Chapter 373
Old man Luo didn't expect his daughter to have such an idea, so naturally he didn't agree.

Looking at the extreme sister who threatened her with words, Luo Ji sneered, "You don't have to say harsh words here, you can scare your parents, but you can't scare me. I'll just watch you move out. Zhou Chengcai is with you." How do you live together? Do you really think that the Zhou family is so tolerant? Doesn’t his family not want to tear themselves apart with the Luo family? If you really dare to be with Zhou Chengcai so blatantly, the Zhou family will dare to call the police and arrest you, saying you are messing around As for the relationship between men and women, Zhou Chengcai's being arrested and released doesn't matter much, he is a man, you are a woman, and you will be scolded as a shameless woman wherever you go in this life, you don't like to do this."

Luo Ji's words were not intimidating, he could see through this matter at a glance.

It's just that the Zhou family endured it and guaranteed that other people in the village would not report it?At this moment, there are still many people arrested for this kind of mistake, and Luo Ji can imagine what will happen.

Luo Haiying sneered, "Shameless? Do I still have a good reputation now? After elopement, I won't have a good reputation, and that's it for me. You can live your good life. If you really treat me like a younger sister, you can see My life is so miserable? You eat well, live well, and have money to spend. Besides, the work in your factory is better than mine. What about me? I am your own sister, what do I have to do with a beggar now? the difference."

"I didn't expect you to still have complaints about me in your heart. Well, let me ask you, what did your sister-in-law say when you came to the city when you were about to break off the engagement with the Zhou family? You haven't forgotten it, right? You chose to go back Yes, it was useless for your sister-in-law to persuade you. At that time, I privately asked you not to take your own life as a trifling matter. You were ambitious at that time, and you returned to Zhou’s house, but you eloped with others and made a fool of yourself. The responsibility was shifted to your sister-in-law, and Zhou Chengcai pointed at your sister-in-law's nose and scolded. You had a miscarriage and had no money. Chen You found your sister-in-law. Without saying a word, your sister-in-law took the money to go to the hospital and paid more , and even gave Chen You money to buy food. I also gave you food. Your sister-in-law didn’t remember your grudge, did she? When something really happened, did you have to pay her back? You broke up with Chen You and ran away alone. Your sister-in-law accompanied Dad in the city for several days, and she was pregnant at the time, who could do this with any woman?"

Looking at the younger sister who didn't feel guilty at all, and still had a mocking face, Luo Jizhen wanted to slap her across the face, "You got another Ruan Chizhong and brought it home like a guest. Your sister-in-law has a big belly to serve your elders during the New Year. Little one, if you are a good sister-in-law, I won’t say anything about it? But what about you? You don’t need to ask me to know that you are behind the scenes, making Mom difficult for Guilan everywhere. When you go to work in the factory, don't you mess up the factory?"

Luo Ji's words, to Luo Haiying, were heavier than a slap in the face.

She replied in shame and anger, "Yes, in your eyes, she is a good person no matter what she does. No matter what I do, she will be bad. Is this okay? I have never heard of a daughter-in-law who yells at her face for not raising her mother-in-law is a good daughter-in-law. , you really have a daughter-in-law and forget your mother."

"I forgot mother?" Luo Ji's eyes were red.

The veins on his forehead popped up, and he wanted to kill someone.

The old man Luo couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed forward with a few strides, and slapped his daughter in the face with a big slap. "You heartless thing, I beat you to death today. I thought you were pitiful, but I didn't say anything about you. Let's see now. You deserve it."

Luo Haiying didn't wait to be beaten like Guo Ying. While hiding, seeing that she couldn't dodge, she pushed away the old man Luo in front of her. Unexpectedly, the old man Luo didn't expect her to fight back, and fell to the ground without preparation. After all, she was old. Unable to withstand such a fall, I got up twice and fell to the ground without getting up.

"Dad..." Luo Ji stepped forward to help him up, and sat on the kang, "How can I do it? Is there any discomfort?"

Old Man Luo shook his head, "I'm fine."

After confirming that his father was really okay, Luo Ji turned around and ran towards Luo Haiying, and slapped him with a big slap, "You are such a bastard, even your parents did it, why do you become more and more inhuman as you live?"

In the end, Luo Haiying saw that he had caused trouble, and endured the slap abruptly, not daring to speak out.

"Luo Haiying, let me tell you, you move out immediately, even if you die outside, don't go back to this house." Luo Ji pointed outside, telling Luo Haiying to get out.

Luo Haiying stood still, where could she go in the middle of the night?There is nowhere to go either.

And unwilling to be scolded by Luo Ji, "Why do you scold me? I was raised by my parents, not you. Don't think that you can be the master of your parents because you are a bit promising now. Mom spends money, but the family still has land, and what I eat is the food grown in the land, and it's not bought with your money."

From the beginning to the end, Guo Ying, who was lying in the west room, never came over.

