Chapter 371 Handling
When old man Luo saw his son came back, he looked guilty and sat on the top of the kang smoking a pipe without saying a word.

"Son, you are back, otherwise you will never see mom again." Guo Ying finally found a savior.

Luo Jiren's mother jumped on him, Zhang Guilan took the bag in his hand, Luo Jicai helped his mother who threw herself on him, and helped them sit on the kang together.

Being treated like this by his son, Guo Ying only felt that he had found a backbone, and the tears flowed more and more.

Luo Haiying also walked over from Westinghouse, leaning against the door frame and watching.

Except for Guo Ying who was complaining, everyone didn't speak. In fact, everyone knew in their hearts that this matter was only waiting for Luo Ji to deal with it.

Luo Ji was not in a hurry to speak, and just listened quietly to his mother talking about the abuse he had suffered after returning to the village. He kept saying nothing about how the old man Luo beat her, until she had nothing to say. After crying, Luo Jicai opened his mouth.

"Mom, I never told you too much before. I kept everything in my heart. Now that I'm back, I'll talk to you." Luo Ji said with a calm face, "What did you make trouble in the past? I never said it deeply, and even made Guilan feel a little wronged, because you are an old man, and respecting you is what sons and daughters should do. But you are getting more and more troublesome, and in the end you got along with others halfway, and I didn't say anything. Today I will tell you the truth. On the day you lived with others, I told myself that I would not have you as a mother. I can bear anything, but I can’t accept this. If you leave my father, you will find me again. I don't blame you. I don't know what kind of thing can make you feel ashamed. Tong Laosan doesn't want you and you come back. I told you at that time that I won't have a mother in the future. It was you who went to the compound at that time I don't care about making trouble, the big deal is that everyone will laugh at me and my mother for messing around with men and women outside."

Guo Ying's face was as white as paper as soon as he uttered the words about messing with the relationship between men and women.The body couldn't help shaking.

"Dad gave you money and picked you up. It's Dad's business. I can't take care of it. But you want to go to my place to let me take care of the elderly. This is absolutely impossible. On the day you were with Tong Laosan, in my heart you would Dead." Luo Ji's words fell to the ground.

echoed in the hearts of everyone in the room.

Luo Ji's words also made it clear that if you want to have a place to retire, you can only rely on the old man Luo now, and it is impossible to think of your children.

The words were so clear that Guo Ying didn't know why she was making a fuss, she was the one who shamelessly lived with others outside, and now it's not good over there.Turning back to look for her son to take care of her, who would recognize such a mother?

People who have grandchildren are still messing around with men and women outside.

At this time, if you secretly engage in a relationship between a man and a woman, you will be sent to jail.

Luo Haiying also looked at Luo Ji in surprise, in her thoughts.The eldest brother will definitely use money to caress his mother, but he doesn't know that his mother is already dead in his heart.

Seeing that no one was speaking for him, Guo Ying said blankly, "Think I'm dead? But I'm not dead."

"Mom, you and Dad have a good time. Dad is not the kind of bad-hearted person. You just need to live a good life. It's no different from before. Guilan and I will also give you money. If you make trouble like this, Dad doesn't want you, and I don't want you." Don’t want you, where are you going? You think that’s okay. You can just make trouble.” Luo Ji sighed, “When I came here, I reported the family’s problems to the higher-ups. If Mom doesn’t believe it, go and ask.”

Guo Ying was completely dumbfounded when he heard that the trouble in the forest area would not work.

She never thought of it.It was the son who was waiting for a showdown with himself.

Luo Haiying saw that things were going this way, and there was no other result, so she turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Luo Ji, "Luo Haiying, I also have something to tell you."

"I have mom and dad above me, so I don't need my elder brother to lecture me." Luo Haiying and Ben ignored Luo Ji, turned around and walked out.

Luo Ji didn't care if she listened or not, "I don't need to teach you, but I took the money to raise my parents, and I didn't want to support you. If you really have the ambition, don't rely on your parents, just move out by yourself." You can do whatever you want, or find someone to marry, you should think about it yourself."

Luo Haiying shouted in the Westinghouse, "Okay, I will pay for room and board in the future, and I will never cost you a penny."

"That's the best." Luo Ji snorted coldly before talking to the old man Luo, "Dad, what did I tell you when you left? The family can't go on like this, hurry up and find someone for Haiying Married, a girl of this age is still raised at home, if she is a little bit more peaceful, that's fine, but look at what she's wearing, how does she look like a little bit quieter?"

"I've been looking for someone to find someone for her in the past few days." Old man Luo felt guilty.

When I left, I spoke harshly to my son, saying that it would be fixed, but in the end, my son and daughter-in-law came back, "You have just arrived home, go to your old man's place to rest, the house is in chaos I can't rest well either."

Luo Ji nodded, then stood up, and glanced at his stupid mother, "Mom, I've talked about what I said today, you should think about it, if you really can't stay in this house, then you can go let's go."

