Chapter 418
Xu Hu was looking at the documents, and when he saw his daughter coming, he frowned.

"Sit down." Xu Hu said in a deep voice.

Sun Mili pulled the chair and sat down.

"Is there something wrong?" Xu Hu didn't raise his head.

"Dad, because of what happened that day, Wansheng had a gap with me, and he didn't even talk to me." Sun Mili still had some taboos when he saw his father.

"Go on."

"He...he seems to look down on me." Sun Mili clenched her lips, "Because I'm an illegitimate daughter."

The pen in Xu Hu's hand paused before he raised his head, "Mi Li, you have nothing to be looked down upon, it's just that when I divorced your mother, you were not an illegitimate daughter, Shi Wansheng looked down on you, it's not The reason is that the relationship between you is not stable, and you have to solve it yourself. If you think it will be helpful for me to talk to Shi Wansheng, then I will talk to him. I can’t guarantee what will happen after the talk. .”

Xu Hu knew that all he had to do was to help out.

After staying in the forest area for so many years, he didn't believe that the Shi family wanted their son to marry Sun Mili just because the son liked her, but because she was the Xu family's daughter.

Seeing that his daughter was silent, Xu Hu said, "Go back, I'll look for him when I have time."

Sun Mili just stood up.

As a result, Xu Hu talked to Shi Wansheng. Shi Wansheng accepted the criticism with a guilty conscience, but when he got home, he lost his temper with Sun Mili, and even pointed at Sun Mili's nose and yelled at her, telling her to go back to Xu's house.

Sun Mili has been calculating others all her life, and she didn't realize until today that she really made a mistake. Shi Wansheng and Ben are just playboys, and his relationship was only a few short months, let alone care about it. impact on your own home.

For a moment, Sun Mili planned to give up this marriage, but she was not reconciled, she was already looked down upon by others, if she divorced again.Others must accuse her of being like her mother.

After a week of hard thinking at home, Sun Mili suddenly changed his mind, no longer complaining about others as before, and went to the forest to train normally.While secretly looking for someone to follow Shi Wansheng, she couldn't believe that he didn't look for other women.

Sure enough, in half a month, I got a lot of photos of Shi Wansheng and a female nurse in the forest area. It's not a big deal for men and women to have sex in this day and age, but for a man, it's different.

The hired person even recorded when Shi Wansheng and this woman met in the hotel, and Sun Mili's hands were shaking, "Shi Wansheng, if you dare to treat me like this, then don't blame me for being cruel to you."

The discipline inspection department in the forest area received a report letter the next day about Shi Wansheng's situation.For a man, this matter is very serious. Shi Wansheng was suspended on the same day and waited for news at home.

Such a big thing happened, and it was quickly spread in the forest area.Even Sun Mili was asked to talk, and many people comforted Sun Mili with sympathy. As for the female nurse, she also suspended her job, and the parents of Shi's family who were far away in the outer south also rushed back. When they returned home, Father Shi beat Shi Wansheng. , and then took Shi Wansheng to Xu's house to admit his mistake.

In just three days, Shi Wansheng's punishment came down.He was expelled from marriage, changed jobs, and became an ordinary person.

Shi Wansheng drank all day, and then beat and scolded Sun Mili, "Isn't your father very powerful? Why can't I solve my problems? It's just useless."

"Now you think of my dad? You forgot that you were not good to me, and my dad talked to you. What did you say when you came back? If you look down on me, the two of us can divorce. Find a capable old man Let me go." Sun Mili was no longer afraid of him.

Not to mention anything else, now that Shi Wansheng has no job and has retired from the forest area, who is more afraid of divorce now.No need to think about it, Sun Mili was waiting for this day.

"Sun Mili, your back is hard now, aren't you? You want a divorce, but I can't lie to you. Let's see what you can do? You want to find a better one? I'm not capable now?" Shi Wansheng's eyes turned red with anger, Go to tear up Sun Mili, "With such a face, do you want to go out and seduce men? I'll make fun of you now, just like your own mother, and see how you seduce men."

After saying that, he slapped Sun Mili's face with a big slap. Sun Mili tried his best to avoid it while shouting for help. He lived in a house in the forest area. Within half a minute, a neighbor heard it and rushed over. Come to pull the frame.

Both sides of Sun Mili's face were swollen, and she pointed at Shi Wansheng and said, "You go to that nurse, since you don't even want to be with her at home, why don't you go to her now? Now you two can be justified Together, we no longer have to worry about being seen."

"I won't leave, let's see what you can do?" Shi Wansheng glared at Sun Mili with hatred.

The little nurse who used to admire her had stopped contacting him because he was not the leader. She hated Shi Wansheng when she thought of this.

Sun Mili was persuaded by neighbors to live in the forest area, and Shi Wansheng was the only one in the family, so she calmed down.

It is a good thing for some people that their husband and wife are arguing like this. Zhao Xue recovered from her illness and didn't feel weak anymore. She even called her daughter and told her about it.