In the past two days, Guo Ying has also figured it out. She is really afraid that no one will care about her. Besides, the words her son gave her money in the afternoon made her feel sad. She also understood that she will be fine like this, son. If you can still provide for yourself, and you won’t lose your own money, that’s fine.

So everyone in the east room beat people with their hands at night, but Guo Ying didn't move.

Luo Haiying had no helpers, and seeing her father and elder brother beating her, she felt aggrieved, covered her face and began to cry. Zhang Guilan saw this scene when she came in, and waited at home for Luo Ji not to come back, guessing that he might return to Luo Ji. It was home, and then she could hear the noise when she was standing in her yard, so she hurried over.

"It's okay, Laoji, you can go back with Guilan, you have to catch the train tomorrow, Haiying is here to watch over me." Old man Luo supported his waist and waved his son to go.

How can Luo Ji rest assured, "Dad, go to the health center in the town tomorrow to have a look, don't make any mistakes, it will be bad if you find out later."

"It's okay, it's okay, farmers are not as delicate as you think, just sleep for a night and take care of them." Old man Luo replied with restraint.

Zhang Guilan also saw her father-in-law's face was pale, and knew that she might have fallen badly, "Then let's take care of him overnight, and if he's still not feeling well tomorrow, go to the health center to have a look."

While pulling Luo Ji out of the house.

On the way back, I said to him, "It's useless for you to say more now, wait a night and see, if it doesn't work, you can leave tomorrow, I will stay with Dad to see a doctor, and I will go back when everything is checked and there is nothing wrong. "

After all, the work of the man in the family is more important than his own, and he is not short of a day or two.

"It's also my fault for being too impulsive tonight, otherwise it wouldn't have happened like this." Luo Ji also felt a little regretful.

While learning what happened at night from Zhang Guilan, "I really didn't expect Haiying to become like this, she is finished."

More than just finished?
This is the way it is in this life, and there will be more pitiful times in the future.

Zhang Guilan didn't say anything in her heart, but persuaded him on the surface, "Everyone has their own fate, and it will be fine when she can't toss about herself, and it will stop."

Right now, there is no other way but to say so, Luo Haiying just dived in to make Zhou Chengcai unhappy, Luo Ji watched helplessly, but there was nothing he could do, it was like watching a relative jump off a cliff, but there was no It feels the same way to save it.

Back home, Zhang Laowu didn't sleep either, and sighed, "You two should go to bed early, too."

The next day Zhang Guilan and Luo Ji got up early, packed their things, ate a simple breakfast and went to Luo's house. After the commotion last night, Luo Haiying didn't go out and got up early to cook.

But after such a fall last night, after waking up in the morning, half of the old man Luo’s body was not working well, and he couldn’t sit up. After Luo followed them last night, he and Ben lay down with their clothes on without a quilt , which also saves him from not being able to put on clothes.

Luo Ji knew it was serious at a glance, "I'll go find the car, you and Dad pack up."

Only Zhou's family had a carriage in the village, Zhang Guilan nodded without saying a word.

When Luo Ji arrived at Zhou's house, the Zhou family had just woken up and the meal hadn't been cooked yet. Dong Chunhong saw that it was Luo Ji, blushed, and worried that he came because of something that stopped him last night, and was hesitating how to speak At that time, Luo Ji went straight into the house.

"Is it Lao Ji?" Zhou Shumin saw Luo Ji and politely asked him to sit on the kang.

"Uncle, my father is sick and wants to use your carriage to go to the health center in the town."

"Ah, that's the thing. It's the right thing to do. It's just that there aren't many bean cakes left to feed the horses. I still want to save it for the time when I go to the town to pull grain." Zhou Shumin heaved a sigh, "Rural area Life is hard, you are also from the countryside, you should know."

"It's easy to handle." Luo Ji took out five yuan from his pocket and put it on the kang, "I'll buy bean cakes here."

Liao Youxia looked at it, and quickly said, "You child, you live in the same village. If you can't ask for it, take the money back quickly."

"Yeah, look, I'm just saying, your dad is sick, so I really can't help using the car." Zhou Shumin fought for face, and didn't even plan to ask for money.

Luo Ji disagreed, "Uncle, you keep the money. If you don't take it, I don't need the car. I'll carry my dad to the town."

Seeing that he was so tough, Zhou Shumin half-pushed and took the carriage, and asked Luo Ji to go home and wait, and he went to set up the carriage. When Luo Ji left, Liao Youxia couldn't help complaining, "I live in a village, how bad it is to spread the word .”

"Why do I want his money? The Luo family's affairs are one by one, and I can be regarded as giving his family face, otherwise I will not give them a car for the money." Zhou Shumin also because Luo Haiying seduced his son, Resentment came to my heart.

Liao Youxia knew it too, so she didn't say any more.

Dong Chunhong was cooking in the outhouse, but they were all watching. After making calculations, she said to Liao Youxia, "Mom, I haven't seen my brother for a long time. Dad is going to town today, and I want to go back to see him too."

This is not a big deal, Liao Youxia agreed without thinking too much.

In the end, Milan was also going to town.

(End of this chapter)

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