Chapter 385
The old man is playing with his children in the bedroom, the young wives are in the living room, the men are in the study, and the women in the living room are also picking vegetables. Good food, the family dared to serve the New Year, it was lively, and when the meal was about to start, Xu Hu and Zhao Xue also came, which was quite unexpected.

Zhou Fuguo looked at Luo Ji, "What are you going to do if you're so intimidating? But there are so many people here, or just forget it. In front of so many people, there is no face."

Luo Ji didn't care about Zhou Fuguo's jokes, and said seriously, "It took Guilan to forgive me, but now that I care about face, my daughter-in-law is gone."

Compared with the daughter-in-law, the daughter-in-law is of course the most important.

Seeing that he still knows what is important, and it seems that he can be saved, Zhou Fuguo patted him on the shoulder, "Okay, I will do it now, and it will be like this in the future. This is for the sake of making my wife happy, face is not important."

Zhou Fuguo couldn't help but secretly complained, "I wash my daughter-in-law's feet every night, haven't you? Tell you, it's not shameful for a man to wash a woman's feet. I've never heard of a man who loves his wife being shamed. Look down on me? If you want me to say that you should learn from me, women are the gods at home, we have to lower ourselves so that they will be happy, look at it on weekdays, who would believe that I am afraid of a wife outside?"

Zhou Fuguo still didn't feel ashamed, so he raised his eyebrows while making moves to Luo Ji.

Luo Ji twitched the corner of his mouth, "I really can't see it, you still have this ability."

"It's called ability. You should learn more. You just have too few women, and you haven't learned how to make women happy. You'll get used to it." Zhou Fuguo patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go out to eat. You If you don't have the courage, drink some wine to strengthen your courage."

Luo Ji smiled wryly, and followed him out of the study.

The table was set in the living room, so many people.I went to Zhou's house to get the chairs twice, but the table was too full to sit on, so I simply moved the tea table to the bedroom and set up a table for women to sit and eat.

Wait for everyone to sit down.Luo Ji poured a glass of wine, stood up, and said, "There are a lot of people in the family today. In front of everyone, I want to admit my wife's mistake. I did something wrong a while ago, and she was wronged. I thank her for forgiving me, and I will make a promise in front of everyone today. Let everyone be a witness, if I do this again in the future, I will do whatever my daughter-in-law wants to do with me."

The door to the bedroom is also open, just a few steps away, and of course you can see everything in the living room.Not to mention that Luo Ji stood up and promised, the old lady Zhou pursed her lips and smiled, and pushed Sun Shubo, "Look, are you happy now?"

Sun Shubo pursed her lips and smiled, "It doesn't matter whether I'm happy or not, life is theirs. As long as they live well."

Saying that out of the mouth, I feel comfortable in my heart.

The men booed, Bai Song laughed and said, "This time, you've got an idea, otherwise you'll bully my sister again, don't blame us for being rude."

"That's right. There's also my god-brother." Zhou Fuguo also booed from the side.

Xu Hu and Dongzi watched the joke, and the living room became lively all of a sudden.

In the room, Tian Xiaoyue also pushed Zhang Guilan, "Look, I've made a mistake with you, so please say something."

It turned out that after admitting his mistake.Luo Ji didn't sit down, but kept looking into the bedroom.

Pushed by Zhu Lan and Tian Xiaoyue, Zhang Guilan said something to Luo Ji, "There are so many people, let's eat quickly."

"Okay, drink it you men, Guilan is forgiving Lao Ji." Zhu Lan shouted.

Everyone knows this is over.

In the end, Luo Ji admitted his mistake in front of everyone and took care of his face, so everyone was entangled in this matter. After everyone had eaten and dispersed, Zhang Guilan was still cleaning the table. Sun Shubo wanted to help clean it up, but Zhang Guilan Rejected, Luo Ji was also talking.

"Mom, I'll help tidy up, you go into the house." Dazhen came to pick up the table.

The young couple got married, and Sun Shubo didn't insist after seeing it, and went into the room.

Outside, Xu Hu drank a few more glasses today, followed Zhao Xue to the house by the moonlight, and said with a smile, "Did you know that Luo Ji would confess his mistake in front of everyone today, so you dragged me to Luo's house?"

Zhao Xue pursed her lips and smiled, "I saw Luo Ji when I was buying vegetables in the market in the afternoon, and I went up to say hello, and I heard him say that I would treat guests at home in the evening, so I joked that I would go too, and he happily said that as for what he wanted I don’t know about the face-to-face confession.”

"It's really interesting. It's much easier to see their big circle." Xu Hu was also happy with his drink today.

Zhao Xue sighed, "Your circle is not small, but with Zhang Guilan and the others, you always feel like a family. Zhang Guilan reminded me about my matter before. When Luo Ji was hospitalized, Sun Mei talked to Zhang Guilan. , I guess there is nothing good to say, it was at that time that Zhang Guilan left first, and when I turned back, I found that Sun Mei was eavesdropping on me."

Speaking of the past, Zhao Xue is not afraid that Xu Hu will look down on her, "The people from the country compound haven't come yet, and there are two families that get along well with Zhang Guilan, and they are also good people. I have also been with them when I was in the country. It’s much better than the ones in the compound, each mind is like the tip of a needle, and every word makes several turns.”

Xu Hu smiled, "They bend theirs, you do yours, anyway, it has nothing to do with you. I see that the two children of Luo's family are very good today, let's hurry up and have a child."

