Chapter 386 Growth
In summer, people don't want to leave the house when it's hot. Zhang Guilan was wearing a white dress and sitting in the living room watching TV. When she heard the door being knocked hard from outside, she shook her head and stood up to open the door.

I saw two boys who were half the height of her rush into the room like wind, shouting 'it's hot to death'. This is Zhang Guilan's two sons who love the country and love their marriage, and they are now taking the college entrance examination.

"You two came back from your father? Where is your father?" Zhang Guilan followed them to the bathroom and asked them.

I saw the two of them were washing their faces in cold water, and their heads were hairless, "A guest is here, and my father is leading people behind."

The one who spoke first was Luo Ai's marriage. The second child of the Luo family is also the one who loves to cause trouble the most. The last person to be imposted is the eldest, Li Aiguo, "He's from his hometown."

In the past few years, Luo Ji's work has become more and more popular, and Zhang Guilan's business has also become better and bigger, and he has never brought his two children back to the countryside. When it is Chinese New Year, the old man Luo and his wife will come over Over the years, Guo Ying has been posting money to her home every year, and Guo Ying has stopped making trouble. As for Luo Haiying, she is also married, works in the town, and has a formal job. I thought it would not be a long time, but I didn't want it to be so many years, and I gave birth to a daughter, and now she has graduated from junior high school, and she no longer goes to school. She went to work in Zhang Guilan's factory. Zhang Guilan didn't want to use it, but she thought that adults should not be involved. When it came to the child, I was worried that this child was like Luo Haiying. After observing secretly for a while, I was relieved. He was quite sensible.

Today I heard that someone from my hometown came again, and Zhang Guilan was still guessing who it was, when she heard the sound of a key opening the door outside.

When Luo Ji came in, he brought a girl with him. In this day and age, the girl was still wearing the same cloth jacket as before. She seemed to be about the same age as her two sons. Corner, did not dare to look up.

"This is?" Zhang Guilan really couldn't remember who it was.

She hasn't been back to her hometown in these years.Moreover, she didn't know anyone with such an older child in her hometown, and moreover, many of Luo Ji's colleagues changed jobs and went to work in the factory, so she really couldn't guess who it was.

The Luo family brothers who had washed their faces over there also came out.Standing behind Zhang Guilan, he looked at the girl Luo Ji brought back.

"This is Hu Ke, Milan's daughter." Luo Ji called Hu Ke to come forward, "Hu Ke, this is your aunt, those are my two boys, you have seen them before, you go to play with them in the study first, uncle Talk to your aunt."

With the accumulation of time, Luo Ji looked more and more calm.Raise your hands and feet with the domineering arrogance of someone who has been in power for a long time.

Hu Ke called his aunt, and then looked at the two brothers of the Luo family behind Zhang Guilan. Everyone was shocked, but Zhang Guilan responded politely, and asked the two sons to sit in Hu Ke's study.Follow Luo Ji to the bedroom.

"Why did Milan's daughter find you?" After all, it's been a long time, and Zhang Guilan didn't hate what Milan did when she saw Hu Ke.

Luo Ji smiled and pulled her to sit down, "It's a coincidence that the factory recruited more people, and she happened to be recruited. After asking a few words, I realized that it was Milan's daughter. I didn't want to bring her to play at home. But this child is not talkative, and he came from the countryside. He was squeezed out in the factory and looked pitiful. I saw her crying in a corner by herself, so I brought him home to play without first Greeting you, you won't be angry, will you?"

Milan was delicate and weak back then, but she didn't expect her daughter to follow her.I just don't know if it's true or not.

Zhang Guilan smiled and said, "Are you so narrow-minded in your heart? It's been so many years, and the child is not wrong, but I don't know if the child will know what happened back then. If he knows, I don't know if he will blame us , you are kind to her, I am not afraid that she will not appreciate it, and you still feel that you owe her. Forget it, I won’t talk about these things, you brought him back, I will just feed him with food, and then send him away .”

Although Luo Haiying's daughter went to work in the factory, she sometimes came to the compound. Zhang Guilan also greeted her with a smile, cooked some delicious food, and made people leave with enough food and drink.

But it won't be too close. After all, with Luo Haiying's incident first, Zhang Guilan also has a long memory.

Luo Ji smiled, "I think so too. After all, they come from the same village and know each other. If we don't do anything else, we can still make it possible for people to have a meal at home."

"Since you are taking the college entrance examination in the forest area, why didn't you wear a suit?" Zhang Guilan thought of Hu Ke's pitiful appearance in the house, and she had this doubt in her heart, and she was a little unhappy.

"She said she came out with me in a suit. She was afraid that people would misunderstand that she was looking for a relationship, so she changed into her usual clothes." Luo Ji explained.

Zhang Guilan nodded, "He's really careful."

But I didn't cross it out because of the slight dislike in my heart. It's really weird that such a careful person doesn't get along well with his colleagues in the forest area. I just hope I don't think too much.

"I'll cook, you can wash up too." Zhang Guilan then went to the kitchen.

Standing in the living room of the kitchen, I can hear the second son talking in the study. Compared with the two brothers, the eldest is calm and talks less, while the second is more talkative and shrewd. Most of the time, he listens to the second talking.

