Chapter 357

Dong Jianguo made a fuss, which pushed forward the matter between Liu Xiaolan and the little mute. Zhang Guilan also laughed when he heard Luo Jixue's words.

It is this principle that it is only a blessing if you lose your horse.

Now that Ruan Chizhong's case has been settled, Luo Ji has also started to return to work. Fortunately, he hired a nanny at home, and the housework is organized in an orderly manner. With the help of his mother, Zhang Guilan is more relaxed.

She was not confinement, Zhang Guilan spent most of her time lying in bed besides breastfeeding her child, after lunch, Liu Xiaolan came, and with her concerns, Mrs. Dong and Sun Shubo hid in the bedroom.

Liu Xiaolan looked embarrassed, "Sister Guilan, I always come to trouble you during your confinement period, but I know you have a lot of ideas, and I don't know who can give me an idea right now."

While talking about going today.Look at the matter of the little mute, "The person said that he was beaten to death, and he had to pay for medical expenses and nutrition expenses. I met Zhou Fuguo in the police today. He said that the person lying in the hospital was still making trouble. Because of the lack of money, we can either give the little dumb more money, or give some medical expenses and nutrition expenses, and follow the procedure to see how long we can be detained. I told the little dumb about this, and he said he would Follow the procedure."

Now this age is advancing.Not a good thing.

You may be pointed at for a lifetime.

What Liu Xiaolan meant was that she would agree to pay some money, but the little mute was too stubborn, and his temper got up, so he couldn't control it.

Having nothing to do for a while, I came to Zhang Guilan for advice.

Zhang Guilan could see her worry, "Although I squatted out and was pointed out by others, you and the little mute know what's going on, and the neighbors on the left and right also understand, so no one will say anything. You can ask me." , I must be thinking about how to persuade Xu De, I still listen to Xu De's opinion. Do you think Xu De is short of that money now? I guess even if you give the other party more money, it will not reach [-], at most [-] Three thousand, two thousand and three thousand is not too much for Xu De. But Xu De would rather follow the procedure inside than come out, obviously because he held his breath in his stomach. Ambitious men sometimes prefer to be poor in this life If you die, you will not bow your head. Just like Xu De at this time, he would rather squat inside for a few months or years than come out and bow his head. This matter can be small or big. For this tone, I think you will listen to him Opinion, otherwise he will not feel comfortable for the rest of his life."

At this time, the little mute is treating Qi.It's not that there is no money, nor is it that there is a lot of money. I would rather spend more time squatting in it than let the scoundrels succeed.

Liu Xiaolan also understands this truth, but she just can't help but worry. "Sister Guilan, I understand what you said, but I'm afraid that when he comes out and faces the guidance of the people around him, if he can't hold his head up for the rest of his life, then I will really be a sinner. I can't let him live forever. I live under the guidance of others, so I thought about the money and I secretly gave it out. Then I told him that I didn't give the money, do you think it's okay?"

It never occurred to Liu Xiaolan that this was the idea.

Zhang Guilan looked at her with a serious face, "You are kind, but you have to think about it, what will happen if Xu De finds out about this in the future? If you two want to be together, you can't have a knot in the middle. To you It is said that you are helping him, and you do not want him to be judged by others, but to him, it is not helping him, but making him feel proud of those who beat him. Do you think he can feel better in his heart? This is also The reason why he would rather squat inside than give money now."

Seeing Liu Xiaolan bowed her head and remained silent, Zhang Guilan was not in a hurry to listen to what she had to say. Some things had to be figured out on her own, and it was useless to be persuaded by others.

Just like at this time, Liu Xiaolan wanted to give money, but the little mute refused.

Two people have differences, and a bad decision can affect the relationship between the two people in the future.

"What do you think in your heart, you can tell Xu De, tell Xu De your thoughts and worries, let Xu De understand you, maybe it can make him change his mind, and the gap between the two of you can also be solved , the couple live together, you have to say what you have to say, don't hide it in your heart, this will only make the two go further and further apart, even if you are unhappy and angry, you must tell him the reason for your unhappiness, man If you can really guess a woman's mind, you don't need a man." Marriage is easy, but staying together is difficult.

With the improvement of living standards, people in the past only thought that it was enough to eat enough, and never paid attention to how to get along with each other. The so-called spiritual pursuit is not well understood, very ignorant.

So at this time, there was a problem between the husband and wife, and they didn't notice it.

Liu Xiaolan nodded approvingly, "Sister Guilan, I understand, I'll go there later and talk it over with Xu De."

"That's right. Since we plan to be together, we must live a good life. Both of us guess each other's thoughts every day, so we don't need to pass this day. Do you think it makes sense?" As soon as Zhang Guilan finished speaking, Liu Xiaolan also blushed. Laughed.

