Chapter 2 Pregnancy

Then, my body was pressed down by a cold body.

My mind was heavy, and I wanted to struggle to escape, but my neck was strangled by a pair of cold hands with long nails.

The biting cold pierced my skin from those hands, and I felt like I couldn't breathe.

One cold kiss after another, kissing all over my body, I was being played with by a strange man in my dream like a puppet...

When I woke up, I was in a cold sweat. Everything that happened in the dream was so real.

Fortunately, in the two months after this dream passed, did I dream of the man who walked out of the coffin.

Until two months later, something happened and I found out that I was pregnant.

At 02:30 in the morning that night, all the roommates in the dormitory fell asleep, and I suddenly sat up from the top bunk bed. I felt someone blowing cold air under my neck, followed by a stomachache. There was a spasm.

The feeling of nausea rushed from my stomach to my throat. I covered my mouth, got out of bed, put on my shoes, and rushed into the toilet opposite the dormitory.The old dormitory of our school was built about five or a few years ago, and it was designed by former Soviet designers at that time.

The floor is all red paint, and when you see it at night, there is always an illusion that the floor is floating.The walls are green and gray on the bottom and white on the top, just like a hospital.

Each dormitory is distributed on both sides of the long corridor. There are two stairs going up, one leads to the main entrance, and the other leads to the two-thirds corner of the corridor.

There is another room at the corner. There were still people living in that room last semester, but they all moved out for various reasons this semester, leaving only an empty dormitory locked by a copper-colored iron lock.

Saying this is all far-fetched.

The toilet opposite my dormitory is the only toilet in the female dormitory on the entire floor, and the toilet is located in the middle of the corridor.The door opening is open, there is no door that can be opened and closed, and four people can probably enter at the same time.

Once inside, there is a spacious bathroom with a back-shaped sink.

Entering through a narrow doorway on the left hand side, there are two rows of pit-style old-fashioned toilets.

I leaned on the wall, bowed my head and vomited into the pit of the toilet. I vomited out all the food I ate at night. The vomit was disgusting, and I didn't intend to take care of it.

However, this old-fashioned toilet is only flushed once in a while.

Vaguely, I found that there were many small white bugs in the things I vomited. These bugs were white and fat, some... some looked like maggots.

I just vomited for a while, these things, it is impossible to climb up later.

I covered my mouth and rushed to the sink, poured water into my mouth continuously, then rinsed my mouth and spat into the rusty white tile sink, twisted worms wriggled in the spit out water.

Outside the open window of the bathroom, shadows swayed, and suddenly a black cat jumped onto a branch and turned to look at me coldly.

I took a few steps back in fear, covered my mouth and retched several times in disgust.

I felt something moving in my palm, and I opened it up to see that it was a white thing writhing in my palm.

I felt someone blowing cold air on my back neck, and someone hugged my waist from behind, and the person behind me was as cold as if I had walked out of a freezer.

"Let me go..." I cried in fear, struggling desperately, and then lost the memory of what happened later.

The next morning, the dormitory aunt who made the ward rounds found me drowsy in front of the empty dormitory door at the corner.

But after I woke up, I couldn't remember why I came here from the toilet!
Since that night, I have been in a state of continuous dizziness and nausea, and I vomited out no matter what I ate.In less than a week, I lost about [-] catties. No matter it was day or night, I felt sleepy and I couldn't cheer up at all.

In the end, I had no choice but to ask for leave from the school and go to the hospital for an examination.

The medical certificate issued by the doctor made me feel unbelievable. I was diagnosed as two months pregnant.

You know, I'm just a freshman this year, and I haven't even talked about my first love in my life, so how could I be pregnant?
(End of this chapter)

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