Peerless Little Mommy: The ghost baby is cute

Chapter 262 Pure Heart Technique

Chapter 262 Pure Heart Technique
I don't know if I'm in a hallucination at this moment. There is a strong idea in my subconscious, urging me to try to take the development of things away from the normal development track.

"Li Yu, did Grandma Long's soul leave her body, that's why she fell asleep so deeply?" I looked at Li Yu, who was reading a newspaper, and asked him softly.

Li Yu put down the newspaper, and nodded coldly, "Yes, Grandma Long is a psychic, she can summon souls, and occasionally she can also leave her body. The soul has left the body, and there should be something to do. Let's keep her body safe. Enough."

The silver kite on the opposite side is nestled in Li Yu's arms, looking at me with cold hatred, but when Li Yu's gaze sweeps over, it becomes innocent and pure again.

I looked at Yinzheng, and felt very strange in my heart, why Yinzheng was always unfriendly to me among all these truths and falsehoods.

I have no malice towards this little girl, let alone imagine her to be vicious.

The only explanation is that this little girl really hates me.

Yinzheng shrank like a bunny, pointed at me with her tender little finger, and said to Li Yu with red eyes: "Brother Li Yu, Su Zi looks at me so strangely and fiercely."

Li Yu glanced at me, just like his usual personality, didn't say much, turned to comfort Yinzheng, "Did you read wrong? Su Zi won't kill you."

The feeling of talking between the two of them is the same as usual, there is nothing unusual, let alone true or false.

I couldn't tell reality from hallucinations, so I could only point to the corpse konjac next to the suitcase on the luggage rack, and asked tentatively: "Li Yu, look there, is that thing corpse konjac? I feel like we are They're all delusional."

Li Yu's gaze followed my finger, and he suddenly became vigilant, "No, someone tampered with in the carriage."

He quickly reached under the luggage rack, and when his fingers lightly touched the corpse-flavored konjac, this ugly big magic flower was burned by a cobalt blue flame.

The matter was solved so easily?
I stared blankly at the indifferent expression on Li Yu's face, he sat down slowly and looked around vigilantly, and said in a low voice, "Be careful, there may be enemies nearby."

The train suddenly stopped with an emergency brake. At this time, it was evening, the sunset outside was brilliant, and the red glow was like a wedding gauze. The car stopped at the place where it just broke down.

A feeling of uneasiness quickly spread in my mind, and then someone should say, a coffin fell in front of me.

It was exactly the same as what happened just now. When the night was completely dark, someone suddenly shouted in the carriage, and a coffin fell in front of it.

Things seem to be re-interpreting the original track. Although there have been small changes after my destruction, the main process has not changed at all.

The itchy feeling brought by the copper coin on my arm broke out immediately.

I gritted my teeth and broke out in a cold sweat.

I suddenly realized in my heart that corpse-flavored konjac can create hallucinations, but I can't fabricate hallucinations out of thin air that I don't remember.

The coffin, and the ghost in the coffin are all real.

These past events are going through again, although they are different, they are obviously illusions.

I should be standing right next to the coffin, and I entered the hallucination under the influence of the konjac scent from the corpse on the coffin.

There is a slight chill in the neck, and it feels a little difficult to breathe, but this feeling is not very serious, just a slight feeling.

My back was icy cold, and my heartbeat continued to speed up.

I actually had a strong feeling in my heart that I was going to die soon.

My mind is extraordinarily clear, and my thoughts are very clear. I am afraid that in the real world, I am facing the danger of life and death, but at this moment, I am still unconsciously wasting in hallucinations.

How can I wake up?
Whether it's mobilizing my cultivation with all my strength or communicating with the jade bracelet, it seems that it can only be used in hallucinations, but there is no way to awaken my real consciousness.

I was so anxious that I was sweating profusely, looking at the gradually darkening sky outside with gray eyes, feeling the footsteps of death approaching little by little.

"Sister Su Zi, why are you sweating so much?" Yin Zheng's voice came from beside her ear.

But I don't have time to take care of her, I have to find a way to get out of here, all the people and things here are illusions created by Corpse Fragrance Konjac.

But I can't get out anyway, everything around me is too real.

If only Xingxuan was here, he would definitely think of a way to save me.

I rubbed my stomach helplessly, and my whole body lost strength for a while. The calmer the surrounding, the more anxious I was.I can feel that half of my foot has stepped into the gate of hell.

"Mom, I miss Dad, I feel so uncomfortable..." The baby struggled in his stomach, and there were large and small red spots on his creamy skin.

My baby also got copper coins, and felt very uncomfortable.

I felt distressed, knowing that I must remain calm, there must be another way to get out of the hallucination.

If Xingxuan was here, what would he do?
I desperately imagined Xingxuan's appearance in my mind, and guessed his reaction to this kind of thing.

I didn't know when my body was tightly surrounded by a cold embrace, I hugged him with my back, and complained in a low voice: "Xingxuan, I can't get out, Xingxuan..."

He gently straightened my body, and only then did I see clearly the appearance of Xingxuan who was hugging me.

Xingxuan's silhouette was transformed into indistinct white dots of light, and he majestically made a silent gesture to calm me down.

Then, he opened his mouth and uttered a few words in a clear voice, "Neat your spirit, calm your mind. Consume the demons, cultivate ghost energy."

This is the formula of "Pure Heart Jue", Xingxuan taught me when my Xingxuan was in double cultivation.

It is Xingxuan's spirit that guards me and is helping me. Even though Xingxuan is in the eleventh city of the ghost world, his spirit is protecting me tenderly all the time.

Immediately, I recited the formula of "Qing Xin Jue" silently in my heart, and slowly I could feel the chill in the air getting heavier and heavier, the light source also dimmed, and the sky above was a dark night.

The cold night wind blew across my cheeks. The moment I woke up, I found myself leaving the warm carriage and standing beside the railroad tracks. I found that there was still the huge coffin in front of me, and the corpse-scented konjac bloomed enchantingly on the coffin.

My neck was pinched tightly by a pair of icy cold hands. The owner of these hands was a body with pus and pus, and there was no good skin on his face. It was all stitched together with needles and threads.

Its ferocious face seemed to be covered with countless twisted and ferocious centipedes.

The mouth was also cracked to the root of the ears, the fangs and corpse dirt inside were clearly visible, and there was a corpse smell with a medicinal smell.

That thing is a walking corpse raised by a mortician in Xiangxi!
The force in its hand was so strong that it pinched my eyes black, and my ears were buzzing with tinnitus, and I didn't even have the strength to resist.

No wonder I can feel the chills in my neck and feel that my life is coming to an end in hallucinations.

It turned out that I was really going to be strangled to death by this millennium ghost!

(End of this chapter)

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