Chapter 365
When Luo Ji came back in the evening, the family had dinner, and Luo Ji played with the two children. Zhang Guilan didn't show the letter to Luo Ji until the children fell asleep. Luo Ji read the letter and fell silent.

"You have just been reinstated, so you can't take leave, so I'll go back." The father-in-law was arrested. , it is impossible not to go back.

"I'd better ask for leave. The child is too young and is breastfeeding, so I can't live without you." Luo Ji spoke in the dark.

Zhang Guilan sat up, "I thought about it during the day. Your job has just started to improve. If you ask for leave like this to go back to deal with family affairs, I don't need to be told by the superiors. I don't think it's appropriate. The child can eat rice cereal now, buy some milk powder first." Well, I'll go back. Unless you don't want the job anymore."

The last sentence made Luo Ji silent.

After a long time, he finally said, "I can't stay in the forest area if this turmoil continues, and I can't let you stand out again and again. I'd better go back."

"How do you solve it when you go back?" Zhang Guilan's words stopped Luo Ji, "It's not like you don't know your mother's temper. She will definitely come with you after you go back. Dad still stops you. What should you do? I'll go back soon Appropriate, I'm a daughter-in-law, it doesn't matter what others say, anyway, I'm not afraid of what others say. Your mother and I didn't get along well before, and she won't pester me. If you want your mother to come to the city Li, then you can go back, our family is not short of money now, and we can afford it, but I am afraid that your mother has money to spend and we will still raise it, and she will still cause trouble. If I spend money on her, I will not feel bad. "

After all, Zhang Guilan just wanted to tell Luo Ji that she did not agree with her mother-in-law coming to the city.

Luo Ji also knew what kind of mother his mother was, so he had to raise it, and it was not good to raise it. He was so noisy every day that he couldn't live with Ben, so now he sent all his men in.Now, she has nothing to be afraid of losing face.

"I'll go back and pay for your mother to buy a house in the village, and give her some money. Let her move out and spend time with Haiying, so your mother will definitely agree. If it doesn't work, I will move back to the countryside with my children. There is no one in the city, so your mother stopped thinking about it." Zhang Guilan was so cruel this time that she could no longer let her mother-in-law come to the city.

If you run to the city when you have something to do, don't you taste the sweetness?

"No, what is it for you to move back to the village?" Luo Ji immediately disagreed when he heard that his wife and children were leaving him, "Then you go back and tell mom that if she comes to the city, we won't give you a penny." Here, if she is in the countryside, we will raise her as an old lady."

This is also the last resort.

The matter was settled like this, and it was Zhang Guilan who returned to his hometown.

The next morning, Luo Ji went to the forest area early. Now the forest area is very busy, and he only goes home on weekends.They live in the forest area on weekdays, and after sending Luo Ji away, Zhang Guilan told her mother about going back to her hometown.

"No, let them make as much noise as they like. The child is only seven months old, and you are going to wean them. Are you your own mother?" Sun Shubo was unhappy. "Can milk powder compare to human milk? Why do you think you are so cruel?"

As long as it was related to his grandson, Sun Shubo would not back down a single step.

"Mom, you said that if I don't go back, I have to go back. If he goes back, he won't be able to get promoted and then change jobs. But you don't know how my mother-in-law is. She has suffered so much from my father-in-law. Can she let her go when she sees the old follower? Then she comes to the city and makes her fuss every day, which is even more uncomfortable." Zhang Guilan is also reluctant to part with the child, "If it weren't for the fact that there is no other way. Can I leave my seven-month-old child and run so far? Didn’t he get forced to do this? Besides, the father-in-law can’t just squat in there all the time, and no one cares about the sons and daughters.”

Sun Shubo stopped talking, hugged his grandson and lowered his head.

"Mom, don't worry, I'll take care of it once I go this time, and save the time of being insecure every day." With this guarantee, Sun Shubo finally agreed.

On the same day, Zhang Guilan helped her daughter pack her things. Zhang Guilan went to the mall to buy milk powder. Before leaving, she went to Tian Xiaoyue's place, checked all her friends, and promised to come back before the little mute and Liu Xiaolan got married.

The next day I got on the train. The ticket was bought by Zhou Fuguo. It was a sleeper berth. Zhang Guilan brought some bread and red sausage, but nothing else.

When the car backed up to the town, everyone was so tired that they were about to fall apart. They didn't go back to the village, but went directly. , Zhang Guilan didn't know what to say when she saw the old man Luo locked inside.

It was old man Luo who was listless, "You are back, what are you doing with the two children? I told your father, don't write to you, I will go out after a few days, and nothing will happen."

"Can we not worry about such a big incident? Old Jilin District is too busy, and you know he can't ask for leave now. The child will eat milk powder first, and it will be fine." Zhang Guilan felt resentful when she saw her father-in-law causing such a situation. No more, "I asked, and you can go out if you pay a fine. I have already paid, and now I am going through the formalities. I will wait for you outside in a while. If you have anything to say, let's talk at home."

