Chapter 366
Zhang Guilan and Zhang Laowu went back to her natal home, only father and daughter, Zhang Guilan asked about the doubts in her heart.

"Dad, Luo Haiying is like this every day after returning home?"

Zhang Laowu lit a cigarette and puffed it up, "I seldom go out, but every time I see her, she looks like that, she is well-dressed, and this is not the city, just look at how each family lives. There is no dust on the shoes and it doesn’t stick, so I feel like a guest every day.”

Zhang Laowu is an upright farmer, how could he see Luo Haiying like this, even now that he is learning these things, he looks like he is afraid of getting his mouth dirty.

"Dad, has she been with anyone? My father-in-law doesn't pay attention, you have nothing to remind him, don't do anything, our family can't afford to lose anyone." If she elopes with someone again It's okay, Zhang Guilan is used to it.

She was afraid that she would seduce men from other families, not to mention the Luo family, even her own parents would be drowned by the spittle of the villagers.

Zhang Laowu didn't want to talk about the affairs of the Luo family, so he stood up, "Take a rest first, I'll go get the firewood, let's cook, it's not worth it to burn yourself out because of the Luo family's affairs."

"Let me do it." Zhang Guilan couldn't bear to forget that her father cooked for herself.

"It's fine, I'll go get the firewood, and you can go and see what you want to eat and make it yourself, or you can kill a chicken." Zhang Laowu was happy to see his daughter come back.

After explaining a few words, I went out. The family’s firewood piles are all on the land of each family. It is so far away from the house. God.

Zhang Guilan saw that there was still noodles at home, so she mixed two bowls and planned to make spring pancakes at night. At the same time, she went to the garden to cut a few leeks, pulled out a few green onions, scrambled eggs with leeks, shredded the green onions and rolled them, and picked some cabbage Make soup.

Rural homes use large pots, and two handfuls of firewood for pancakes are enough.It's two people eating again, two pots of cakes are enough, and there is some firewood at home, so Zhang Guilan heated up the pot.I took a piece of dough and spread it around the pan, put it into the pan while rolling it out, and turned over the cake that was put in first, and baked the cake in more than ten minutes. The pan was full of oil, and I added more Put some oil, pour the beaten eggs into it after it is hot, and finally chop the leeks and throw them in, the fragrance of the vegetables spreads in the room.

After the fried dishes were cooked, water was added directly without washing the pot.Throw in the washed cabbage, put salt and cover the pot.

When Zhang Laowu came back with the firewood on his back, the meal was ready, and with a smile on his face, he washed his hands and sat at the table. "You cook just like your mother, neat and fast."

"You don't like to move at home, do you? Go to the city after you have planted the fields." Zhang Guilan was worried about leaving her father here alone.

Spring pancake rolls with leeks and eggs, scallions dipped in sauce, and cabbage soup, the father and daughter talked while eating.Halfway through the meal, a guest came to the house, which was really a rare visitor, and it was Dong Chunhong who came.

"Uncle and sister are eating." Dong Chunhong was not surprised.

Zhang Lao Wu mumbled with his nose, Zhang Guilan got up and gave her the stool, "Sit down."

Nor call it.

Not to mention anything else, it's just that Zhou Chengcai didn't get along well.Zhang Guilan also didn't want to call Dong Chunhong a younger brother or sister-in-law, not to mention the Luo family's affairs, so it was even more impossible for her to call her anything.

"Is there something wrong at home?" Zhang Laowu saw that it was not good for people to do this, so he could only speak.

Dong Chunhong looked away from the dining table, "I'm here to talk to Miss Guilan. Don't worry, you guys eat first."

Now is the time when the green leaves are not picked up, and the dishes of the family have not yet come down, only some dipped pickles and leeks, and they can’t be eaten too much. The leeks are mixed with miso sauce and eaten with green onions, which is also considered for the family. There is food.

Unless there is something wrong and people come to the house, they only use stir-fried leeks and eggs. There are no guests, and the Luo family has scrambled eggs, pancakes, and soup. How can Dong Chunhong not be envious.

Do you have something to do with yourself?
Zhang Guilan didn't make a sound, she was full from left to right, stuffed the last bite of pancake into her mouth, drank another bowl of soup, and then got off the table, "Let's go to the courtyard and talk."

I had a bad feeling in my heart.

The two left the house one after another. There was a small path in the yard of the Zhang family, which led directly to the land in the south. Looking around, they could see a piece of green corn, which was hard to find.

Dong Chunhong didn't speak until she was sure no one would hear her, "Sister, I want to ask, what is the Luo family's plan for Luo Haiying? She is not young anymore, so she won't just be an old girl and stay at home for the rest of her life?"

"This belongs to the Luo family. My parents-in-law don't care about it. I'm a daughter-in-law, so I can't ask." Zhang Guilan secretly pointed at her, don't ask about other people's affairs so confidently.

Dong Chunhong was not stupid, and immediately understood the meaning of Zhang Guilan's words.

