Chapter 353

The court session at the end of the month, Sun Mei was also called again. .

Sun Mei was furious when she heard that she had to go to court to argue by herself, "It has nothing to do with me, why do I still have to go to court?"

"The prosecuting party claims that you have a connection with the criminal, so you need to appear in court."The people in the office look businesslike.

Sun Mei knew that she shouldn't get angry with them, but thinking that the Luo family was being bullied too much, she couldn't help but refute, "I said that day, I don't know why people are in my old house, they sued me, there is evidence ?"

There is no evidence for this, otherwise he would have been arrested long ago.

Sun Mei understood this too well, but the Luo family was obsessed with it, obviously wanting to make her lose someone again, and she was laughing at everything about herself, and Ben was teasing herself.

But there is no other way, the Luo family can only tease himself.

Sun Mei scolded in her heart, you Luo Ji, do you really think you can humiliate me, Sun Mei, by going to court?Then you are very wrong.

So when it came to the court, Sun Mei had a calm face, as if nothing happened, which showed that she also had some patience.

Facing the judge's questioning in court, Ruan Chizhong insisted that he did not know Sun Mei, nor did he admit that there was money in the cigarettes he sent to the Luo family. Sun Mei was relieved when he answered like this, and looked at Luo Ji proudly. Go, but did not know that Luo Ji also breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, I saved my troubles, but because of the fraud, Ruan Chizhong couldn't escape, and he finally brought people to justice. Although his family was involved, he got 5 yuan for nothing, which can be regarded as compensation up.

In the end, Ruan Chizhong was sentenced to 15 years for fraud, and the case was finally over.

Walking out of the court, the old man Luo's eyes were red, seeing Tong Laosan no longer had the same hatred as before, "Your job is gone, what do you plan to do in the future?"

Tong Laosan looked much older, "Let's make do with it. You'll never die of hunger."

Old man Luo looked at the man in front of him who had put on a cuckold, and couldn't tell what it was like, so he just shook his head and walked away with his back.

These days, Tong Laosan has been miserable enough.He lost his job, and his reputation in the left and right was not good. He didn't talk to him until Guo Ying was driven away, and the neighbors on the left and right met him. Hearing other people's preaching, he could only nod his head and admit his mistake.

Now that the case is closed and he has been cleared of his innocence, Tong Laosan just feels that this day is bluer than in the past.I don't think the weather is cold anymore, and spring is coming soon.

The case of Ruan Chizhong was closed, and the Sun family still had the case of Xu Feng using his power for personal gain. Although Sun Hai said he didn't care, he secretly sought out his old colleagues.After all, if Xu Feng's case is true, many people will be involved, and the trial is not good.

After all, Xu Feng still had some scheming, didn't recruit anyone, and didn't ask anything, until the judge finally asked her to explain something, so that she could be convicted.Otherwise, if you keep talking like this, you don't know when it will end.

Only then did Xu Feng pull out one, it was at work, and it was a matter of being promoted from a deputy level to a senior level. With this promotion, so much money is not enough to pay.Xu Feng pulled out a few more one after another, adding up, only [-] to [-] were found in the old house. Xu Feng was also glad that he took [-] for his daughter, otherwise he would not know when it would be the end.

There are also those who don't need Xu Feng to come out and surrender themselves.

All of a sudden, people in the forest area panicked.

After Zhang Guilan left the hospital.I went home directly, and the nanny was also found. She was an old lady in the city. Only one son died, and she was alone. She earned money to support herself by serving the confinement child for others. There are also few people, so this Mrs. Dong does not have much work. When she heard that there is a family that wants to recruit all the year round, Mrs. Dong happily agreed.

When I come home every day, I get the satisfaction of everyone in the family.

Mrs. Dong looks like she is fifty. She works neatly and cleanly, and she is easy-going. She speaks in a quiet and slow voice. She is friendly, insightful, and literate.

The child is not afraid of being brought out of bad habits by her.

Old man Luo hasn't left yet, Mrs. Dong has been staying with the old couple of Zhang's family for the past few nights, and Luo Ji will still help with the children at night, and Mrs. Dong will move in only after old man Luo leaves.

Old man Luo's tickets were bought by Luo Ji, including Luo Haiying's tickets for tomorrow.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Zhang Guilan said to Luo Ji when she was sleeping at night, "Let your mother and sister come to eat at home tomorrow. After eating, we will get on the bus in the afternoon."

Of course Zhang Guilan didn't like her mother-in-law and Luo Haiying, but they were Luo Ji's relatives after all, Luo Ji was embarrassed to speak, and she couldn't be a fool.

"No, I'll take them outside for a bite before getting in the car tomorrow." Luo Ji had already thought about it, "It's not like you don't know about my mother. I'm afraid that when she sees a nanny, she might let us Drive the nanny away, she will do it, and she will be paid, if we disagree, she will have to make trouble. You don't know her temper, so tomorrow I will just take them out to eat."

