Chapter 419 Contradictions
Both the Fan family and his wife came, and it was the first time that the parents of the two families met. Mother Fan was an intellectual, and she spoke in a gentle manner, with a smile on her face. Luo Jidao had a lot to talk about.

Zhang Guilan has been in business for so many years, and she didn't feel nervous at all. The two parents met outside for the first time. This time, Mother Fan also came here with Father Fan on a business trip, just to talk about the two children.

"I don't know when we will get together in the future, so let's book the marriage first, and the two families can rest assured." Mother Fan explained the purpose of coming.

Zhang Guilan smiled, "Yes."

But did not say deeply.

Mother Fan knew that Zhang Guilan was not enthusiastic at first glance, and she didn't pick it up, so she changed the subject.

Zhang Guilan is not putting on airs, she just thinks that this engagement is a matter of a lifetime. The two children are still young, and they don't know what will happen after they graduate. If the marriage is set now, it will be troublesome if they go back on their word.

After thinking for a while, Zhang Guilan still spoke truthfully, "Actually, I'm not afraid of your jokes. I like Biluoluo very much. I'm afraid that these two won't be together in the future."

Zhang Guilan expressed her worries, and Mother Fan smiled, "So that's the case, look at me, I thought you didn't like my family's Luoluo just now, and I'm finally relieved. If that's the case, then don't make any engagements."

Seeing Mama Fan's gentle appearance, yet flexible temperament, Zhang Guilan liked it a little. After dinner, the Fan family and his wife went to live in the forest area, and Luo Ji and his wife went to Zhou's house to pick up their girlfriends.

Tian Xiaoyue looked envious, "My family, Aiyue, doesn't know when to look for her. Look at your in-laws, all of them have come to the door."

"I think it's better this way, and you don't have to worry about it. Sooner or later, the three of my family have time to worry." Seeing her daughter changing into new clothes, Zhang Guilan knew that Tian Xiaoyue took her to the street, "Internet Network's mother is very similar to you, if you have a chance, you will get to know each other, maybe you can play together."

Tian Xiaoyue pushed her away, "In your eyes, I love to play so much, go home quickly, after being a nanny for a day, my waist is sore, if Aiyue has a daughter-in-law and forgets her mother in the future, she will be Let boudoir teach me to respect me."

Zhang Guilan left amused.

Luo Ji was holding his daughter in front of him, but his complexion was not very good.

When I got home and asked my boudoir to play by herself, Zhang Guilan asked him, "Didn't you be fine while eating? Why are you unhappy?"

"The Fan family only has one daughter, and they want her to stay in Beijing, and they intend to recruit a son-in-law." Luo Ji said with a cold face, "Why should I raise my son as his son? It's not that I can't afford it." I can't eat anymore."

Zhang Guilan also suppressed the smile on her face, "I didn't expect the Fan family to have such a plan, so how did you answer?"

"I told them directly that Aiguo will be transferred back to the north and will not stay in Beijing." Luo Ji took out a cigarette and lit one. "Call Xiao Ai and tell him to break up immediately."

Zhang Guilan advised him, "Don't worry, I'm afraid Luoluo doesn't know about it yet, I'll call and ask."

Looking at the time, it was time for them to leave school, so Zhang Guilan picked up the phone and called. Unexpectedly, the phone was answered, and it was still Luo Ai.

"Why are you in the dormitory? Didn't you go to eat?" Zhang Guilan thought of her son first, "Or did you skip class?"

"I forgot a piece of information, so I just came here to pick it up, and then I went to eat and went back to class." Luo Ai asked directly, "Mom, are you calling at this time, is there something wrong at home?"

"Luoluo's parents are here, we met today, you know that?" Zhang Guilan looked back at her husband, and then said, "Did Luoluo tell you that her parents want to recruit a son-in-law? "

"Visiting son-in-law? What's going on? She didn't say anything. Is this what her family means?" Luo Ai over there was in a hurry.

Zhang Guilan comforted her son, "Don't worry, maybe Luoluo doesn't know, you can find an opportunity to ask her. But let me tell you what your father means first, I don't agree with you coming to the door, I also have the same opinion."

Good son, why give it to someone else?

Her own family wants power and money, which makes Zhang Guilan not happy with Fan's family.

"Mom, I see." Luo Ai hung up the phone without further words.

Zhang Guilan originally wanted to tell her son a few words, but it was useless to say more depending on the situation.

The couple sat in the living room in silence.

On the other side of the school, Luo Ai didn't go to the cafeteria, and went directly to the class that An had made an appointment with before. When Fan Luoluo appeared at the door, he looked up and looked down at the textbook in his hand.

The two of them were like strangers, sitting down and taking advantage of the unpreparedness, Fan Luoluo handed over a note: Why don't you go to dinner?

Luo Ai went back directly: whoever loves will be your son-in-law, I can't.

