Chapter 367 Selfishness
Zhang Laowu didn't want to take care of the Luo family's affairs, but since this person made trouble in his own yard, he had to take care of it.

He strode forward, "Look at what this is for, let go of it quickly, and talk about something, the noise in the middle of the night can be heard from the east of the village, how embarrassing."

Old man Luo's eyes were red, "Today, I'll kill her after drinking out to kill her, so it's quiet."

Even talking about murder, this is really pissed off.

Guo Ying screamed, while trying to break free from the old man Luo's hand on his hair, "Killed, killed."

In panic, he would only shout this sentence.

Zhang Laowu couldn't persuade him, so he could only rescue the person first. Zhang Guilan gritted her teeth and walked forward, "Dad, let's go into the room and talk about it if there is something to do. Don't make trouble in the middle of the night. Don't worry about others, you have to think about Laoji." think."

This made the old man Luo let go of his hand in a rage.

Once free, Guo Ying crawled behind Zhang Laowu, trembling and afraid to come out.

Now as long as the old man Luo is persuaded not to get angry, no one cares about her. Zhang Laowu drags the old man Luo into the house. Zhang Guilan sees the mother-in-law with messy hair on the ground who looks like a beggar, and walks forward to help him up. , went into the house together.

In the room, the old man Luo sat on the bed with Zhang Laowu, trembling with anger. When he saw Guo Ying coming in, he pointed at Li Ying and said viciously, "Why do you say I beat you? If you didn't die Conscience, can I beat you in the middle of the night?"

In fact, there is no need to ask, Zhang Guilan can also think of what her mother-in-law said and did. Sometimes she can't think of what this mother-in-law did, so she is also very curious about what her mother-in-law is thinking.

Guo Ying hid behind Zhang Guilan, and the old man Luo scolded even more when he saw it, "You still have the guts to hide behind Guilan? I really don't know how thick-skinned you are. Just a moment ago, you were plotting against your own daughter-in-law. Next Seeing people as if nothing happened for a moment, your heart is dark, isn't it?"

Upon hearing this, Zhang Guilan froze for a moment and froze for a moment.

Even though he knew that this mother-in-law didn't like him, but when he heard that she was plotting against him, his heart sank, but he didn't show much on his face that he wanted to distance himself from her mother-in-law.

Then Guo Ying defended herself, "What's wrong with me? It's not like I lived a life that was not human after I came back. I had to think of a way. I didn't do this to survive. I was in this village with you. , I’m afraid there won’t even be any bones left in a few months, so what’s wrong with me looking for my son to give me reason?”

"You're still stubborn, aren't you? If you want to see your son, you will see him. What are you doing to drug Guilan? Where did Guilan offend you? After she came back, she always thought of you. She wanted to buy you a house and get you living expenses. You What are you thinking about? You don’t want to think about what you did to Guilan after she married into our family? The daughter-in-law of another family would have kicked her out a long time ago, and still recognize you as a mother-in-law? But what about Guilan? I blush with you a few times, that’s because you are too aggressive. You dare to do anything in order to achieve your own goals. Such a woman can only harm people by keeping you. I might as well kill you. I’m all alone. It’s fine to go to prison with debts.” Old man Luo’s raised hand was still trembling slightly.

The father and daughter of the Zhang family also heard a general idea. Guo Ying wanted his son to come back, and the way he came up with was to make Zhang Guilan have an accident, so he was studying to prescribe medicine to Zhang Guilan. Old man Luo heard it. As for who to study with, it was in the middle of the night. There is no one else in the Luo family except Luo Haiying.

After Zhang Guilan thought it through, she felt unspeakably chilled. Even if she pulled out the heart and gave it to her, it wouldn't be the same size. In the end, she had to drink her own blood and eat her own flesh.

Zhang Laowu also thought it through, stared at Guo Ying for a long time without saying a word, he could only turn his head angrily, no wonder he wanted to beat her to death, so the woman who only knew to harm her family would have to be beaten to death by herself she.

Guo Ying felt guilty, afraid that Zhang Guilan would not help her at this time, "Guilan, listen to Mom's explanation, Mom has no other choice, even if you buy a house and let me move out, your dad will not let me go, He was afraid that I would give him a cuckold, and he would beat me every day to express the anger in his heart. I can't stay in the village, I know I told you that you would never agree to take me to the city, I treated you badly before Well, I made things difficult for you everywhere, so I thought that if you were sick, Lao Ji would definitely come back, that's my son, why can't I watch his father beat me to death."

Guo Ying didn't feel that she did something wrong at all, she just felt that she was the most pitiful, and she didn't even feel that it was a big deal at all. The more she did this, the more angry old man Luo felt.

"Look at her, I'm thinking of taking medicine. If I still live, I don't know what I will do. Before she kills more people, I will kill her. One life is worth one life." Old man Luo wanted to rush over.

Grabbed vigorously by Zhang Lao Wu, "Speak well, don't do anything."

Old man Luo opened his mouth, sighed heavily, and fell silent.

Guo Ying was so frightened that she hid behind Zhang Guilan again, and was pulled by her clothes. Zhang Guilan had no choice but to endure it.