She stopped seriously, "It stands to reason that this is a matter of the Luo family. I shouldn't ask or inquire about it, but if it affects my family, I have to take care of it. I don't hide it. If I don't care about this matter, sooner or later It has to be pulled out. After Luo Haiying returned to the village, he always wandered around the place where Chengcai went. The first time I heard the rumors from the village people that they saw the two of them together in the grove outside the village. The previous thing was I was wrong first, but Zhou Chengcai married Luo Haiying. I can only blame Luo Haiying herself for not having a good life. She is also the one who didn't want Zhou Chengcai. Now that we are together, she came back to destroy my family. I can't ignore this matter .”

Dong Chunhong's words are sharp, like a person who upholds justice.

Zhang Guilan had expected that something would happen to Luo Haiying, so she did what she thought. What was unexpected was that the person was Zhou Chengcai. If Luo Haiying really didn't have a brain, she didn't want Zhou Chengcai and Chen You at the beginning. Elopement, wrong wife, now insists on becoming a concubine, isn't that cheap, what is it?
Zhang Guilan couldn't afford to be angry, "It's useless for you to tell me about it. I'm a sister-in-law, and I have my parents-in-law on top. I can't control my sister-in-law. Besides, this sister-in-law was married before. If you haven't married yet, I can say what I say, but if you are married, you are also an adult, and you can make up your own mind about your own affairs, so it's not good for me to reach out to meddle in her affairs."

"The eldest sister-in-law is like a mother, how can Guilan sister be inappropriate." Dong Chunhong held her breath in her heart, "It stands to reason that the uncle and aunt of the Luo family are all there, so I should look for them for this matter, but the Luo family is doing it every day, where is it?" There is still time to take care of Luo Haiying. It just so happened that the girl came back. Didn’t I just think of the girl? Luo Haiying did something with her bones connected. People will laugh at you everywhere."

Are you threatening yourself?
Zhang Guilan is really not afraid of this, she smiled lightly, "Don't think it's unpleasant to say something to you, back then you knew that Zhou Chengcai was engaged, and you came to the door with a big belly, then you were still a little girl, Don't be afraid of what others say three to four times. My sister-in-law has been married three times, so there is nothing to be ashamed of. This person is used to being thick-skinned, so he doesn't care about anything. He is afraid of others when he wants to do what he wants say what?"

Dong Chunhong's face turned green and red when her own affairs were entangled.

Suddenly, I felt unhappy, "Sister, I heard people in the village say that you are reasonable, so I asked you to talk about this matter. Today, it seems that I came here by mistake. I was a pregnant woman from Zhou's family when I was pregnant. But who hasn't been young, who hasn't made mistakes? Could it be that if you make a mistake once, you won't be able to hold your head up for the rest of your life?"

"Look, I'm telling the truth. When you cry like this, people don't know how I made things difficult for you. You said that my sister-in-law lost face to the Luo family. I'm not using your case as an example. I didn't say anything, don't cry, it seems like I bullied you." Zhang Guilan felt impatient, "Be reasonable and have to divide things up. Seeing my parents-in-law, how can I, a sister-in-law, take care of my sister-in-law and spread the word What can people say about me? I haven’t been drowned in saliva. It’s not wrong for you to beg me and I refuse. But I don’t know where you have drawn so many tears. I just told everyone today. That's it for today, if you are really worried about something, just go to my mother-in-law and father-in-law."

After leaving the words, Zhang Guilan walked back.

It took a long time to hear footsteps behind him, and without looking back, he went straight into the house after reaching the yard.

Seeing that the father-in-law was also there, he said hello, "Has Dad eaten yet?"

"I ate here just now." Old man Luo didn't feel anything, and told the truth directly.

Zhang Guilan nodded, sat down on the kang, and the table was cleared away.

"Why does the Zhou family's wife want you?" Zhang Laowu saw that his daughter was unhappy.

It happened that her father-in-law was there, so Zhang Guilan didn't have to run away, so she directly told Dong Chunhong about her business, "...I said that I can't handle it as a sister-in-law, let her find her father and mother. I really can't handle this matter, first Don't talk about anything else, we don't know if it's true or not, so we just scold Haiying directly, if there is no such thing, you also know her temper, what should we do if we go to Zhou's house to make trouble? Isn't it a joke?"

The old man Luo, who was furious at first, slowly subsided after hearing this, "I'll ask her when I get home at night."

These days, he only cares about farming and cleaning up Guo Ying, and the old man Luo doesn't have time to take care of his daughter. He didn't expect such rumors to spread in the village.

"I inquired about the house before. There is a vacancy in the east of the village. I will go to Zhou's house tomorrow to ask. I saw the brigade go up and buy it." Old man Luo was talking about business, but he never expected to meet his daughter. thing.

"That's fine. Dad will ask tomorrow. If the price is right, I'll buy it." Zhang Guilan was also tired.

After saying a few more words, I went to the wing room, which was my own room before.

As soon as his body was glued to the kang, he fell into a deep sleep without taking off his clothes.

Sleeping in a daze at night, he was awakened by the woman's scolding and screaming. He was stunned before, but then he heard the sound coming from his own yard, and hurriedly put on his shoes and went out.

The lights in the main room were on, and the door was open, illuminating the courtyard. Seeing her mother-in-law, Guo Ying, was tearing up with old man Luo, Zhang Guilan's head hurt.

 Try to update, and then ask for votes, haha

(End of this chapter)

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