Fan Luoluo didn't hand over the note again, staring at the note in a daze, the two went to self-study quietly, until at night on the way back to the dormitory, Fan Luoluo dragged Luo Ai to a place where there was no one to talk.

"That's just my parents' idea. Besides, there are you and your elder brother in your family. Wouldn't it be okay for you to take care of my family? It's not considered a door-to-door visit, but it's just closer to my parents."

Before Fan Luoluo could finish speaking, Luo Ai interrupted her, "You made a mistake, I'm going back to the North after graduation, I told you this, you didn't take it seriously, did you? Let me tell you once, even if I beg for food, it is impossible for me to be a door-to-door son-in-law, the men in our Luo family are all hard bones, and we can't eat soft food."

"Xiao Ai, if you don't like it, you don't like it. Why do you say it so harshly? My parents gave birth to a daughter like me. What if I take care of them? You also know how to think about your parents. What about me? You Why don't you think about me, your family has a big brother and a boudoir, let you stay in Beijing, it's not that you never go home, as long as we have a holiday, we can go back, you can see your parents whenever you want, what's the difference, for me and you Can't you take a step back?" Fan Luoluo was very wronged.

She knew her parents' plan, so she always wanted to wait for the relationship with Luo Ai to stabilize before speaking out, so that Luo Ai would not care about this for herself, but now it seems that she had calculated wrongly, and Luo Ai would not regress for herself at all. .

"Could it be that the relationship between the two of us is not as good as your parents? You are a modern person, why do you care about this? It's just a name, and it's not about tying you to our Fan family." Fan Luoluo cried.

Luo Ai sneered, "Fan Luoluo, you said that I am not a modern person, what about you? Since your family is all educated people, why do you need a son-in-law? Didn’t you take a look at yourself? Let me tell you too, even if it’s a name, I won’t do it, so you should find someone else.”

After leaving the words, Luo Ai turned and strode away after taking a look at Fan Luoluo.

To say he was disappointed, he was also disappointed, he didn't expect that Fan Luoluo actually knew about it, and he was always scheming against him.

Seeing Luo Ai walking away, Fan Luoluo burst into tears, and went to the dormitory after crying alone.

I also took a deep breath in my heart, I couldn't believe that Luo Ai was really so ruthless, since that day the two fell into a cold war, Luo Ai and Zhou Aiyue also found out, after asking what was going on, they couldn't believe it.

"No way? What era is this? His family is still an intellectual, how could he have such an idea?" Zhou Aiyue just took it as a joke.

Luo Aiguo frowned, "Did Mom and Dad call to tell you? What do you think?"

"Whatever you think, it's impossible." Luo Ai was angry when she mentioned this matter, "I used to think that Fan Luoluo was also an upright person, but I didn't expect her to have such thoughts."

Zhou Aiyue raised her eyebrows, "Then if her family must recruit, you will give up?"

"Even if her family doesn't recruit, we are finished now." There was Sun Mili, and now there is another Fan Luoluo.

Everyone knows how to calculate, and Luo Ai least likes girls who have perverted thoughts. If she speaks out directly, she can understand it, but she is calculating herself, and her feelings will change.

"You are really cold-blooded." Zhou Aiyue looked at Luo Aiguo with a smile, "You don't care if you are an older brother?"

"What do you care? Let him come?" Luo Aiguo asked coldly.

"That's right, it won't work for anyone, especially in a school like ours, if you see who is not an elite, who will eat soft rice?" Zhou Aiyue mocked.

It was obvious that Fan Luoluo's thoughts had come to nothing. Seeing the Luo family brothers and Zhou Aiyue together every day, and never came to look for her, Fan Luoluo's heart sank.

Finally couldn't bear to stop Luo Ai and asked, "Are you really so cruel?"

Luo Ai looked at her quietly, "Fan Luoluo, I made it very clear, don't you understand? Then I'll say it again, we broke up."

"Break up?" Fan Luoluo's voice suddenly rose, and then she was afraid of being heard by others, so she lowered her voice, "You actually said to break up, and for this matter? Luo Ai, this feeling is for you What is it? Have you really taken it seriously? In your eyes, I think you have never taken this relationship seriously. I have always been pursuing you, and I have been working hard alone. Now you are Break up with me again, you bastard."

Facing Fan Luoluo's scolding, Luo Ai's reaction was very calm, "Fan Luoluo, do you think people will pester me if I don't like you? My request is very simple, just don't plot against me. Back then I I told you, I think you should remember, right? But what does it mean that your parents went to my parents to propose a son-in-law? You are not fooling me alone, but even my family, When you go to my house for Chinese New Year, what did my mother give you? A watch worth more than [-] yuan? If my family didn’t value you, would they give you such a valuable thing? Think about it for yourself, who did you hurt? "

 I have something to do today, and someone in my family is getting married tomorrow. There are many people now, maybe I will make this update today, and I will make it up tomorrow or come back to write in the middle of the night. Please forgive me.Then those with big faces asked for a pink ticket.

(End of this chapter)

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