Chapter 387 Acquaintance
Luo Aiguo was also curious about what his elder brother thought, so he went to grab the book in Luo Aiguo's hand. Patriotic only speak.

"The eyes are floating, such a person is dishonest." Luo Aiguo held a book in his hand, and threw out the words without raising his head.

Luo Aiwei's eyes widened, and he raised his legs carelessly, "I didn't see my elder brother looking at Hu Ke during the meal, why did I even see his eyes. Mom, look at elder brother who honestly doesn't speak in front of people. Is it hypocrisy to say that people?"

Zhang Guilan smiled and slapped her second son, "Nonsense, your eldest brother is steady and good at judging people. It's not like you can't see through people and still sympathize with others. Only the strong can sympathize with the weak. What do you think?" Is Hu a weak person? Just because she eats and does things carefully? These are just superficial things, but you can’t see it, so learn more from your elder brother in the future.”

After being told by his mother, Luo Ai's marriage was also very curious, "Mom, how can Hu Ke let others see that she is not a weak person?"

Zhang Guilan shook her head, "Ask your elder brother."

Luo Aiguo snatched the book from Luo Aiguo's hand in the past when he was married, but he couldn't read the book, so Luo Aiguo could only sit up straight and tell him, "First of all, if she is really a timid and cautious person, then she will be with a stranger. When the man chats with you for the first time, she doesn't smile coquettishly. Secondly, when she eats, she becomes cautious again, and she echoes her coquettish smile when she talked with you in the study before. It can be seen that she is a person with a heart A calculating person has scruples about parents, but wants to befriend you."

Luo Aiwei nodded, "Don't say it, it's really like this. I only see her as pitiful, but I really didn't pay attention to this."

Then she wondered, "Why would she want to befriend me? Could it be that she has taken a fancy to me?"

After knowing it, I was told by my elder brother.Luo Ai's marriage also understood at this time.

Zhang Guilan didn't think so much, she just frowned when she heard her son's words and thought about Hu Ke's gesture.Is this really the plan?That would be even more unlikable.

"Then you can think for yourself." Luo Aiguo didn't say any more, and stretched out his hand, "Should I return the book?"

"Brother, you've all graduated, what are you doing reading these?" Luo Ai said in marriage, but still handed over the book.

"Technology strengthens marriage. In the future, computers will definitely become the necessary knowledge for everyone. Take a look."

Curious about marriage, Luo Ai also poked her head over to see the two brothers huddling together to read a book.Zhang Guilan smiled, and when she heard the door opening outside, knowing that Luo Ji had returned, she got up and left the study.

Luo Ji looked very tired, his brows were still furrowed.When the two returned to the bedroom, Zhang Guilan asked him, "Have you been sent back to the forest?"

"Well, I just sent her back. When I came back, I saw two women pushing her." Luo Ji sat on the bed and untied his collar. It doesn't work in the woods."

Zhang Guilan pursed her lips, "You are really worried."

Hearing that his daughter-in-law was jealous, Luo Ji smiled, and pulled her into his arms, "I don't care about this. It's because of the headache. You saw it while eating. If she really is like this, she won't pass the inspection." At that time, it was not easy to recruit women from the countryside, and it was obvious that this child was too thoughtful. I feel it is a pity."

"What kind of parents teach what kind of children, the children of Milan's family seem to know us. It can be seen that Milan also told her, but she still came to our house, and it can be seen that this child has a lot of thoughts." Zhang Guilan didn't want to embarrass a child, "The left and right are other people's children. When you come to our house, you can serve as a village host for dinner. There is no need to go to the deep friendship. We are all like Haiying's children, let alone children from outsiders. Save time for your sister to deal with."

"Haiying has become more sensible in the past two years, and I heard that life is quite prosperous. It is because of Zhou Chengcai that his reputation outside is not very good, and children can endure hardships, so we don't have so much talk to us. It's not bad." The person who had troubles again and again in the past can now live in peace, Luo Ji is also relieved, "After all, we are relieved, otherwise we can ignore her parents at home?"

"That's not true." Zhang Guilan only talked about her two sons, "They are going to college soon, they will be in their twenties this year, and they will marry a wife when they graduate. Let's see if there is a comparable family in your forest area. Don't wait until the time comes and look for it in a hurry, it won't look good either."

Luo Ji smiled, "What's the rush now, they are only so old, boys should focus on their careers first."

Seeing that the father is not in a hurry at all, it is useless for Zhang Guilan to be in a hurry here, so she simply said nothing and went to spread the quilt, but in the study, the Luo brothers were fascinated by the books on the computer, and they did not lie down until late at night. Down.

The next day, Zhou Aiyue came. In this compound, Zhou Aiyue and the Luo family brothers grew up wearing one leg. The three of them were inseparable, and even when they applied for the exam, they all applied together.

