Chapter 374 stay
When Zhou Shumin drove the carriage, he saw Dong Chunhong and Milan sitting on it. To tell the truth, she didn't like either of these two women, but there was no other way at this time. Who made the carriage belong to others? Well, what I said doesn't count.

Zhang Laowu came to help, and Luo Ji helped the old man Luo into the car. Guo Ying also came out of the house, stood in the yard and looked this way, and then went back into the house without making a sound. .

Luo Haiying got into trouble, and originally thought that cooking early in the morning would ease the atmosphere, but now it hurts everyone, she stays in the house and dare not come out, and Luo Ji didn't dare to lean forward when she arrived.

A few people went to the town in a carriage. Old man Luo was covered with quilts, but when the carriage walked, he still trembled in pain. Looking at it like this, he knew it was heavy. Zhang Guilan also regretted that she should not have done that last night. Say wait, it's time to send someone to town.

Seeing the guilty look on his daughter-in-law's face, Luo Ji comforted him in a low voice, "Dad himself said it was all right, and I also left after seeing that it was all right, otherwise I wouldn't have gone with you, and I don't blame you."

Zhang Guilan remained silent.

Luo Ji held her hand.

The small actions between the two, apart from the old man Luo who couldn't care about anything but the pain, and Zhou Shumin who was driving the car, Milan and Dong Chunhong all watched it. Dong Chunhong couldn't hide the envy on his face. What kind of reaction did Milan have? No, when she caught the blushing on Dong Chunhong's face, she coldly raised the corners of her lips. She did the same at the beginning, but ended up making herself into such a world.

If it wasn't for the fact that the family just moved back yesterday and lacked too many things, she wouldn't have been in the same carriage with Zhang Guilan and the others, she would have hid far away, just like when she saw Luo Ji hiding from herself when she bought a train ticket, Even though Milan's heart was numb, he still suffered a lot of injuries.

When they arrived in the town, Dong Chunhong and Milan got out of the carriage first.Everyone went to do their own work. Zhou Shumin drove the old man Luo to the clinic in a carriage. The town is very small, so it would be nice to have this clinic.

I asked again.The doctor prescribed the medicine, and told the old man Luo that the hip bone was injured, and he should take good care of it. He should not do heavy work for a year, and if he is fine, he should lie down and not move around.

For a person who is used to doing crop work, how can he bear it, but there is no other way at this time.

Holding a pile of medicines, he sat in the carriage again, such a delay.Today I couldn't leave, so Zhang Guilan simply went to the supply and marketing cooperative, and bought everything that was useful at home, and bought another [-] eggs. There was an old man Luo lying in the carriage of Zhou's family.Put these things down again, Renqiang sit down.

It turned out that Milan didn't buy much, just noodles and salt seasonings. The most chilling thing was Dong Chunhong, who came back empty-handed.

She really wants to buy things, but she has to be rich, right?
Zhou Chengcai still needs money from his parents-in-law, who are his parents.It's okay, her daughter-in-law has food, shelter and clothing, so she dares to ask for pocket money.

Seeing the pile of things Zhang Guilan bought again, her eyes became hot, and she didn't dare to say more in front of her father-in-law.Seeing that Luo Ji let Zhang Guilan lean on him all the way, I became more and more envious.

When they got home, Zhou Chengcai was not pleasing to the eye, and the two started arguing after a few words. Zhou Shumin had just unloaded his things and came back when he heard his son swearing.He entered the room with a bad face.

"You only know how to lie at home every day. It's reasonable. If you swear at others, you can work hard. Go to the field and pull weeds tomorrow." Zhou Shumin shouted, and Zhou Chengcai didn't dare to speak.

Zhou Shumin didn't come out of the house until it was time for dinner. Zhou Shumin's expression remained bad. Looking at the corn stubble and scallions dipped in miso on the dining table, his mood became more and more depressed, and the chopsticks he picked up fell on the table again.

"Every day, apart from this, there is nothing else to eat at home? Look at Luo's house, there are whole bags of noodles thrown at the house, and the house is either pancakes or dumplings."

Zhou Shumin also thought about the things that Zhang Guilan bought today, as if they didn't spend money, as well as twisted doughnuts and those foods, and he bought [-] to [-] catties of meat at once, which was more than what his family bought for the New Year.

"You're envious, I'm still envious. When I went to Zhang's house the other day, I saw Zhang Guilan making dumplings. What can I do? People get angry and can make money. Take a look at our family. We only know that we go out to steal people every day, and we won't die of hunger." It's not bad." Liao Youxia was also furious.

As soon as I said it, I lost my appetite, so I put down the chopsticks and stopped eating.

Dong Chunhong didn't dare to do it even if her parents-in-law didn't eat it.

Zhou Chengcai was the only one who ate alone. Seeing him like this, Zhou Shumin was furious. If he and the Luo family had been on good terms back then, wouldn't Zhang Guilan have a share of the things Zhang Guilan bought today?Besides, even when they went to the city and relied on Zhang Guilan to get rich, they turned out to be enemies with the Luo family, and now they sneaked in with them again.

"Eat, eat, eat, there is nothing to do except eat." I couldn't help but curse.

Zhou Chengcai put down the bowl and chopsticks in displeasure, "I scold you when you don't eat, and you scold me when you eat. I don't know what to do with them."

Got up and went into the house.

