Chapter 356
Luo Ji didn't have to rest when he went home, something happened to Liu Xiaolan, it was Zhu Lan who called, and Luo Ji was asked to go over to help, saying that Bai Song had also passed.

Zhang Guilan told him to turn over and let him go quickly.

In the bungalow that Liu Xiaolan bought, Dong Jianguo stood with a displeased face, pointing at Liu Xiaolan plausibly, "You scold me for being heartless? Then let everyone come over to comment. If something happened to you, I'll come and help you." , you don't appreciate it and call me a dog and a mouse for meddling in other people's business. If I didn't look at our husband and wife for many years and our children, you think I would take care of this matter? Do you know how much trouble you have caused? The person was injured and is still lying in the hospital. When he woke up, he was vomiting and dizzy. He smashed his head. Can you afford it? If it weren’t for the fact that we knew each other, he wouldn’t allow you to hesitate at all. Just arrest people."

Dong Jianguo's appearance looks so serious, but he is a master who talks about people and does things like dogs. This behavior makes Liu Xiaolan disgusted.

"Dong Jianguo, you don't need to scare people here. If you didn't bring someone to beat Xu De, Xu De saw you beat me, would he fight back? Now it's good, you bite back, don't think that we are afraid of people in the hospital , even if the person dies, we are not afraid. There is no need not to arrest him for your sake, he is in the police station right now, get out immediately." Liu Xiaolan wished she could go forward and slap Dong Jianguo a few times, " How could I fall in love with a man like you at the beginning? I was so blind. Dong Jianguo, you don’t have to think of me as a fool. You come back to me now because Su Miao was arrested because of messing with men and women. You I just thought it was mine, right? Bah, you don’t know if I’m a fool, right? Dong Jianguo, that’s your retribution. Back then, you abandoned your wife and son for a widow. What it's like to be a cuckold."

When the neighbors on the left and right heard it, they all pointed at Dong Jianguo in whispers, and even some who didn't care about Dong Jianguo could hear, "How can there be such a shameless man? He did it outside by himself, divorced, abandoned by others, and came back again." Yes, feel good about yourself."

"The current society is over. It's not like our time. People like this have already been pulled out and shot. How dare they have the guts."

Facing the comments from all around, Dong Jianguo retorted strongly, "Liu Xiaolan, don't swear at others. At the beginning, there were people outside of you, and we divorced. You didn't let me, my own father, see the child because of a dumb person. Now Something happened to the mute, I’m here to help you, you’re still here, you’re really shameless.”

Seeing him turning black and white, Liu Xiaolan trembled with anger, but couldn't say a word.

Those who knew the inside story only knew that Liu Xiaolan was divorced, and that she was a pretty good person, raising a child by herself and a blind father, so they didn't believe Dong Jianguo's words.

Just when Dong Jianguo was so proud of himself that he moved back to the next round, he began to persuade him again, "Look at the dumb man you found, he hurt the man, but the brain was hurt. He said, because you are husband and wife, As long as 1 yuan, isn’t he a carpenter? Save some money, too? It’s not enough to sell the house, it’s better than squatting in a prison, which will ruin your reputation. Don’t worry, I told my friend, We are about to remarry, and he believed it. I don't care about what you did before, and you can go home with me and live a good life in the future."

In fact, Dong Jianguo has other plans. Liu Xiaolan has bought a house in the city now, so she can bring her parents over to live with her. I heard that Liu Xiaolan’s salary is not low. Otherwise, how could he buy a house in less than a year? There is money to spend without having to go to work, and he also noticed that there is a wing in this courtyard, so it is enough for her father to move to the wing.

Right now Liu Xiaolan doesn't remarry with him, it's for the sake of face, who let him hurt her in the first place, when the two remarry, and he coaxes her, won't she be around him like before?
Dong Jianguo's calculations are good, he only thinks about remarriage.

But when someone heard it, he took his words with a smile, "Dong Jianguo, at the door of the clothing store that day, you said that you were very ambitious. You didn't want to have anything to do with Xiaolan in this life. Why are you coming to remarry now?" ?”

It was Bai Song who pushed through the crowd and walked in.

Although I didn't see Liu Xiaolan arguing with Dong Jianguo in the clothing store that day, I heard about it from my daughter-in-law, and Zhu Lan also followed in, "Bah, I really can't stand this kind of shameless man. Everyone, take a good look, this is the man who got together with a widow back then, and forced his wife to go home to serve the old man, and didn’t take money from the house. Xiaolan, our conscience, came out to earn money and help him raise money. Parents. When he arrived, he was afraid that Xiaolan would be unfavorable to the widow he was with, so he tried every means to get Xiaolan to return to the village, and even forced Xiaolan to admit that there was a man outside, so he divorced. After the divorce, Xiaolan also helped It was not until the man sent the child to Xiaolan to marry the widow, and asked for money to marry, that Xiaolan was so angry that he no longer raised his parents. Let's see, where is such a good one now? A woman? Divorced is not an enemy, and you still help him raise his parents?"

