Chapter 108
"I am a member of the Taoist sect, so I should be able to deal with zombies, Don't be afraid, Miss Wang, Master taught me to catch ghosts and eliminate demons."

Strictly speaking, my master didn't really teach me how to catch demons, he just gave me a red plastic bag.

The heaviest thing in the bag was a compass made of brass, an old book written in traditional Chinese characters, a few copper coins, red thread and yellow paper.

These things are common tools used by Taoists to catch ghosts and eliminate demons.

I just flipped through the book. It mainly records the methods used by the folks in the old days to exorcise evil spirits and avoid ghosts. I know some of the methods in it.

I also don't know what Master's purpose is to give me this book.

Fortunately, I still have a copper coin sword in my hand to exorcise evil and avoid ghosts. I used this sword to deal with Huang Pizi.I still have a bit of experience, I don't know if I can get it done this time.

"Then you have become a Taoist nun? How about your Xingxuan?" Wang Da Niu asked me in a hurried voice, but her voice was much calmer than before.

I didn't have time to answer Wang Da Niu's words at all, and my eyes were so cold to meet the running zombies.

On his cooked face, the corners of his mouth turned up strangely.

The pupils without focal length just stared greedily at the two of us.

The moment the zombies rushed towards us, I quickly pulled out the copper coin sword in my hand from the backpack, jumped up, and slashed at the zombies.

The heart-cleaning formula taught by Xingxuan suddenly echoed in my mind, and when I took off, I could feel my heavy body suddenly become light, as if my body was full of strength.

The zombie reacted very quickly, and just bit my copper coin sword like this.

Its saliva seems to be corrosive, and the surface of the copper coin sword seems to be smoothed by its saliva little by little.

I pulled back the copper coin sword vigorously, and there seemed to be a strange force in the zombie's mouth. The copper coin sword seemed to have taken root in its mouth, and I couldn't pull it out no matter what.

The stench of the stench in its mouth after being cooked makes people nauseous.

I didn't dare to take out any of the yellow paper in the bag. It was raining so hard, and the yellow paper would be blurred and shattered by the rain in no time.

I'm seriously inexperienced in dealing with zombies, Xingxuan's skill is in my body, but I can't find a way to deploy it.

The only thing I can use now is this copper coin sword.

I held the copper coin sword nervously, and pulled it out with all my strength, my forehead was sweating, and the sweat slid down the cold rain.

It can't be pulled out at all, as if stuck in the mouth of a zombie.

The zombie's hands with sharp nails just grabbed me like this, and the black and blue corpse poison was still in the nails.

If I'm still holding the copper coin sword, I'm stupid.

In an instant, I let go of the copper coin sword in my hand, and pulled Wang Qiong forward.

At this time, the two of us were already very close to the station.

I saw a young man in a white Taoist robe slowly walking into a barber shop that shaves the vagina of the dead.

My eyes lit up, it was such a blessing that even the heavens couldn't stop it, Da Niu Wang and I were able to see Chen Xiao at this moment, in such a mundane place!

While running, Wang Qiong and I shouted Chen Xiao's name in unison, calling for help.

"Chen Xiao—help, the two of us are being chased by zombies."

My throat was about to burst from shouting, and the sound of the heavy rain was getting louder and louder in our ears, and there was a feeling of ignorance in my mind.

The distance is still a bit far away, Chen Xiao doesn't seem to have heard our cries for help.

Wang Qiong and I didn't need any words to express when we saw Chen Xiao, we just ran to the barber shop and ran desperately. Chen Xiao's presence in that place was a kind of motivation for us.

As long as we can find Chen Xiao, we will be saved.

"Chen Xiao...Chen Xiao, help me..."

"Brother, save us, we are being chased by zombies."

At such a critical moment, the rain was too loud, Chen Xiao just didn't hear our cries for help, my heart was really throbbing in my chest.

Our savior is right in front of us. If this person still dies in the mouth of the zombie, it would be a very unjust death.

My legs were about to break, and the two of us were soaking wet, and the clothes on our bodies were thick, and it was extremely uncomfortable.

We couldn't care less about these things anymore. Seeing that we were still ten meters away from the barber shop, and the zombie behind us was less than half a meter away, that was the moment of death.

Chen Xiao seemed to have just heard our faint cries for help in the torrential rain. He came out of the barber shop and took a look. The moment he saw us, his pupils dilated slightly.

The copper coin sword in the sleeve of his clothes was shaken out, and a trace of chill flashed in his originally calm eyes.

Following Chen Xiao's lithe body leaping towards us, in the downpour, his flowing black hair was wet by the rain.

The copper coin sword in Chen Xiao's hand was surrounded by a flash of white light, and with a light dance, he split the zombie from the head to the chest cavity.

That scene was extremely spectacular and disgusting. I could see the messy things in the side section of the human body very clearly in an instant.

"Bump—" was the sound of a zombie falling in the rain.

Since it was cooked, the contents of the section did not leak out along the rain, but there was a foul stench that was completely unbearable.

When Chen Xiao's toes landed slowly, the white light on the sword was still burning gently on the sword like fireworks in daylight.

I was really running out of breath. Under severe physical exhaustion, I sat down in the rain and couldn't stand up at all.

There was a dull pain in the lower abdomen, and the eyelids were heavy.

Just now I tried to mobilize the skill that Xingxuan gave me to deal with zombies, only then did I realize how difficult it is to deal with this thing. No wonder Chen Xiao occasionally vomited blood when dealing with ghosts in the past.

There seems to be some liquid coming out of the corner of my mouth now, it's salty and smells like rust, and I'm still wondering if it's blood.

"Mr. Su, what's wrong with you? Why do you vomit blood...Chen Xiao, save Mr. Su, my Mr. Su won't die, will he?" Wang Qiong put her arms around my body, as if crying.

I also wanted to ask her why she was crying so well, and crying so sadly, that it seemed like I was about to die.

I'm not that fragile. I vomit blood after running a few steps.

However, when I opened my mouth, I felt a sweet and greasy feeling in my throat, and a mouthful of blood gushed out from the esophagus, forcing me to spit it out.

"I really don't know what to say about my junior sister. She doesn't know how to cultivate, she doesn't know any tricks, and she dares to randomly mobilize the cultivation in her body. Now the breath in her body is all messed up, and the fetal heart rate is also very weak."

(End of this chapter)

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