Chapter 173 Ghost Hit the Wall

When Shangxuan and Xingxuan met, neither of them spoke, only a weird eye contact.

I don't know what this look means between the two masters and apprentices, and what kind of tacit understanding has been reached between them.

Sun Xiao was beaten by Li Yu, and the bruises on his face are still there. He was a little afraid of Shangxuan, shrunk his head and said: "I've heard about this too. You...could it be, He's awake again, and he's going to kill again."

Hearing Sun Xiao's words, the faces of the boys beside him also turned pale.

But I know that Dong Sijie's soul has drifted away, there is no soul in the body, and the worst possibility is that the nearby resentment has been contaminated by fraudulent corpses.

If the corpse is cheated, it will become a zombie.

Zombies are already very powerful things, and they don't have any consciousness, and all forms of action are based on instinct.If you want to deal with it, ordinary Taoist priests will definitely not be able to do it.

Of course, if Xingxuan made a move, even the Millennium Zombie could handle it.

It's just that Xingxuan is not a Taoist priest who hunts ghosts for a living, so he can't rush over immediately when a supernatural event occurs, and kill all the evil spirits in a devastating manner.

"Don't scare people, it might be taken away by someone." Shi Xiaoshan's female companion said in a low voice. She was not involved in Shi Xiaoshan's intentional homicide case, so she didn't follow the police back to the police station.

This Shi Xiaoshan's female companion is called Zhang Bi, her parents are both civil servants, and her family background is better than Shi Xiaoshan's. I heard that she stayed in Japan for two years when she was in junior high school.

Japan's school hierarchy is very strict, and it is also very strict for new students. I don't know what happened to her in Japanese schools.

I heard that Zhang Bi once mentioned it to others. She said that this experience in Japan was a stain in her life, and she never wanted to think about anything that happened in Japan in her life.

Zhang Bi and Shi Xiaoshan have been very close since they first entered the school, and the two have a good relationship until now.I also like to go to nightclubs and other places with Shi Xiaoshan.

"Who would steal a dead body if they are so bored? But it's also possible, maybe some pervert took it back for experimentation." The boy who spoke was Dong Sijie's buddy. He usually loves to read science fiction novels, and now he has shown an amazing imagination. .

"Don't make wild guesses. Maybe it was taken away by... a wild beast at night. This is a suburb after all. Did the police send someone to look for it? Maybe it will be nearby."

Although the idea I mentioned is a bit cruel to Dong Sijie's dead body, it is better than fraudulent corpses and stealing experiments as they said.

This autumn tour, too many things happened, I just want to stabilize everyone's emotions, and then go back safely.

"Yes, it might be like this. People in the village say that there are wolves around here." Sun Xiao expressed his opinion as if to comfort himself.

"Su Zi, I think... I think, if Dong Sijie's body can't move by the river, will it be pulled down by the kappa in the water?" Wang Qiong seemed a little scared, she was dragged by the kappa herself .

Hearing what Wang Qiong said, my heart was also half cold. The kappa pulled people to provide offerings to Fengchu's son.

In this way, Dong Sijie's body may have been eaten by ghost fetuses!

"Baby, these messy things are not things you should care about. Li Yu went and brought my car here, and I will take you to the beach for a drive and have barbecue."

Shangxuan put his arms around Wang Qiong's waist, and kissed her lips forcefully to stabilize her mood.

After about five or six minutes passed, I saw Li Yu's Bentley in Shangxuan parked on the side of the road.

Shangxuan didn't ask Wang Qiong's opinion at all, just picked it up horizontally, put it on the back seat of the car, and got in gracefully by himself.He put the ring on Wang Qiong's finger without any hassle. The ring is pure cobalt blue, and the cut surface is very neat and flawless.

Wang Qiong glanced at the ring uneasily, and then looked out of the car window, "Su Zi...I, I will go with Shangxuan first, and we will meet at school tomorrow."

With a cold face, Li Yu steered the steering wheel to turn around on the somewhat narrow road, "Boss, are you going to the beach?"

"I'm not going to the beach, I'm going to BJ. I'm going to hire my baby's natal family first. You are so attractive, I really can't bear it. If I had known, I would have raped you last night." Shangxuan hugged Wang Qiong directly. Live it on his lap to play with, with a warm smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Shangxuan, are you crazy? You didn't prepare for anything..." Before Wang Qiong finished speaking, Shangxuan's mouth blocked her.

The car started, raising exhaust fumes and smoke.

I froze in place, my head full of disbelief.

Shangxuan is not kidding, is he?
Our city is far away from the capital, and we can't get there in two days by car. He didn't prepare anything, so he suddenly went to BJ?

This idea stayed in my mind for a while, and we left Aunt Chen's house together to meet other students at the place where the tourist bus stopped.

Once Aunt Chen died, her home was empty, and it was unknown if there was anyone in the empty house who could guard important property.

At twelve noon, the tourist bus left on time.

When the bus was driving on the road, although the scenery I saw was still foggy.However, the classmates in the class all said that the sun is shining now, and it is a sunny day.

Even on this sunny day, the tourist bus has been driving for more than two hours, and the scenery outside the window is still very barren.


Why doesn't it feel like going into town at all?
I look at the street sign, I'm going, we're back again.

Just now the sign was "XX Village", and now it is this "XX Village". This road drives straight ahead, and it can be turned back, which is really funny.

"Xingxuan, it seems that we have encountered a ghost hitting the wall, and something is trying to trap us here." Xingxuan and I sat side by side on the two chairs next to each other, with my head resting on his immobile shoulder superior.

Xingxuan turned his head and glanced outside, "It's not something powerful, it's just that there are too many people here, so I can't use it well."

"I know, I'll take a look..." Of course I know how easy it is for Xingxuan to deal with these evil spirits, but there are so many people here, once I do this, I won't be able to live like a normal person.

I stood up from my seat and walked slowly to the side of the driver, "Well, master, haven't you noticed that we've been turning around in the same place?"

The driver may have already discovered it. He was sweating profusely when he heard my voice. He was startled and braked hard.

Our car almost ran out of a tree on the side of the road and fell into the fish pond in the village.

Half of the front of the tourist bus is hanging outside, and the fish pond is connected to the small river near the village. If it falls, it will all have to be fed to kappa.

(End of this chapter)

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