Chapter 1
My name is Su Zi, and I am 19 years old. I had the same dream for two consecutive months. I appeared in front of a strange mourning hall and married the man in the coffin.

Tonight, I had this dream again.

The difference is that what is happening in the dream is not me and the groom getting married, but us consummating the house in the dream...

I am standing in the lobby of an old house, outside the hall is a courtyard, and the full moon in the sky is cold.

Under the moon is a coffin that has been painted black all the time. The two ends of the coffin are written with the word "Dian" in gold paint. The lid on the coffin is not nailed, but is buckled on the coffin at a slight angle.

The cold night wind blows into the mourning hall, and the white curtain flutters in the wind.

I was cold, shrunk my body, and took a step back, but bumped into the mourning hall behind me. On the mourning hall, there was a tablet written in gold letters, and two arm-thick white candles were lit on both sides of the tablet.

The flame on the white candle was blown around by the wind, as if it would go out at any moment.

This mourning hall, in the beating candlelight, flickers on and off.

I was so scared that I didn't even read the name on the memorial tablet carefully. I looked at the coffin and thought to myself, could the person sleeping in the coffin be the one who married me in my dream in the past two months? bridegroom.

With the sound of a few knocks on the wood, the person in the coffin slowly sat up, his body was a little stiff, and his long black hair hung down behind him.

The profile of his face was pale as if a layer of wall plaster had been painted on it, and the moisture on his face had evaporated, leaving only a layer of skin sticking to the skeleton of his face.

Moreover, there seems to be no eyes in the eye sockets, just a hollow piece.

My heart seemed to miss half a beat, and a layer of white sweat formed on my back. I really walked back today, and I actually had this dream again.

Although I knew it was a dream, I still let go and ran to the inner hall. After taking a step, I realized that I was barefoot and the bricks and stones on the ground were icy cold.

When I stepped on it, there was a feeling of chilling from the ground into the soles of my feet, and then piercing my heart through the soles of my feet.

For some reason, I fell into a boundless darkness before my eyes, as if someone was blowing cool air on my neck, the cold feeling gave me goosebumps all over my body.

My body stopped in place as if acupuncture points had been tapped. After the person behind me hugged me horizontally, the darkness in front of me disappeared, and it was a door pasted with the word "Happy" in white.

He kicked open the door and carried me in. I was in his cold arms, I went crazy, my mind was full of his zombie-like face.

I was gently placed on the bed, subconsciously staring at the person who hugged me.

With a glimpse, I covered my lips.

The young man stood gracefully, his facial features seemed to be coming out of a painting, although there was a trace of gloom between his brows.But under the moonlight outside the window, this slightly melancholy face is as extraordinary and refined as the cold moonlight.

Could he be a dead man who just rose from his coffin?

He won't be!

How could such a handsome and handsome boy be that stiff mummy.

"Want to run? You are already my wife, don't even try to get rid of me in this life!" The words were extremely fierce, but the voice that came out of his thin lips was so clear and sweet, no matter what Can't hear the malice in the words.

At this time, dark clouds covered the moonlight.

He stretched out his slender fingers like jade chopsticks to my skirt, and slowly took off the simple white onyx on my body, revealing my white collarbone, chest, lower abdomen...

(End of this chapter)

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