Ignoring the scolding voices from the outside room, I just thought about finding an opportunity to go to Luo Haiying's to have a look. Luo's family has so many delicious food, so I can get some for myself.

Dong Chunhong spent a whole day in the town, didn’t even eat at night, and cleared the table. When she entered the back room, she saw Zhou Chengcai smiling there, and she felt angry, “Are you thinking about how to find Luo Haiying? I advise you to give up that heart."

"Dong Chunhong, if you continue to talk about this, you'll go back to Dong's house." Zhou Chengcai naturally wouldn't admit it.

Think about Luo Ji, look at Zhou Chengcai, that is the man.

Dong Chunhong was so annoyed and flustered that she didn't bother to talk to him, and went to play with the child.

The Zhou family is restless, but the Luo family is quiet.

Zhang Guilan only took out a small half of it for her father, and gave the rest to the Luo family. Knowing that what happened last night was because of Luo Haiying, she went to her mother-in-law and said, "Mom, I bought the things. The doctor said that Dad needs to rest. , you watch and cook something."

If there are good things, Guo Ying is willing to get them, "Got it."

It didn't even make Zhang Guilan smile.

Zhang Guilan felt ashamed for buying so many things. After she settled down, she thought that Luo Haiying would be cheaper.

At this moment, Zhang Guilan really wanted to stay away from Luo Haiying, and she didn't want to have such a sister-in-law.

Old man Luo is now in a serious situation. Luo Ji stays to take care of him at night, Zhang Guilan goes back to his house, and Luo Ji sends him out.Seeing his solemn expression, Zhang Guilan opened her mouth and swallowed the words back.

The two walked out of the yard to Zhang's house, and Luo Jicai spoke. "Tomorrow, I will stay for a day to take a look. The forest area can't be delayed for too long. If it's okay, I'll go back first. Can you let your dad help take care of it for a few days? You can stay for a few more days. If it doesn't work, then Give me a call and I'll ask for leave again."

"I had this kind of thought before. I'm afraid that if you say it, you will think too much. After all, your father is sick. Now you say so. Then it's settled. I'll go home and tell my father." Zhang Guilan also relieved him. tone.

Because of the impact of her rebirth, many things in this life are different from those in her previous life. In her previous life, Luo Haiying found a man to marry, but so many things happened in this life.Sometimes Zhang Guilan felt that she was reborn and changed too many things. If Luo Ji could no longer stay in the forest area, she would feel even more uneasy.

When he got home, Luo Ji was not in a hurry to go back, he followed Zhang Guilan into the house, and before Zhang Guilan could say anything, he opened his mouth.Zhang Laowu also nodded after hearing this, "Anyway, there is nothing to do now, you are busy with your work, Guilan should go back together, the child is still young, so we can't leave for too long. Just let me take care of you here."

Zhang Laowu agreed happily, but he was still a little unhappy in his heart.

The child was so young, but Luo Ji still had the heart to let the child leave his mother.

Luo Ji also heard that the father-in-law was unhappy, and hurriedly said, "I didn't expect that. I will come back with Guilan the day after tomorrow, so Dad will have to worry about the family."

Zhang Guilan was afraid that her father would say something nasty again, so she pulled Luo Ji up, "You should go back too, we can talk about it tomorrow if we have anything to say."

When the man was sent outside, Luo Ji was afraid that his wife would think too much, "I'm not angry, Dad loves you, but I'm too selfish."

"You don't have to think too much. If you have anything to say tomorrow, you can go back quickly." After seeing Luo Ji out of the yard, Zhang Guilan entered the house.

"He's gone?" Seeing his daughter nodding at five o'clock, Mr. Zhang said displeasedly, "The doctor also said that if you want to raise her, maybe you will have to stay in the village for a year? What about the child? You are considerate of him, but he can Excuse me? I think he is angry, and you are wrong. "

Knowing that her father felt sorry for her and was scolded, Zhang Guilan was not annoyed, and said with a smile, "I see, I will go back with him the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Laowu shook his head, "If the girl is not staying forever, you should go and rest."

Only then did Zhang Guilan go out with a smile on her face, and the smile on her face faded away when she got out the door. What can she do?Meeting such a husband's family, if I want to live a good life, I can only pretend not to care about some things.

At Mi's house, I just finished eating.

Zhuang Juan counted out twenty eggs and put them in the basket, "Go and have a look."

"I won't go." The man from Mi's family refused directly, "The two families have become like this, so what are you looking at? I won't know each other in the future."

It turned out that Zhuang Juan heard that the old man Luo was injured, so she asked her man to go and have a look.

Milan also persuaded, "Mom, my dad is right. Let's go make friends and designate his family for what purpose we think we have. Let's forget it. Besides, you forgot that when you went to beg the Luo family, the Luo family was heartless."

"It's precisely because of this that I want to go even more. Our Mi family is fine now, but their Luo family is full of chaos. Let them see, without the Luo family, our family is also fine." It turned out that Zhuang Juan called this idea.

The man from the Mi family shook his head, "Why are you arguing about it? Wouldn't it be good to leave twenty eggs for the baby? You have been fighting all your life, and your daughter is like this now, so just stop."

Seeing that her daughter and her husband disagreed, Zhuang Juan had no choice but to give up.

 Eighty-eight new article "Master Shangshu is easy to bend the waist"

(End of this chapter)

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