Chapter 107
After the shop owner stood upright, he reached into the still tumbling boiling water with both hands, fished out his head, and put his head back on his back to fix it.

A pair of cooked eyes, just looking at the people around him without focus.

The cold rainwater fell into the pot, and white smoke rose layer after layer. The figure of the shop owner who stood up was blurred and strange in Wang Qiong's and me's sight.

The few people who originally said they were going to help the shop owner up from the pot turned pale with fright, took their own things, scattered in the rain and fled in all directions.

This is a situation where the corpse has changed!
This good living person cheated his corpse like this, and slowly opened his bubbling mouth, and asked inexplicably: "Honey, why are all the guests gone?"

This time, even the shop owner's wife was scared out of her wits and looked at her husband in horror.

Her mouth kept trembling, "Don't come, don't come!", the proprietress fell in the mud, turned around and ran towards us.

The one who turned into a dead body was not slow to move, with one hand on his head, he ran after his wife in such a vigorous posture, "Smelly bitch, ran away when I saw Lao Tzu, did you do something wrong?" thing?"

I go.

The proprietress can't run in any direction, so she insisted on picking the direction where Wang Qiong and I ran.

My nerves tensed immediately, and I shouted: "Run, run."

The rain was quite loud, and I felt like my voice was covered by the pouring rain.

The rain in the beginning of autumn seems to be carrying extremely cold Yin Qi, falling on people, and there is a feeling that the heat from the whole body is sucked away.

Wang Qiong and I were drenched by the rain. We didn't know whether it was because of fear or the cold. While running, our bodies shook like a shofar wind.

My scalp was numb from the cold, and the muscles in my whole body were stiff, but I still dragged Wang Qiong and ran away as if I was dying.

"Su Zi, what the hell happened...that boss came back to life just now?" Wang Da Niu asked me loudly in the heavy rain.

I vaguely heard the sound of Wang Qiong's teeth chattering. I glanced back furtively. The proprietress ran much faster than me and Wang Qiong, and she had already run behind us.

Her husband was chasing after her, his cooked face looking particularly hideous in the rain.

"He didn't come back to life! Aunt Wang, after the boss was boiled, he cheated the corpse! The corpse of the cheat is already another kind of creature, which specializes in biting the living and sucking human blood for a living. Catch up!!"

I could feel the female boss less than five meters behind us, panting while running.

In the ears, there was the sound of her high heels stepping into the puddle.

"Papapa--" made people feel a sense of urgency in fear.

It was probably the first time Wang Qiong saw the fraudulent corpse, the tears in his eyes mixed with the rain, and he shouted in fear: "Shangxuan, where are you?"

Her little hand was in mine, cold and trembling, one can imagine how terrified she was inside.


Even if Shangxuan is a god, he may not be able to know that the two of us are in danger.

When it rained heavily, the number of people on the street decreased to freezing point. The two of us ran on the street helplessly, as if we were isolated from the world.

"Su Zi, Su Zi, you forgot to look behind!! The proprietress was eaten, and it came to chase us." Wang Qiong tightly held the mobile phone in her hand, crying and looking behind in panic.

was eaten...

My mind is really blank, I can't imagine what it would be like to eat a living person alive.

I turned my stiff neck and felt a chill in my heart.

The heavy rain reduced the visibility to the lowest level, and only a pool of blood stained by the rain could be seen not far away, and there was a woman lying in the blood.

The figure of the proprietress has disappeared! !
She had probably been bitten to death by zombies and fell into a pool of blood.

The scenery behind me was blurred in the rain, and I couldn't see the specific situation very clearly.

The owner of the ramen shop actually chased us less than ten meters away.

My legs softened, and there was a trace of despair in my heart. I was the one who dragged down Miss Wang. If it wasn't for my slow running, Wang Qiong would have run far away.

If this continues, both of us will die under the mouth of zombies.

I was pregnant for more than five months, and it was very hard.

The cold rain poured down, and he was already trembling all over, and he could no longer run half a step.

I clutched my stomach and let go of Wang Daniu's hand, frowning in pain, my baby was already in the stomach so uncomfortable that I was about to suffocate.

"Mom, I feel so bad."

The baby in the womb held back a flushed face, panting with difficulty.

I rubbed my belly, my heart ached so badly, tears of guilt and resentment flowed out from the corners of my eyes slowly, mixing with the rainwater.

Anyway, I can't run anymore, so I don't run at all.

In this world, whoever dares to hurt my baby must step over my dead body!
"Mr. Su, what's the matter with you?" Seeing that I suddenly let go of her and stopped running, Wang Qiong grabbed my hand nervously, her eyes were red.

"Run, Wang Qiong, run quickly, I really can't run anymore. It's better if you run away than the two of us die here together." I was panting violently. I ran too fast just now, and my trachea was like It was twisted into a twist by someone, and the sore feeling made me almost unable to open my eyes.

The uncontrollable tremor of the wrist is really terrible.

The limbs could hardly obey the brain's deployment, I gritted my teeth, and slowly pulled out the copper money sword from the bag to fight the zombies to the death.

Wang Qiong hugged my uncontrollable body that kept twitching and trembling, and burst into tears, "Master Su, get up quickly, let's run together."

Time does not allow any delay. We discourage each other, and if it catches up, it will die in a group.

Of the two of us, one of us must calm down and deal with this deceitful zombie.

Wang Qiong didn't have a Taoist background, so he was naturally not a suitable candidate.

The one who should be strong and make up his mind is me!
"Stand behind me!" I knew that Wang Qiong was also afraid of death. She insisted on staying by my side because of our friendship and refused to leave me behind.

She is a single-parent family, and there is a mother who has depended on each other since childhood.

If she was alone, she might not be so afraid of death, but she still has a mother.

If her mothers knew that something happened to her, they would definitely not be able to survive.

Before junior high school, Wang Qiong had a quiet and seldom-talking personality. She developed such a tough and righteous personality in order to protect her mother.

In fact, there is still a kind of tenderness and fragility in her bones.

At this time, if I don't stand up and protect her and the baby, then the three of us will just die in the pouring rain.

"Mr. Su, what are you talking about? I don't understand..." Although Wang Qiong didn't understand what she said, she still slowly retreated behind me.

(End of this chapter)

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