Chapter 372 Inquiry
The son came back and stayed for a day and was about to leave. Old man Luo also knew that he couldn't do without people in the forest area.

After returning to Zhang's house, Zhang Guilan took out a piece of bacon at home, chopped it and chopped leeks, beat eggs, made stuffing with it, and prepared dumplings at night.

Luo Ji also came to help, and Zhang Laowu went to fetch firewood, and when he came back, he went to Luo's house and asked old man Luo to have dinner at home at night. The following couple are leaving, and the family will have a reunion dinner."

Old man Luo didn't want Guo Ying to go, but he thought of reassuring his son, so he nodded.

As soon as Zhang Laowu left on the front foot, the old man Luo went to the west room on the back foot. When he saw Guo Ying lying on the kang with his back on his back, he didn't beat around the bush and said directly, "Go to Luo's for dinner tonight. If you want to make a fuss during dinner, you can get the hell out of here at night, and don't blame me for not saying the ugly things first."

Seeing from left to right that his daughter was not at home, the old man Luo felt unhappy, "Look at the daughters you have taught, all of them are not worry-free."

Turn around and go out to find someone.

Guo Ying just sat up. The swollen area on her face from the old man Luo still hasn't disappeared. She looks miserable, but she has resigned herself to her fate at this moment. She knows that there is really no place for her to continue making trouble. Take shelter.

He limped off the ground before going to Luo's house.

It's not impossible to let her live a peaceful life, but she can't just give her no money. It's a dream to expect the old man Luo to give her money, so Guo Ying went to the Zhang family first while the old man Luo was looking for his daughter.

Zhang Guilan bowed her head and continued making dumplings after calling out to her mother, but Luo Ji didn't say anything.

Zhang Laowu said a few polite words and asked Guo Ying to sit on the kang.

Guo Ying was also polite, and took off his shoes and got on the kang, "Lao Ji, you are going back, leave some money for me, your father doesn't buy anything every day. There are corn stubbles at home every day."

Luo Ji's rolling hands paused.

Zhang Guilan bumped into Luo Ji, "I have money in my bag, go and get two hundred for Mom."

Hearing that there were two hundred, Guo Ying had a smile on his face.

Sure enough she was right.You have to ask for this money, you don’t want it, and you don’t have it.

Luo Ji thought for a while, then turned around to get the money, and when he handed it to his mother, he said, "Don't let Dad know."

Guo Ying was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head, and did not speak again.

After all, it's not heartless. The son told himself this, because he was afraid that old man Luo would blame her.Lose your temper again?
Zhang Guilan really felt sorry for Luo Ji, she shook her head but didn't say anything, and when the old man Luo came, Zhang Guilan said a few words during the meal, "Dad, don't be reluctant to spend the money I gave you. If you eat good food in the city, you eat chaff and swallow vegetables at home, what will others think of us? If we are really unfilial, it’s okay, so if you don’t think about yourself, you have to think about Lao Ji, right? You can earn more, but don’t waste it.”

The old man Luo didn't think much about it because Guo Ying said that the food at home was not good.I just thought it was my daughter-in-law who felt sorry for me, "Understood, don't worry, take good care of the children, wait for two years, take them back to the village to see."

"Understood." Anyway, Zhang Guilan couldn't say much about it.That's it.

After dinner, when Luo Ji was talking to his father, he also mentioned to buy some food for the family. The old man Luo felt embarrassed to be ordered by his daughter-in-law and son.That's what caught my heart.

After dinner that day, Zhang Guilan and Luo Ji were walking in the village. They saw a carriage approaching from a distance. It looked like they were moving, but when they got closer, they realized that it was the Mi family.

Unlike when I left, this time there was an extra child.

Milan was not as energetic as before. He looked very haggard. When he saw Luo Ji and Zhang Guilan, he was also taken aback. Then he turned his head. The old couple of the Mi family didn't have the face to say hello to Luo Ji, so they let the carriage enter the village.

The carriage finally stopped at the head of the village. A few days ago, Zhang Guilan and the old man Luo discussed about buying a house for Guo Ying. It turned out that the Mi family had sent a telegram to the Zhou family before moving back to the village, asking them to help buy a house in the village.

Although the Mi family came back in the evening, the village was too small, so it spread quickly. At the beginning, they moved into the city in a splendid manner, but now they came back with a child, and they never saw the Mi family. My son-in-law knows what's going on without asking.

There were a few good women who were busy moving things in name, but they went to inquire about the news. Zhuang Juan knew that she would have to face these things when she returned to the village.

"The man was imprisoned for messing with men and women outside, and he had to squat inside for three months. Although we came from the countryside, we can't live with such a person. No matter how embarrassing the divorce is, we can't bear it. , Milan didn’t want anything, as long as he had a child, he divorced. My father and I thought that we would be under a lot of pressure in the city, so we might as well go back to the village, where we can grow enough food for a few mouthfuls of land around our own home. Yes." Zhuang Juan is very good at talking, and there is nothing wrong with her family.