Zhu Lan stepped forward, pulled Liu Xiaolan over, and let her stand in front of everyone, "A divorced woman, in order to take on the responsibility of supporting her family, finally has today."

Pointing to Dong Jianguo casually, "This man was dumped by the widow, and seeing that Xiaolan can earn money, he plans to remarry, and even finds someone to find Xiaolan's friends. Tell me, who is shameless?"

"Don't talk nonsense, what good will it do you if you destroy other people's marriage?" Zhu Lan's mouth was fierce, and when Dong Jianguo opened his mouth to argue, she told the whole story.

Now everyone understood, and felt that Liu Xiaolan was not that kind of person. Now that the inside story was revealed, Dong Jianguo looked disgusted.

"Get lost, you just remembered your ex-wife after being dumped, are you still shameless?"

"This kind of man should be beaten out, and one of his legs should be broken, so that he won't dare to come back in the future."

"Bah, I'm still turning black and white here, and I was almost deceived by him."

Being cursed everywhere, Dong Jianguo wished he could find a crack in the ground, pointed at Zhu Lan and cursed, "This is a matter between our husband and wife, why are you talking nonsense here? Let me tell you, there was someone outside Liu Xiaolan She divorced me because she lost a man, I forgive her now, you are still talking nonsense here, when Liu Xiaolan regrets and wants to find me, she will never have the chance, so don't bear the blame for the rest of her life."

"Dong Jianguo, do you believe that I will beat you out right now?" Bai Song stepped forward when his woman was being bullied.

Dong Jianguo saw that he was a cripple, and smiled, "It's up to you?"

Don't take Bai Song seriously at all.

Before Bai Song stepped forward, Dong Jianguo was pulled from behind by someone, and he was pulled outside as soon as he was lifted up. Dong Jianguo was frightened by everything that happened suddenly. When he saw who was behind him carrying him, Dong Jianguo frowned. It was all white, and he didn't come back to his senses until he was thrown out of the yard and sat on the ground.

"You...what are you going to do?"

Luo Ji looked at him coldly, "If I watch you enter the yard again, I will break your legs."

"Lao Ji, let me fight." Bai Song followed out from the courtyard, he was not afraid of Dong Jianguo making trouble.

Luo Ji knew his worry and nodded, "I'll stop, it's better to lie on the bed for a year or two, anyway, we're not short of money."

These words are harsh enough.

Dong Jianguo's face turned pale, and he got up from the ground, turning around and cursing as he ran, "You wait, I won't finish with you."

Everyone laughed, and finally dispersed. Several women stepped forward to persuade Liu Xiaolan a few words, and then left.

Liu Xiaolan was not so relaxed, with a bitter face, "This Dong Jianguo is entangled with me now."

"I think it's easy, you're married, see if he dares to come." Zhu Lan said directly.

Liu Xiaolan blushed, then she seemed to think of something, she bowed her head in silence.

Zhu Lan and Bai Song exchanged glances, Bai Song pulled Luo Ji out, Zhu Lan then asked Liu Xiaolan, "Xiao Lan, tell sister-in-law if you are interested in the little mute?"

Liu Xiaolan raised her head in astonishment, looked at Zhu Lan seriously, and then nodded.

"In this case, after the little mute is released, the two of you will get married. When you have a man, Dong Jianguo's thoughts will die. Even if he dares to pester you again, the little mute will help you out. It’s justified, and it’s Dong Jianguo who’s afraid of it.” Zhu Lan said on the side, “This is your sister Guilan’s idea for you, but she said, it also depends on what you and the little mute mean, if two people don’t like each other, You can't tie them together by force."

Liu Xiaolan nodded without hesitation, "Sister-in-law, just follow what you and Sister Guilan said, we will get married when Xu De comes out. It's just that Xu De is inside now, and I don't know when he will come out."

"Don't worry, Guilan told Fu Guo that there is still something that Fu Guo has finished. Besides, we don't blame us for this matter, and the police intervened. They don't dare to ask for money randomly, but they can get some money after all. .”

"I have money, I'm going to get it now."

"Don't worry, wait for Fu Guo's letter over there." Zhu Lan smiled, "Dong Jianguo can't come either, we'll go back first, and someone will write to us if something happens."

Liu Xiaolan went out with her, thanked Bai Song and Luo Ji, and watched the three of them leave before going back to the courtyard and closing the gate.

Going back to the house and learning the matter from his father, Liu's father was very happy, "Although Xu De is dumb, he is honest. If you marry a scumbag like Dong Jianguo, it's fine. If you marry such a scumbag, your life will be over. Xu De That’s right, when the person comes out, you should take care of the matter. Tell him that I, a blind man, can live by myself, and I can’t burden you.”

"Dad, let's raise you together, so don't think about it. Xu De should know what's going on with me when he takes a fancy to me." Liu Xiaolan wiped away her tears, "I'll go eat."

People hid out.

 Finished today, haha, rest.

(End of this chapter)

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