At this time, Zhang Laowu said, "Guilan, you are the daughter-in-law of the Luo family. Dad has no right to speak. Tell me, what are you going to do about this matter today?"

Zhang Guilan wished she could just let her mother-in-law go as far as she could, and suppressed her anger, "I originally planned to buy a house and then take care of the pension, but now it seems that this method is not feasible, and I don't have to look at the house tomorrow, and I can't do it." Lord, I'll go to town and call Laoji tomorrow."

Now she doesn't care, to see who is crying in the end.

Guo Ying's eyes lit up when he heard his son, "Guilan, you told Lao Ji to come back, just say I can't do it, and want to see him one last time."

This is really nonsense, how can there be such a mother?

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips tightly and did not speak, but Guo Ying burst into tears, "My life is miserable. I lost my mother when I was three years old. I was raised by an old man. I just got married and left a few days ago. I just left behind." I am lonely and alone, it’s okay to be poor in this life, I can’t live a few days of comfort when I’m old, Luo Yongzhi, don’t you want to kill me? Come on, kill me, I will too I don't want to live anymore."

With Zhang's father and daughter pulling him, Guo Ying was really excited.

Zhang Guilan saw through her mother-in-law's little trick, so she simply took this opportunity to walk to the edge of the kang and sit down. With no one standing in front of her, Guo Ying, who was cursing, froze for a moment, stopped crying, and was dumbfounded.

Seeing her like that, Zhang Guilan almost couldn't hold back her laughter and forced herself to hold back.

Guo Ying also felt lost, and gritted her teeth, "Luo Yongzhi, I'm sorry for you, but what about you? You have been silent at home all your life, picking up your little field every day, how many times have you cooked for me?" How many times have you washed clothes? Have you asked me what I like to eat? I passed by someone else halfway, and Tong Laosan is good to me, and supports me every day. Living a hard life, how about you? Apart from staring and swearing, what else can you do? Yes, you can beat women now."

Even a man can't bear to utter these words in front of outsiders.

While holding the old man Luo, Zhang Laowu scolded Guo Ying, "Sister and sister, look at what nonsense you are talking about. Now that you have come back and spent time with Yongzhi, then don't think about it, and live a good life with peace of mind. When the men of the family are at home, the women will run outside, and this is simply a wild desire."

"My heart is running wild? It's not because he treats me badly. In the past few months when I've been home, how can I live a comfortable life? He beats people every time he doesn't move. My face swells and recedes and swells. He didn’t dare to go out of the house, how can he live in sincerity?” Guo Ying had a bad leg, and was beaten by old man Luo at home and ran out, but he didn’t know where to go, so he had to run to Zhang’s house.

Otherwise, her life would be gone tonight.

Now that he was recovering, the pain in his legs came out. Guo Ying couldn't hold on, so he just sat on the ground, his hair was disheveled, his clothes were torn, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he looked like he couldn't see anyone.

"Hit you? Why did I beat you? Whose wife doesn't cook and wait for ready-made food? You don't do the work in the field, and you don't cook at home. You really think you are an old man who is raising you in the city. What about your wife?" The old man Luo glared at each other angrily, "Xiaoji is also like this when he comes back, let's try if you don't believe me, I used to be soft-hearted to you, which made you dissatisfied, now you go back with me, and be honest in the future. Pretend it never happened, or you will be beaten every day."

"Guilan, listen, you say this village still keeps me in a daze? You don't need to call Jixiao anymore. I'll go back to the city with you tomorrow and help you coax the children so that you don't get beaten to death by him here. "Guo Ying will have something to say right away.

Zhang Guilan really didn't want to listen anymore, "Dad, stop arguing with Mom, I think you two can't live on, so don't make it together. As for Mom, you said you were going to the city to give me Take the child, then I will say it up front, I can't let you take the child, if you take the child to the city, I will take the child to move out, and you will follow the child. I can't afford it, who's life It's not good to make trouble like this. It's better to move out as soon as possible. You don't have to scold me for being unfilial. I told you at the beginning that I will not support your old age. It is my limit to get you pension , Tomorrow I will go to the town and call Xiaoji, let him decide which one to choose."

As soon as Zhang Guilan's words came out of her mouth, Guo Ying was dumbfounded, and then she got up from the ground and wanted to jump in front of Zhang Guilan, but was stopped by Zhang Laowu, "Sister and sister, don't blame Guilan for saying these things , No one can bear it if you are like this. If you continue in the past, if Guilan doesn’t say this today, I will tell you. I can’t let my daughter suffer that kind of grievance.”

Old man Luo didn't want to be with Guo Ying any more when he saw the situation turned out like this, otherwise he was really afraid that he would lose control and kill her.

"Okay, the unscrupulous one is here, you are forcing Xiaoji not to give me a pension." Guo Ying shouted.

"You can say whatever you want." Zhang Guilan got up and went out.

He didn't hear any more movement in the main room.

 I found that the readers of Baba are very cute, and while giving rewards, they said that Baba’s writing is blind, haha, they are all daozi mouthed tofu

(End of this chapter)

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