Xu Min, the daughter of Xu Hu's family, also came with them. Xu Min was one year younger than the three of them, but they were all in the compound, and they followed a few people like a boy, so they could play together.

"You guys are going on a field trip?" Zhang Guilan poked her head out from the kitchen, "Go into the house first, I'll make some food and you bring it with you, have you told your family? Stay away from places with rivers."

Xu Min happily ran into the kitchen, "Auntie, I knew you were the best for us. As soon as my mother heard that I was going out to play, she kept nagging that I didn't look like a girl, let alone prepare food."

Being hugged by Xu Min from behind, Zhang Guilan kept wrapping the seaweed kimbap, "Don't listen to your mother, why don't you look like a girl, I think it's good, now it's not ancient times, you don't need to be a lady."

Luo Ai's marriage followed up, "Xu Min, if you didn't know, you would think you are mother and daughter."

"If you're jealous of Luo Ai's marriage, just say so. It's embarrassing for a grown man to talk about his nonsense."

"What's wrong with being jealous? This is my mother."

"Yes, just say it directly, this is like a man."

When the two met, they started arguing. Zhang Guilan just listened with a smile and didn't interrupt.

In the end, Zhou Aiyue couldn't listen anymore, and came in to pull Luo Ai's marriage out. Among the few people, Zhou Aiyue was the most energetic, who inherited Zhou Fuguo's temperament, and added a calmness that did not belong to her age. and capable.

Zhou Aiyue also glanced at Xu Min, "You guys like to quarrel and wait until you get out."

Xu Min blushed and stopped talking.

In fact, everyone in the compound could tell that Xu Min, a boy's character, could only look like a girl when he saw Zhou Aiyue, and he could tell at a glance that Xu Min liked Zhou Aiyue.

But Zhou Aiyue is like a big brother, they are together at the same age, he is the one who takes care of everyone, treats everyone equally, never favors anyone, only Xu Min is there alone in unrequited love.

Taking the food with her, she gave Luo Aiguo the car keys and sent the group of children away. Zhang Guilan also heaved a sigh of relief, just in time to see Tian Xiaoyue coming over and dragging her to the house to talk.

"It's not that I don't like Xu Min's child, but there is Sun Mei outside the Xu family. I heard that Sun Mei is going to be transferred back. I heard that she is still the chief surgeon. In recent years, Sun Mei has mixed up again. Then He is a scheming person, can he just let it go like this? Let's see, the Xu family still has trouble, so be careful and don't let Sun Mei play tricks again." Tian Xiaoyue's worry is here.

Zhang Guilan could also understand, "Isn't hers temporary? How did it become regular?"

"It's not a regular job, but she was hired back. I heard that she went to study, and now several big hospitals want to invite her. Her asking price is as low as that of our city's hospitals." Tian Xiaoyue snorted coldly, "There is a high salary. I don’t go to places where the wages are low, and it seems that I came back with a purpose. I thought Xu Min was good at first, but when people inquired and heard about Sun Mei, this matter would not work.”

No wonder they inquired, it turned out that Xu Min also took a fancy to him.

Zhang Guilan persuaded her, "Let's not talk about whether you like it or not. If Aiyue doesn't like it, it's useless for you to be busy here. If the child likes it, how can you really stop them from being together? "

"Yeah, I'm hot on my own too." Tian Xiaoyue said regretfully, "You said it would be great if there was a girl in your family, do I still worry about it?"

"I think so too, but it's a pity that I didn't have that fate. Look at this kid who has grown up. There are a few who stay with mom every day, and they all run out to play." Only then did Zhang Guilan talk about the children of Liu Xiaolan's family, "Look Looks like Xiaolan's fate is good, she has a son and a daughter, but the daughter is too timid, otherwise I really like it."

Tian Xiaoyue pursed her lips and laughed, "The two of us are worrying about here, I think we are really old, forget it, let them make their own troubles."

The two were chatting in the house, and Luo Aiguo, who was driving out to play, had an accident in the area outside the city. The car scratched a person, a girl.

Several people gathered around, only Luo Aiguo frowned tightly. After learning how to drive, he had no problems with his skills. Previously, he saw that he was far away from the three of them, so why did he scratch him?
"Are you all right? See where else is injured?" It was Zhou Aiyue who asked.

"It's okay, it's just a little bit of skin, so you don't have to worry about it, that's it, I still have something to do." The girl who was scratched didn't keep making noises, and she thoughtfully advised everyone, "Don't be nervous, I really don't care. It's all right, don't believe me, take a look."

Stretch out your legs for everyone to see. As soon as you stretched out your white legs, all the boys turned their eyes away. How dare they look at them, especially the girl's voice is nice, low and soft, which makes people hear it. feel very comfortable.

"It's rare to meet someone as bright as you. My name is Xu Min. What about you?" Xu Min patted the shoulder of the girl in front of him happily.

 [-] New Article "The Evil Girl Follows the Good"

(End of this chapter)

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