The old man Luo opened his mouth, but finally said nothing.

When they finished the formalities and came out, the two of them didn't speak, and went back to the village in the carriage hired by the town.

When Zhang Guilan came back, she brought the old man Luo back, and everyone in the village came out to watch the excitement. If you want to say that the affairs of the Luo family were full of twists and turns, the old man Luo came back in a good manner, and the son-in-law even bought things for everyone. The land was rented out to be planted by others, and he said he would go to the city to help his son-in-law do business, and he came back within a few days, bringing back his daughter-in-law, and he knew what happened without asking, and the son-in-law disappeared.

As a result, the old man Luo started beating his wife within three days after arriving home, and even broke her legs. thing.

It wasn't until Guo Ying was going to the city that old man Luo caught up with him and broke his leg. He was hospitalized and old man Luo was arrested. People in the village thought it was a serious matter. Now that Zhang Guilan came back, they felt that there was finally a Someone who can preside.

Zhang Laowu followed his daughter and the old man Luo to Luo's house. Guo Ying had already returned home from the hospital to take care of her, her leg was lame, and she hadn't been able to walk in the field yet. When she saw the old man Luo came back, her frightened face White, shrinking body to hide in the kang.

Old man Luo hummed, and sat on the edge of the kang, "Sit with your in-laws, too."

When Zhang Laowu walked inside, Guo Yingcai saw Zhang Guilan, as if seeing a savior, "Guilan, you can save mom, your dad is going to kill me."

"Don't shut up, believe it or not, I'll beat you right now." In the past few days in the police, Old Man Luo was holding back his anger.

Guo Ying couldn't make a sound after being yelled at.

Huddled in the kang, looking at Zhang Guilan for help.

Zhang Guilan didn't say anything, she sat on the kang, and after three days of driving, her body was about to collapse, "Dad, where is Haiying?"

"I don't go home every day, who knows where I'm going again." The old man Luo was also disappointed with his daughter, "You stay for a day, go back tomorrow, the child is still young, you can't leave for a long time, you can rest assured about family matters .You shouldn’t have to pay the fine today, and you’ll be released after a few days of squatting. How nice it is to have that money for the children to spend.”

"The money you earn is spent, and you don't have to pay much, so don't feel bad about it." Zhang Guilan glanced at her mother-in-law, "Dad, it's not a solution for you and Mom to fight all the time. I discussed it with Lao Ji. Buy a house for mom and let her move out to live on her own, and we usually give her the money. You and mom can figure it out and see if this works?"

"Hmph, can she stay in a daze? After taking the money from you, I can chase him into the city." Old man Luo said with a stern face, "Don't worry about this matter, and I will specify that there will be no further disturbances in the future."

This is still going to be ruthless.

Guo Ying's face turned pale, "I'll move out and live by myself, you tell Lao Ji, I will live by myself."

The past few months at home were a nightmare for Guo Ying.

Now whenever I see old man Luo, I can't help but tremble all over.

Seeing her pitiful appearance, Zhang Guilan knew that she had to talk about it today, "Mom, because of family affairs, Lao Ji's work has been greatly affected. Now there are only two children in the family, and there is no place for you to live. , I will buy you a house in the village, and Lao Ji and I will give you pension money every year, so you can live in the village for the elderly, do you think this will work?"

Guo Ying nodded vigorously, while carefully looking at old man Luo.

"Then let's put it this way, if you go to the city with the pension money, we can't say anything, but the money is all there is, you can only wait for the second year's pension money if you spend it, and the money is not blown by the wind." Yes, no one can stand squandering. When the time comes, you have to go to the compound to make trouble. You don’t have to think about Laoji’s job. Without a job, your pension money is gone. You also know the seriousness of the matter. " Zhang Guilan's words were so clear that everyone in the room could understand them.

In order to escape the old man Luo at this time, Guo Ying didn't care about those things, "When will I buy a house?"

"I won't leave for a few days. I'll leave after I make arrangements for you." Zhang Guilan replied before talking to old man Luo, "Dad, can you see if this is okay?"

After a long time, Old Man Luo nodded, and then turned his head to look at Guo Ying, "Don't think that you can go to the city if you move out. If you dare to move around, I will break your other leg. Let's see how you go."

The cruelty in the words does not seem to be scary.

Guo Ying was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. After talking about the matter, Luo Haiying came back from the outside. She wore a red plaid skirt, black leather shoes, and two braids. She is irrelevant.

Seeing Zhang Guilan here, Luo Haiying was quite surprised, and did not speak to Zhang Guilan. Seeing old man Luo come back, he called Dad, and then went to Westinghouse. Old man Luo sighed in anger, but didn't say a word.

(End of this chapter)

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