It's not a good thing to be arrested for messing with men and women.

After the news spread, everyone in the village sympathized with Milan, and no one said it was ugly. After Zhang Guilan heard it, she couldn't help but sigh. She was a human being, but Mi's family was sympathetic, and Luo Haiying was looked down upon. It can be seen that this person is good or bad. See if you can be a human being, but you can't blame others.

Although Luo Ji left later, he grew up in the village after all, and there were several people of the same age. When he came back, he had to talk together. Seeing that it was getting dark, he went home.

Suddenly someone rushed out to stop him on the road, so he was not afraid, he just looked at the person who stopped him with a frown, "What's the matter?"

Dong Chunhong blushed, she didn't dare to look at Luo Ji, she lowered her head, "I want to talk about your sister."

Luo Ji didn't say anything, but he didn't walk away, which made Dong Chunhong heave a sigh of relief, and then said, "Your sister and Zhou Chengcai were in the woods, and I caught them twice. I know I was wrong before, but at that time they It’s not that I’m not married and have no children, but now that I have a child, I want you to talk about your sister, for the sake of the child, don’t be with Zhou Chengcai anymore.”

Seeing that it was useless to find Zhang Guilan, Dong Chunhong made up her mind when she saw Luo Ji came back, but she couldn't find a chance.

And when facing Luo Ji, it also made her feel ashamed.

Luo Ji heard his wife talk about it, and frowned, "Okay, I'll talk about her."

Dong Chunhong breathed a sigh of relief, raised her head and smiled, "Thank you. Actually, I have no parents since I was a child, and my elder brother and I depended on each other. Now that I am married and have children, I feel that I have a family. , now God has repaid me, I have been thinking these days, what should I do if I look for you and you don't care."

"Don't worry, I will definitely let her stop destroying other people's families." Luo Ji strode away without further words.

Originally, he planned to go directly to his father-in-law's house, but when he met Dong Chunhong, Luo Ji turned around and went back to his own house.

Old man Luo hadn't laid down yet, when he saw his son coming, he thought he was busy, "Is everything packed? What's the matter?"

"Dad, where's Haiying? Tell her to come over, I have something to ask her." Luo Ji sat down on the kang in a muffled voice.

Old man Luo didn't ask any further questions, and went to Westinghouse to call for someone.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Luo Haiying got dressed and came over, "Brother."

"Zhou Chengcai's daughter-in-law found me today, and I asked you, are you not thinking about it?" Luo Ji didn't want to worry about it, but he could see that this younger sister, like his mother, had to be ruthless to be safe. "You know the man in Milan How did you get in? Let me tell you, the woman who was with the man in Milan is also locked inside. If you want to go in, you can continue to communicate with Zhou Chengcai. Don’t expect your family to help you. You still leave your house Isn’t it messy enough? Ruan Chizhong got Dad into a mess, and he almost got me into it. You don’t know how to repent, and you are still doing shameful things here. Let me ask you today, what do you want to do? ?”

Luo Haiying's face turned green and red, and she simply didn't hide it, "I have today, is it because of Zhou Chengcai? He is engaged to me. If it's okay, I will live with him well, but the result is not yet. When he got married, he made other women's stomachs bigger. After marrying me, he still thought about that bitch every day, and his mother secretly gave money to that bitch. If it wasn't for his family treating me like this, I could elope with others. Can he be reduced to what he is today? Why should he be able to live a good life, and I need to be instructed by others? I also want to let him taste my pain."

Obviously not sad anymore, only hate, when I said this, I couldn't help but shed tears.

Hearing her words from the bottom of her heart, Luo Ji was so angry, "Nonsense, what are you thinking? Wouldn't the world be messed up if you think like this? If you retaliate like this, you will hurt yourself in the end. I didn't care how you messed up before." , Now I will stop this kind of thinking immediately. Luo Haiying, our family is in trouble today, because of what? Half of it is because of you. If you didn’t elope, mom would go to the city? And then she was with someone else after an accident? I I never said anything, because I think you should think of this, and you will feel guilty in your heart, and now it seems that you are really wrong, and you don’t even know what you did wrong.”

"Did I do something wrong? When my mother sold me to the Zhou family, why didn't she think about my feelings? Am I her daughter? For that little money, she didn't want to think about my happiness. Such a scandal happened to the Zhou family. Those who love their daughter will not marry her, and now they blame me, what about me? I can only bear it?" Luo Haiying shouted desperately, "Let me let go now? It's too late, I won't Happiness, those who make me unhappy, don't even think about happiness. This is my own business, so I don't have to worry about it. If you want to drive me out of Luo's house, I have a place to live, so I can just let Zhou Chengcai Move out."

 I want a ticket, I want a ticket
(End of this chapter)

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