The two look a lot like Luo Ji, which is what Zhang Guilan is most proud of. Her son is handsome, good at studying, and he is obedient and easy-going. I don't know how many people in the compound are envious of her.

In the study room, apart from the second child's talking, there was also a girl's coquettish laughter, maybe because she didn't like Milan. Now hearing this coquettish laughter, Zhang Guilan's mood was not so good.

But in terms of hospitality, Zhang Guilan still didn't let anyone find fault. There were eight dishes on a large table, including fish and chicken, and they were all Zhang Guilan's specialties. The dishes on this table are still different from others.

Hu Ke lowered his head when eating, and dared not stretch out his chopsticks. Seeing her like this, Luo Aimarriage would put the vegetables in her bowl, but every time Luo Aimarriage picked up the dishes, Hu Ke would carefully look up at Zhang Guilan , that way I am afraid that Zhang Guilan will be angry.

From this point, Zhang Guilan also guessed that Milan probably told Hu Ke a lot about her, and her heart sank. Luo Ji also sensed that something was wrong, and glared at his son, "You eat yours, a chopstick of saliva Pick up food for others, how to let them eat."

Luo Ai married and smiled.I was trained by my father and didn't care at all.

It was Hu Ke who was busy taking responsibility, "Uncle, it's fine."

"Hu Ke. You treat this place as your own home, and you can eat whatever you want. Don't be restrained. You are a university student, so you should be more generous, right?" Hu Ke was too helpless. I still think she is quite pitiful, and I am a little unhappy to see her like this now.

Hu Ke's face was pale, and he nodded repeatedly.As if to prove that she listened to Luo Ji's words, she stretched out her chopsticks to pick up a few chopsticks and put them in the bowl. However, she did the opposite, making Luo Ji's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper, and she also felt that there was something wrong with Hu Ke.

Luo Ai was married and told Hu Ke with a smile. "My dad is born to be scary, don't be afraid, he is very nice."

Hu Ke nodded shyly.

Until Luo Aiguo didn't say a word, he ate his meal slowly, and the first rice bowl left, "Mom and Dad, I'm done eating."

"Now the college entrance examination is over. What is your wish for marriage with Ai?" This Zhang Guilan has never talked with her children.

Although they have their own ideas, in the end this is a major event in life.

Before Luo Aiguo could speak, Luo Aiwei smiled, "Mom, my eldest brother and I both applied for college, so don't worry about that. My dad is a man, so we can apply for something else."

"Slick tongue, when your father is a man, you must apply for the university, and you must apply for the university you like." Zhang Guilan gave her son a look.Then I looked at my eldest son, who has always been prudent, "Patriotic, my mother has seldom asked about your affairs since I was a child, and my mother doesn't expect you to be prosperous in the future, I just hope that you are happy, so do what you can, don't embarrass yourself .”

"Mom, don't worry, I know." Luo Aiguo returned to the study.

After seeing Luo Ai's marriage, she hurriedly grabbed two mouthfuls of rice, put down her rice bowl and went to the study.

In this way, there were only three people left at the dinner table, and Hu Ke became more and more restrained. Zhang Guilan looked at her and counted the rice grains, but she knew that if she said it, she might not be able to eat it even more. Went to the study.

Zhang Guilan put the food into Hu Ke's bowl, "Your uncle also said, treat this as your own home, so you can eat it freely. The dishes on this table are all made for you. If you don't eat more, you can eat it." I'm sorry, uncle and aunt love you, don't you?"

Hu Ke nodded weakly, then stretched out his chopsticks to pick up the food, "Auntie, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Are you used to being in the forest area? The girls who are going to college are so cheerful. You are afraid of everyone when you see them like this. They don't like you. If you contact them openly in the future, they will naturally like you." Zhang Guilan Seeing her nodding and reluctance to say more, she asked about her hometown, "All the medical staff are recruited in the forest area, and very few are recruited in the countryside. Are you a special recruit?"

Hu Ke nodded.

Seeing that she nodded three times, Zhang Guilan also knew that there was nothing to ask, so she didn't ask any more questions, and only asked her to eat more. Originally, Luo Ji wanted to grow a beard and stay at home for a night, but there was no room at home, so he drove again Send people back to the forest area.

Zhang Guilan was so tired that she talked to the two children in the study, "I love marriage, what do you think of Hu Ke?"

"To be honest, such a person is bullied everywhere."

Zhang Guilan nodded. The second son always loves to repay injustice, otherwise he would not have served Hu Ke on the table. He was afraid that seeing Hu Ke like this would make him more anxious, but she wanted to see what the eldest son thought, "Patriotic, you Say?"

 I went to my mother during the day, and then there was no internet, but I would take my computer with me, and update it directly when I came back at night. Today, at the fourth update, I pushed the sisters in the new article "Evil Girl Congliang" from August [-]th to help her with advice. She thought it was Treating her sincerely is just pushing her step by step into the abyss of a villain, ruining her reputation, and becoming a villain in the eyes of the noble family.

  Reborn and back to the beginning, she wants to reform and take revenge on Xian Shu.

  No matter how virtuous she is, her notoriety still stands side by side with the wicked youths in the capital, Yuan Xi stroked her forehead and sighed: It's hard to be a girl.

  Evil girl Congliang.

(End of this chapter)

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