Xu Min didn't feel much after hearing this, she just said that she was going to get married and asked her family to prepare and bring her boyfriend home within a week. Get married on impulse? You know what Sun Mili is like now, you can't follow her old path."

"Mom, let's talk about it when we get back. He's a nice person and has his own career." Xu Min hung up the phone without saying anything.

Zhao Xue was anxious, but there was nothing she could do.

I didn't dare to tell Xu Hu, but I found my mother-in-law and told her about it. The old lady Xu sighed, "I walk the road by myself, let her go."

With these words, Zhao Xue began to tidy up the house and told Xu Hu that her daughter was coming back to get married.

Xu Hu was stunned for a while, and went to work without saying anything.

In the Xu family, one daughter got divorced and the other got married in the same month. Everyone talked about it. Zhang Guilan couldn't believe it when she came to the wedding. Looking at the person Zhao Xue married, she couldn't help feeling sorry.

Obviously so young and energetic, but married to a man in his 30s, and judging from his body, he still has a belly.A good girl can't marry any kind of person, and it's not that she can't marry.

This ruined myself, and I can't blame others.

I have to say that Zhang Guilan was very unhappy at this moment.Who is Xu Min slapping in the face by making such a thing?Could it be that if she likes Zhou Aiyue, she has to accept it?If you don't accept it, you have to be responsible for her bad life?
Tian Xiaoyue's complexion was not good either, Zhao Xue was quite embarrassed when she came in front of the two of them, seeing her like this, Tian Xiaoyue and Zhang Guilan couldn't bear to embarrass her, but they couldn't laugh either.

Neither the Luo brothers nor Zhou Aiyue came back, and the wedding was not held in the north, but a few tables were set up to let everyone know that Xu Min was married.

On the way home, Tian Xiaoyue sighed, "This is what happened. All these years of affection have been lost by this girl."

"Yeah, we hurt her for nothing." Zhang Guilan also sighed. She has always been with her all these years, so why didn't she learn anything.

"Let her go. She wants to get married. You don't have to complain to us in the future. Isn't the person she is looking for a big boss in the south? Then we spend more time in the south and we don't meet much. ."Out of sight out of mind.

Zhang Guilan smiled, "That's not it. If you want to talk about a wedding, there is another family. The gift can be bigger."

Tian Xiaoyue pulled her and asked. "Who? None of the people we know."

"It's Bai Liang." Zhang Guilan looked at her proudly, "Bai Liang is also a good kid. He was a gangster when he didn't enter the forest area. After entering the forest area, he changed into a different person and made second-class meritorious service twice. I heard I'm about to be selected to send to university, but the grades have passed. I'm studying for a while, and I asked his father to ask my old successor to get a lot of materials to read. With this kind of enthusiasm, I think there must be no problem. And A major event in life is approaching. Guess who that girl is?"

Tian Xiaoyue narrowed her eyes and said in disbelief, "It can't be Yingmei?"

"You guessed it, it's her."

Tian Xiaoyue also laughed, "At the beginning, I thought, maybe the two children will get together one day, usually only Yingmei can control Bai Liang, it's a good relationship, the two really got together, not bad."

"Yeah, it's also Xiaolan's fate. That Dong Gouzeng used to be an asshole, but he suddenly changed his sex for some reason, and now he's doing a great job in the garage. He even paid homage to his master, saying I have to learn how to repair cars, and I will drive by myself in the future. Seeing that he is getting better, Liu Xiaolan also said, if I really work hard, I will give him money to open a car repair shop." Zhang Guilan thinks that Liu Xiaolan It's very much like myself, and I finally made it through.

Tian Xiaoyue sighed and nodded, "Look at these children, they were favored at the beginning, but they turned out to be bad, and those bastards turned out to be better, and they became famous. This is life, you can't just look at people at first glance. in the end."

But this is not the reason.

The two walked home all the way. As soon as they arrived at the gate of the compound, they saw Luo Ji playing with his boudoir, Tian Xiaoyue remembered, "My family, Fu Guo, is also retiring, and when the three brats come back next year , He just stepped back."

"It's so fast, it feels like we're all getting old." Zhang Guilan sighed leisurely when she remembered that she had gray hair in the morning.

In the previous life, she died alone, but in this life, she has found all the things she didn't enjoy in the previous life. Even if she dies now, she is content.

That afternoon, the two made an appointment to go to Liu Xiaolan's house together. They didn't say a few words there, but they were urged back by Luo Ji's phone call. Someone from the Fan's family had come.

 This article is coming to an end, and there are more updates every day, so I wrote a new article first. The new article is only half an hour, more than 1000 words, do you have any comments?As for me saying I’m tired, I don’t need you guys to understand me, but it’s true. I chose to be tired. You didn’t force me. I shouldn’t work so hard to update. After all, I can’t become a fat man by eating one bite. Finished early.Sitting in front of the computer for six or seven hours a day, I dare to go to work. Hehe, unfortunately, I still have a family and a child. The child is only 31 months old. I will not work like this in the future. Thank you for your support.[-] New Article "Evil Girl Conforms to the Good"

(End of this chapter)

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