At the beginning, I was really blind to fall in love with such a narrow-minded woman.

Xu Hu left angrily.

Seeing the person walk away, the smile on Sun Mei's face receded and turned cloudy.

Especially looking at Chen You who came out from the corner, I couldn't be happier. Before closing the door, Chen You stretched out his hand to block the door, "Sun Mei, it's me."

"What's the matter?" Sun Mei looked at Chen You in disgust, suppressing her anger.

"I came a long time ago. I didn't dare to come when I saw him sending you back. What is he doing here?" Chen You said sourly.

It's like catching your own daughter-in-law having a private meeting with another man.

Sun Mei looked him up and down mockingly, "Divorce."

"You left? The formalities are over?" Chen You looked joyful, suddenly thinking of his own reaction, and afraid that Sun Mei would get angry, he hurriedly explained, "It's okay, I'm just worried about you, are you okay? Seeing that you're in a bad mood, What do you want to eat tonight? I'll go buy it and bring it to you."

"No, I just want to rest now." Sun Mei knew that Chen You wouldn't leave even if she said this, so she just chased him away, "Let's talk about it later, I'm going to close the door, take your arms away."

Chen You tightened his face and said with a smile, "Okay."

Reluctantly, she retracted her arm, "Then I'll come see you tomorrow."

Sun Mei didn't speak to Ben, she just slammed the door shut, turned around and entered the room.

Lie down on the bed and look at the 50 yuan in his hand.

In the past, she didn't pay much attention to this little money. If she wanted anything, her mother would buy it for her. As long as she wanted money, it would never be less than a hundred. Now, she is forced to find all kinds of excuses to cheat money.

 I still have a lot of plots that I haven’t written. I said the end of the month because I saved you from always saying that I procrastinated, otherwise I would have to write for a long time. As a result, when I talked about the end of the month, someone immediately said that I was procrastinating. I don’t know. Whatever you say is right.And that Mo Xiang, you didn't spend money to watch it, how did you know the plot behind it?I said a lot that this article is not worth spending money on, and that you posted comments on a trumpet account. If you are embarrassed, then I will not be embarrassed to say you, you are also superb.What I wrote is not good, but some people insist on me. No one will read your good writing. There is no way to do it, but the villain thinks about what is said in the text, it is a bad intention.The appearance of a person after the age of 30 is determined by his temperament. In order not to be mean, he should be gentle instead of being mean.

(End of this chapter)

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