Speaking of children, Zhao Xue couldn't help but think of the daughter of Sun Mei and Xu Hu.

Seeing Zhao Xue's silence, Xu Hu knew what she was thinking, "Although there is a child in Sun Mei's place, after all, the child is innocent. I know you have this lump in your heart, and I know for a moment that you have to care about it. Take your time." Bar."

Hearing what he said, Zhao Xue felt relieved, "Actually, when I married you, I knew this situation. Now I am angry with you. It is my fault. In fact, you don't have to worry. The child is innocent. How could I I feel uncomfortable. If Sun Mei sends the child back one day, I will raise him as my own, don't worry."

Xu Hu knew that Zhao Xue was telling the truth, so he tightened her hand, "I know."

It's good to have someone believe.

Zhao Xue's heart also warmed up.

The husband and wife went home holding hands, Xu's mother looked at it and smiled, "Go wash up and sleep, you smell of alcohol, be careful your father knows you."

Then came out the soup from the kitchen, "Zhao Xue, this is a black egg that has been boiled for a whole day. It nourishes blood. It looks like you are thin. It is specially made for you. Drink it quickly."

The mother-in-law treats herself like her own daughter.

Zhao Xue gulped down the soup in the bowl, "Mom, your cooking is really delicious."

"After it tastes good, mom will make it for you." Mother Xu also smiled.

Let’s say that Mother Xu also made this soup for Sun Mei.But at that time, Sun Mei and Ben were never happy, and they kept saying that it was too oily to drink. Looking at this daughter-in-law now, everything is right.

Although there is such a serious matter, but the child has been young, how can he not make mistakes, after all, he is much more open and aboveboard than Sun Meijing who seduces other men.

Xu's mother was happy, but Zhao Xue ran out when she returned to the bedroom, rushed into the bathroom and vomited.

"What's going on here?"

"It's okay, just after drinking the soup. I feel sick to my stomach." After Zhao Xue finished speaking, she threw up again on her stomach.

Xu's mother was not worried but happy when she heard this, "Any other reactions? Is it just today or has it been a while? Are your menstrual events on track?"

Xu Hu also rushed over, "What's wrong?"

But when he saw his mother and Zhao Xue facing each other, it was as if they had discovered some shocking secret.

Until Zhao Xue blushed and said. "I haven't come for half a month. I haven't been allowed, and I don't care."

She is also a doctor herself, Zhao Xue understood what this meant, and raised her eyes to look at Xu Hu, the two were still talking about the child before, so she might be pregnant at this moment.

Mother Xu supported Zhao Xue, smiling from ear to ear. "Tomorrow, I will accompany you to the hospital for a checkup. Don't be careful with such a big matter."

While pushing away the dazed son who was blocking the door, "Your wife may be pregnant, why are you still staring blankly, and you haven't made the quilt yet."

After being reminded by his mother, Xu Hu came back to his senses.He happily replied, "Okay, I'll go now."

Seeing that she was so nervous, Zhao Xue blushed and said, "Mom, it's okay, it's not so expensive."

"This woman is just pregnant, so be careful." Xu's mother settled down, called her son out again, and whispered, "Don't mess around, your daughter-in-law is pregnant now, you can endure the first three The month will be fine."

Xu Hu blushed, "Mom, I know what to do about this, go back to sleep."

Seeing her son fleeing back into the house, Mother Xu shook her head, "There's no need to be shy, I'm doing this for your own good."

When I got back to the bedroom, Father Xu also knew about it, and happily asked Mother Xu to take Zhao Xue to the hospital for a good check-up. There was something good about Xu’s family, and he hadn’t gone to the hospital yet. knew.

Zhao Xue couldn't help worrying that it would be embarrassing if she wasn't pregnant. Fortunately, after going to the hospital for an examination, she was sure she was pregnant.

Sun Hu, who lived with his daughter, found out and sighed. After all, it was his daughter who was unlucky. Look at the daughter of the old Zhao's family, how long has it been since she was married, and there is movement.

Zhang Guilan also knew about it, and specially went to Xu's house with Luo Ji to congratulate her, and even mentioned the fruits brought back from the south.

Xu's mother stayed two people for dinner, but Zhang Guilan refused, saying that there was still something to do at home. After sitting for a while, the two went home. That day, someone came from the forest area, and they left after talking with Zhang Guilan. What happened is finally over.

Li Xuezhang left and went to work in the county, leaving Jiang Zhi alone in the city. Life finally settled down, and there were no worries at home. Looking at the babbling children, Zhang Guilan suddenly felt that everything was like a dream .

In autumn, Liu Xiaolan was also pregnant. Dong Jianguo came to make a fuss once, and was beaten on the way back to the village. The next day, Dong Jianguo came to the city again to make a fuss. He even said that the person who beat him was a dumb boy, but because there was no evidence , I had no choice but to forget it like this, but was beaten again on the way home. After a few times, Dong Jianguo never dared to come to Liu Xiaolan's house to make trouble.

 Let me continue writing, when will I finish writing and when will I update it, and the sisters in the family who pushed Baba's new book "Evil Girl Congliang" have worked hard to help her with advice. She thought she was treating her sincerely, but it was just step by step Pushing into the abyss of a villain, destroying her reputation, and becoming a villain in the eyes of noble families.

  Reborn and back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xian Shu.

  No matter how virtuous she is, her notoriety still stands side by side with the wicked youths in the capital, Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a girl.

  Evil girl Congliang.

(End of this chapter)

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