Chapter 174

The sudden emergency brake caught me off guard, but luckily I held on to the railing on the car in advance, so I didn't fall down.

I clutched my chest with lingering fear, and asked the driver, "What's wrong with you?"

"Oh, little girl, I was wondering if I encountered a ghost hitting the wall, but when you spoke, I thought it was a female ghost calling me. When I got confused, I saw the wrong way." The driver tried to reverse the car , The car finally returned to the road, but he didn't rush to drive, but took out a cigarette to smoke.

The driver was a little depressed, "It's broad daylight, why did you encounter ghosts hitting the wall?"

As soon as the people in the car heard the words "ghost hitting the wall", it was like a frying pan, and there were many discussions.

Most of the people are discussing what they saw this morning, the news that our classmates were in an accident and died on the road.For a while, people were panicked, and some even thought that we would not be able to go back and would die here.

In a word, everyone is afraid of death, but they can't think of a solution.

"I also think it's a ghost hitting the wall. I have a simple way, that is..." I said a few words into the driver's ear. In fact, there is nothing to hide. said.

It was to let the boys pee in the middle of the road. I suddenly remembered that my mother wanted me to maintain a good image in front of Xingxuan, so I changed my mind temporarily and quietly told the driver.

The driver is a big guy from the north. He is very bold. After smoking, he yelled, "All boys who want to pee come down with me, hurry up, and come down if you don't want to die."

The driver led Sun Xiao and the other boys down the front door of the car, shouting loudly, forcing them to pee in the middle of the road.

The girls blushed in embarrassment, covered their eyes and said nothing.

"Su Zi, is this the way you came up with? It's too...too uncivilized." Zhang Bi, who was dressed in Japanese style, was speaking, and she was sitting just behind the driver's seat, with big watery eyes Full of surprise and depression.

"Is it civilized to die here? We can go out as soon as they urinate. They didn't let you go anyway, right?" I smiled, and my tone eased the tense atmosphere in the car like a joke .

Zhang Bi hugged my arm and pulled me to the empty seat next to him, "Hey, I mean, good Su Zi, I will thank you very much if this car can be driven out. By the way, don't you know Is it about Xiaoshan? Did she really eat the internal organs of a living person? I heard from Sun Xiao that it was a ghost. Does that mean she should also bear legal responsibility?"

I said, why did Zhang Bi suddenly get close to me? He wanted to inquire about Shi Xiaoshan with me. We had just met each other before.

In these laws and regulations, there is no provision that people who are possessed by ghosts do not have to pay for murder.

Unless there is an authoritative hospital certificate and a certificate of mental abnormality, he can be admitted to the hospital for treatment and escape the possibility of being sanctioned by the criminal law.

"Sun Xiao and I can see the cause and effect of this matter clearly. If we need to testify in court, we are willing to define it. As for whether to bear legal responsibility, only the court's judgment can decide." I was afraid that Zhang Bi would be too worried, so I put Things passed in an ambiguous circle.

Zhang Bi sighed and said, "Xiao Shan is really going to die unjustly this time. I don't know if anyone has been possessed by a ghost. We don't know yet."

Zhang Bi's words reminded me that there are so many of us, why only Shi Xiaoshan, who went to the clinic to hang water, was possessed by ghosts.

So other people will also be possessed by ghosts and hide in this car?
Thinking of this, I couldn't help rubbing my temples, why think so much about things that haven't happened yet?Shi Xiaoshan's being possessed was probably just an accident, and it is impossible for everyone to encounter such an unlucky thing of being possessed.

After the boys and the driver went down to pee, the car started smoothly again, this time the whole journey was smooth, and soon we drove out of the suburban road and into the busy city streets.

The next day, Miss Wang did not come to class, probably because she and Shangxuan were going through the marriage formalities in our capital.

Our class was criticized by the school's campus radio station, and all professional and cultural courses were cancelled. He Earthquake specially guided the safety protection class.

The school has also issued a death order, and students are strictly prohibited from organizing group outings in private, otherwise they will be given disciplinary action of staying in school for probation.

Among the students who traveled this time, six people were missing and nineteen died, all of them were those who went back early.It just so happened that the organizer of this event was also on the death list, so he didn't know who to hold accountable for this event.

Early in the morning, some parents sat outside the school to protest, and some were so angry that they pulled up banners and beat up school security.

But this incident happened outside the school, and the school was responsible after all, and the media didn't come to help.The school leaders found a relationship, and directly let the police car drive over, and dismissed all the people at the school gate.

This matter, because there are many survivors who have come back alive, and everyone has experienced those evil things, it will definitely be used to discuss and share with others.

All of a sudden, the supernatural incident in that small suburban village caused an uproar in the class and even the whole school.

I was tortured by Xingxuan all night yesterday, and I was so sleepy.In class, after listening to it for a long time, He Qiuqiu reprimanded him on the podium, and fell asleep lying on the table without paying attention.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt cold on my face.

When I opened my eyes, it was Xingxuan who gently kissed my side face, his face was stern, but there was a bright smile on the corner of his mouth, "Are you awake?"

The setting sun was already like blood outside, and the clouds were shining brightly, and everyone in the lecture theater had disappeared.

"En." I stretched sleepily.

Zhang Bi poked his head in from the door and beckoned, "Su Zi, hurry up and watch the fun by the lake. He Earth has been entangled by the little weasel's grievances, and he is looking for a Taoist priest to do something by the river to drive away ghosts." .”

"Okay, then go and have a look." I was in a daze, and when I heard that He Earth was entangled by the little weasel's grievances, I blurted out that I would go and have a look.

After finishing speaking, he realized that he didn't know whether Xingxuan would like to watch such a boring ceremony.

Xingxuan nodded, took my hand, and pulled me down the lecture theater.

I took the bag on the table in my hand, and Zhang Bi immediately came in from the door, hugged my hand holding the bag, and went out with me affectionately.

"Xiaoshan told me before that the child was burned to death, and he will definitely not let He Qiuqiu go. I heard their boys spread the word, and a Taoist priest pointed out that the thing was always on his neck. Accompany him to class, food and daily life."

I know what Zhang Bi said.

When I was in He Earth class that day, after I covered the sun fire on my forehead, I saw with my own eyes a baby spirit devouring He Earth's soul.

When the three walked to the lake, there were many people watching, but He Qiuqiu didn't mind at all, and gave cigarettes to the Taoist priest who was doing the ritual with a smile on his face.

These few people don't look like ordinary Taoist priests in their outfits, but like people in the Taoist sect.

"Taoist priest who cultivates ghosts!" Xingxuan's voice was extremely cold, he stared majestically at the Taoist priest who was practicing by the lake, his body was already full of murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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