Taking the bag from his wife, Luo Ji strode out.

Zhang Guilan nodded with old man Luo and chased them out.

She had also thought about this question before, what Luo Ji thought when facing his mother-in-law halfway through with others, and I didn't know his thoughts until today, it's right to think about it, he is a rigid man in his bones, how could he accept such a thing .

After walking out of Luo's house, Luo Ji slowed down. He waited for Zhang Guilan from behind to catch up, and then took her hand, "Are you in a hurry these days?"

"No, when I have nothing to do, I will go to the fields with my dad. I just miss my child, so I don't know what's going on?" In this backward age, there is no mobile phone.

Luo Ji smiled, "When I left, I made a special trip home. The two boys have grown flesh again, and they are alive and kicking. They can be cleaned every day."

Although he didn't see it, but listening to Luo Ji talking about his son, Zhang Guilan felt at ease, "Are you tired too? Go home and rest first, and I'll give you something to eat."

"I'm hungry, and there's nothing to eat on the train, and the weather is hot, so I don't dare to bring anything to eat." Luo Ji had been worrying about family matters, and now that it's settled, he feels at ease, "I didn't want to Say these words, but seeing her making troubles all the time, I don't want to hide it anymore, if she really wants to spend her old age peacefully, she will know from now on that she shouldn't make trouble anymore."

"Did you really tell your superiors?" Zhang Guilan thought about what he said.

Luo Ji smiled wryly, "Do I need to elaborate on this matter? I don't know what I don't know after investigation? I can't keep it a secret. I'm just deceiving myself."

Zhang Guilan clenched his hand tightly, "It's all settled now, don't think too much about it, it happened on both sides."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Luo Ji's eyes flickered, "I saw Milan on the way back, and I'm also buying tickets."

"Go back to my hometown too?" Zhang Guilan has never had anything to do with Milan.

However, in the memory of the previous life, Milan's life was not good, not to mention that Hu Youguo was arrested a while ago, and now he is afraid that life is not easy.

"She saw me and wanted to come over to talk, so I got in the car first."

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips and smiled, "There is nothing to be courteous about, adultery or stealing, I think you did something wrong to tell me this, hurry up, confess now, I can forgive you, otherwise... huh... .”

Luo Ji tugged, took her into his arms, and walked towards Zhang's house with his arms around her, "You have seen all this? It really is the big boss, with unique eyes."

Seeing him will also make jokes.

Zhang Guilan couldn't help laughing out loud.

The two joked all the way and walked home.

Dong Chunhong happened to come out to dispose of garbage, and when she saw this scene, she felt envious, until she saw the two entered the courtyard, then turned around and went back to the courtyard, and saw Zhou Chengcai lying on the kang after entering the house, she thought in her heart How can there be such a big gap between the same men?

The more I thought about it, the more unpleasant it became, and the more I looked down on Zhou Chengcai.

At night, his back was turned to Zhou Chengcai, and he didn't want to take a second look.

The atmosphere in the Zhang family was different. Zhang Guilan cooked the dishes, and there was nothing to do. He killed a chicken, fried leek eggs, baked sugar cakes, beaten tofu and cabbage soup. Zhang Laowu called the old man Luo, The three of them drank, and it was midnight when they fell asleep at night.

Luo Ji also drank too much, Zhang Guilan knew that he was unhappy, took this opportunity to vent, did not say much, gave Luo Ji footwashing water, the two of them tidied up, and when they lay down, they looked around quietly. Quietly, only a few dogs barking in the village could be heard from time to time.

Zhang Guilan thought it was so late, so she took a rest.

The next day, Luo Ji got up early and lighthearted, and went to the field with Zhang Laowu to look at the fields. Zhang Guilan didn't feel too embarrassed to lie down, seeing that it was almost done, and got up to make breakfast.

While waiting to eat, seeing Luo Ji smiling, Zhang Guilan gave him a hard look, and Luo Ji smiled happier. After the meal, the two went to Luo's house, the matter was settled, and they were ready to go back to the city .

Sitting in the east room, the old man Luo was smoking a cigarette, "After you finished talking yesterday, your mother will stop making trouble, so don't worry, if she doesn't make trouble, I can't beat her."

After all, Guo Ying pulled out the old man Luo's beating yesterday. The old man Luo always felt that it was a matter, and he was quite guilty in front of his son. He only found a chance to make a promise today.

"Dad, if you still feel uncomfortable, let Mom share it. Guilan and I will buy the house for her, and we will also pay for the pension." A man can't stand being betrayed by his wife.

"No, no, it's good. It's been so many years."

Seeing his father like this, Luo Ji didn't say much, he just said that he would go back to the city tomorrow, and told him to deal with Luo Haiying's affairs as soon as possible, and the two returned to Zhang's house.

(End of this chapter)

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