Zhang Guilan really didn't think of this. After listening to him, he remembered it. It's not exactly the reason. "It's all right, but you don't let your mother come. Will outsiders say something about you?"

"What can I say? For those who think badly, I can find out what's wrong with me. It's settled like this, and I don't care what outsiders think." Luo Ji stood by the crib and looked at the child, and said with a smile, "Xu De really is Handy, I really made this crib out, even better than the ones in the hospital."

"He's careful. Didn't you see that he's smiling from ear to ear? I think he and Xiaolan are getting closer." Zhang Guilan is also quite happy.

She is at ease with Xu De. Apart from being dumb, he has no other shortcomings. Now that he has money, he is afraid that he will be scammed by someone who wants to make money. He and Liu Xiaolan are not the right couple. Liu Xiaolan does not dislike her. He is a mute, and the little mute regards Liu Xiaolan's child as his own. What he needs to live together is to be suitable, and the two have a good impression of each other, so that's even better.

Luo Ji also thought it was good, "It's inconvenient for a woman to bring a child by herself, but it's just right to have a man."

Unexpectedly, the two of them were talking about Liu Xiaolan and the little mute, and Liu Xiaolan came in the middle of the night, with blood on her clothes, and she was sent in by the young man.

When Luo Ji opened the door, he was also taken aback, and hurriedly asked someone to come in, "Come in and talk."

Liu Xiaolan closed the door, but didn't go in. "I won't go in with my shoes on. It's just that the little mute has an accident. I want to ask Sister Guilan if I can ask Zhou Fuguo to find someone."

"You changed your shoes first, and the cold air on your body also dissipated. If you have something to say, go into the room and tell your sister Guilan, no matter how urgent you are, it will take a while." Luo Ji found her slippers.

Liu Xiaolan panicked a long time ago. After listening to Luo Ji's words, she felt right. At this time, Zhang Guilan was confinement and had a caesarean section. How could she get out of bed quickly? She didn't care too much. He took off his coat and went inside.

Inside, Zhang Guilan became anxious when she heard Liu Xiaolan's voice, but it was only seven days later, and it was not easy for her to get out of the bed. The incision hurts when she moved too much, and she was getting down to the edge of the bed when she saw Liu Xiaolan coming in.

"Sister Guilan, don't come down, I was too anxious and forgot about it." Liu Xiaolan stopped the person, afraid that the cold air on her body would bring her, so she stopped halfway.

Fortunately, Luo Ji came in at this time, stretched out his hand to help Zhang Guilan sit on the bed, "Just sit here and listen, Xiaolan is not an outsider."

"That's right, Sister Guilan, I'm sorry for coming to you so late, so you don't move. Something happened to the little mute. Dong Jianguo has been pestering me every day for the past few days, so the little mute has come to live at my house." , I shared a room with my dad. Dong Jianguo saw that he didn’t know where to find someone to beat the little mute. Originally, the little mute didn’t fight back, but I couldn’t see it. , the little mute looked anxious, so he fought back, and he didn't know how to do it. One of them hit the wall, his forehead was bleeding, and he was in the hospital at this time. Send the little mute to... the little mute has a stubborn temper, so he went directly. "

At the end, Liu Xiaolan cried, "It's all my fault. The little mute got a bad reputation for me, and helped me coax the children, but now he's in trouble. I'm so sorry for him."

Afraid of disturbing the children, Liu Xiaolan kept her voice low, biting her lip and wiping her tears away.

Zhang Guilan was also quite surprised that this happened so well, she didn't realize how serious it was, "You're panicking now, that's why you're scared. It's because they hit someone first, so it's not the fault of the dumb one, the little one." Dumbness is also self-defense. It’s a crime for the family to take the opportunity to blackmail. Don’t worry, the people in the public security know well and won’t wrong good people. It’s too late today, and it’s useless to find someone. He looked for someone to find out what was going on, and also helped take care of the little mute inside."

Zhang Guilan's words were like a sudden heavy rain, which extinguished the fire in Liu Xiaolan's heart.

"Sister Guilan, it's good to have you, otherwise I really don't know what to do." Liu Xiaolan looked embarrassed, "He came here in the middle of the night, you guys should get some rest, I'll be back right away."

"It's late at night, let your brother-in-law take you back." Zhang Guilan didn't say anything, Luo Ji also planned to send her back.

"No need, brother-in-law is inseparable from your side, I dare to go by myself."

It was useless for Liu Xiaolan to evade, Luo Ji finally sent Liu Xiaolan home, watched her enter the courtyard, and then turned and went home.

Zhang Guilan didn't sleep at home either. She was relieved when she heard a key opened the door. Although Luo Ji was a man, she didn't need to worry, but she couldn't help worrying about it. Now that he came back, she felt relieved.

 Continue to write, yesterday owed two changes, today three changes, so today we need five changes

(End of this chapter)

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