"Sister Guilan, I now understand why you can get along so well with your brother-in-law. You must have had a hard time, right?" Liu Xiaolan sighed, "I have been in the clothing store for more than half a year. Looking at your home Things happen one after another, but you have never blushed with your brother-in-law before, I always thought it was brother-in-law who did a good job, but today I understand after hearing you say that."

Zhang Guilan gave her a sharp look, "Hearing you say that, I'm so kind, tell your brother-in-law this in front of me one day, and let him hear how others praise me, so that he can treat me better in the future. "

After speaking, both of them laughed.

The laughter woke up the child, one of the two little ones cried, and the other started to cry too. Mrs. Dong and Sun Shubo, who heard the noise from next door, also came over. Liu Xiaolan leaned over and looked at the two identical little ones. Novelty.

"Sister Guilan, do you want a name?" The two little guys stopped crying once they were picked up.

Zhang Guilan also had a loving smile on her face, "I took it. The big one is called Luo Aiguo, and the small one is called Luo Aiguo. Together, it means loving the country and loving men. It was taken by your brother-in-law."

Zhang Guilan, who has lived for two lifetimes, naturally doesn't like such a name, but in this age, Luo Ji is a man, so Zhang Guilan can understand it with such a name.

Liu Xiaolan thought the name was good, "It sounds good, loves the country and loves marriage, but it suits your brother-in-law's heart."

"That's not the reason." Zhang Guilan also smiled.

Sun Shubo and Mrs. Dong went to the bedroom with the child in their arms, and there was no more trouble in the room. Zhang Guilan also smiled and said, "I don't know who to follow. The child is upset when he makes a fuss, but he can't see it for a while. rest assured."

"At the beginning, every child would be like that. I was the same at the time. Now that I think about it, I don't know how I survived. At the beginning, Dong Jianguo only worked in the city, and he didn't come back a few times during the confinement. Now I think he was afraid that he was an outsider. There will be someone.” Speaking of Dong Jianguo, hatred flashed across Liu Xiaolan’s face, “Sister Guilan, I’ve made up my mind, I’ll go to see Xu De in a while, and tell him what’s on my mind, and then I’ll listen to whatever he decides. His, when you are out of confinement and serve as our witness, we will get married."

Seeing that she was thinking about it, Zhang Guilan was very happy, "That's right, that's all right, let's go, after watching Xu De also go to the factory, you are the manager now, if you are away, if something happens, you can't find anyone." .Is the picture I drew before confinement still good enough?"

Now Zhang Guilan designs the clothes for the four seasons every year. They always look like summer in spring, and autumn in summer. They are pushed out from season to season. In this way, there are always new looks.

"Don't worry, I know it in my heart, besides, my sister-in-law is still there." Liu Xiaolan got up and left. After Zhang Guilan saw her off, she went back to the house and lay down.

At night, when she had to get up to nurse, the baby would wake her up when she cried. As soon as Zhang Guilan stuck to the pillow, she fell into a deep sleep. When she woke up, the baby was about to feed and was pushed awake by her mother.

"I discussed with your aunt Dong, put the child in the bedroom, and bring it to you after feeding, so that you and Lao Ji can also rest well, we two old ladies, wait for the child to sleep before resting , anyway, there is nothing else to do this day."

"Mom, are you too tired like this?" Zhang Guilan felt sorry for her mother.

"It's never tiring to coax the child. You are in confinement now, so it's the business to take care of your body first."

"Mom, I've heard that you can slowly push back the baby's breastfeeding, so that he won't be breastfeeding slowly at night, and we adults won't be tired." Zhang Guilan had never given birth to a child in her previous life, so she heard People have talked about it.

Sun Shubo was quite curious after hearing this, "Is this really possible?"

"Well, I've heard it said, otherwise let's try it. Try to feed some water after waking up as much as possible, and wait until the next time you wake up from hunger before feeding." Wake up at one o'clock every night for breastfeeding, so how about feeding some water? It can also last until three or four o'clock, and gradually I don't need to breastfeed at night.

The mother and daughter agreed.

On the other side, Liu Xiaolan also arrived. , saw Xu De, straight to the point and said what he thought in his heart, Xu De was stunned for a long time, then bowed his head and wrote on a piece of paper, and handed it to Liu Xiaolan.

Seeing Xu De reassuring herself, saying that he didn't blame her, and decided to follow the procedure and not bow to the evil forces, Liu Xiaolan smiled, suppressing the tears in her eyes, "I will support you in whatever decision you make, and I will support you when you come out. , we will get married."

The little mute opened his mouth wide in astonishment, then smiled, his eyes narrowed, obviously happy.

Liu Xiaolan also blushed, "But you also know that I want to support my father and children, and I can't leave them alone."

The little mutes gestured to Liu Xiaolan one by one, and Liu Xiaolan smiled, "I only dare to marry you because I know you will treat them as my relatives."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and their worries were wiped away.

 Where are the pink tickets?Why can't I see it?
(End of this chapter)

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