Chapter 263 Awake
I was so strangled by it that I couldn't even breathe. I was about to give up, and I didn't even have the strength to resist.

I can only concentrate on communicating with the jade bracelet on my wrist. The jade bracelet turns into countless white light spots, and then quickly turns into countless white sharp cones, stabbing at the ghost of the corpse that is pinching me.

I can't see what happened to the corpse ghost by the jade bracelet, it was probably tied into a sieve or something.

The moment Zombie let go of his neck, I really felt like I was reborn. I took a big gulp of fresh air, and my lungs felt like they were about to explode. No matter how much oxygen I took in, I felt it was not enough.

With the night wind, the smell of corpses continuously poured into his mouth.

I took a closer look and saw that it was riddled with holes by the sharp awl transformed from the jade bracelet, but it didn't fall down.The body seemed to have no pain, and stood cold in the night wind.

A pair of green, out-of-focus eyes stared at me with endless killing intent.

The jade bracelet is a part of Xingxuan's spirit, its power is extremely powerful, even Leng Qing, who is cultivating demons, can easily repel it, but there is nothing she can do with this thing in front of her.

I took half a step back in shock!


The corpse charm let out a muffled roar, and rushed towards me again.

When it moves fast, it carries a disgusting fishy wind on its body.

The stabbed wound, with its violent movement, oozes green mucus, and yellow, black, and red pupae flow out together with the liquid.

The chrysalis flowed on the ground without any response, probably still dormant.

I saw that this thing is immortal, even the jade bracelet can't cause substantial damage to it, and the weird chrysalis gushing out of its wound is very disgusting and scary.

His feet were a little weak, and he staggered back a few steps in a panic, stepping on a wooden board.

Looking down, there was a coffin lid with two big holes poked under it.The gold-painted painting on the cover is exquisite, and this violent corpse really crawled out of this huge coffin.

Seeing that its shiny green eyes have rushed to the front, I can't run it, and I can't beat it.

He had no choice but to use his wits in a hurry to turn the jade bracelet in his hand into countless light spots again, weaving it into a white net, and temporarily trapping this highly cultivated corpse charm.

It screamed and struggled frantically in the net, its sharp fingernails tore the fragile light net, as if it could tear apart the white light illusion net in minutes.

"Benefactor, good means!" In the dark night, an unknown person exclaimed loudly.

I was pinched by a pair of fine steel and jade hands of the ghost just now, and I was staring at all things. I forgot that there were other people by my side, where did Grandma Long, Li Yu, and the silver kite go?
I was strangled by the corpse ghost, if they hadn't fallen into hallucinations, they should have come to save me!

My line of sight first came into contact with more than a dozen male passengers lying beside the gold-painted coffin, with thick black air floating on their bodies.

It should be because when the coffin was carried, the limbs directly touched the coffin, which caused ghost energy to enter the body and died suddenly.

The passengers watching not far away had dull facial expressions, their pupils were out of focus, and they pinched their own necks unconsciously. They should have entered hallucinations under the influence of the corpse-scented konjac.

Relatively close to this corpse ghost, there are five or six people in white Taoist robes and bamboo hats.

This praise of me was made by one of these people.

They each knocked on the gongs in their hands, shook the bells, and muttered words in their mouths, as if they were trying to find a way to suppress the ghost of the corpse.

I saw these people once in the train compartment, and they should be genuine morticians.

The yin bells and gongs in their hands have the effect of stabilizing the mind and will not be affected by the hallucinations of the corpse-scented konjac.

Listening to the sound of the bell, the corpse gradually became quieter.

These gang of morticians are quite capable, but I know that they are definitely not our allies. I was only half breathed after being strangled just now, and they didn't care about my life or death.

However, if we meet by chance, there is no need for them to save me.

I just know that they are not hostile to us, nor are they friends.

After my careful search, I finally found Li Yu, Yin Zheng, and Grandma Long on the dark railway tracks.

The three-foot green blade in Li Yu's hand trembled, and actually cut into his abdomen, blood flowed all over the ground, tears glistened in his eyes, and he was shouting, "Su... Su... run away, leave me alone , I really... really like you..."

Su what?
I frowned, maybe I was calling my name.

What kind of hallucination did he see, he was actually committing suicide!

There is also the little girl Yinzheng, she took off her eyeballs and put them on the rails as marbles to play, not to mention how disgusting the bloody ones were.

Grandma Long, her purple clothes are torn, dirty, and bloodstained.

She was slowly walking towards the other side of the railway track, that other side was a cliff, if she jumped off it, she would be smashed to pieces.

No, you have to get rid of the strange flower, the stinky konjac, otherwise not only Li Yu and the others, but also the passengers watching will have hallucinations and kill themselves unknowingly.

I quickly jumped onto the coffin, feeling ruthless in my heart, and stomped hard on the soles of my feet, crushing the stinking konjac flower.

Call it harmful, and in the end there is nothing left.

I feel a little bit in a trance, I have a feeling of falling, am I going to hallucinate again?

I hurriedly recited the Qingxin Jue silently in my heart, and my blurred vision suddenly became clear.

Under the night sky, I stood on top of the coffin.

I go!

That ugly, smelly flower is still blooming coquettishly, and the scene of me approaching it and stepping on it just now is an illusion again.

My heart is completely blown up, I don't believe it today, I can't kill this flower.

Could it be that the wisdom of human beings can be as stupid as plants?
I had the idea of ​​dredging from the bottom of the pot, and grabbed a stack of Yanghuo Talismans from my pocket.With a light push, the fire talisman fell on the coffin, and the flames instantly surrounded the corpse-flavored konjac.

I really have a feeling of exhilaration in my heart. It's too useless for so many of us to be played by a broken flower.

I jumped off the coffin neatly, looked at the raging flames, and slowly sorted out what happened just now in my mind.

There is indeed a corpse-scented konjac in the car. I saw it once after getting on the car, but I didn't recognize this plant, so I didn't take it seriously at all.

So all the people in the car have been living in a half-illusion, half-real situation. It is fake that Grandma Long was pierced in the stomach by the silver kite, but it is true that the silver kite poured blood on me.

The missing passengers and Li Yu were actually in front of them, but they couldn't see them because of the general hallucination.

Anyway, whether it is true or not, we may not be able to fully understand it now.

It wasn't until I got off the train and came into direct contact with the corpse-flavored konjac on the coffin that I completely fell into a hallucination, returned to four o'clock in the afternoon, and experienced what happened before.

When he wakes up and is choked by the corpse demon, the world he comes into contact with is completely real.

In short, this broken flower can't make people have hallucinations that they haven't seen before, it can only confuse people's mind based on the things they have encountered in their minds.

"Don't...don't touch that flower!" The white-robed mortician yelled in panic, as if he cared a lot about the hallucinogenic magic flower on the coffin.

I frowned, and grabbed Grandma Long who was jumping off the cliff and asked in a cold voice: "The flowers are harmful, why do you still say you can't move? Is this conspiracy related to you?"

"Oh—what do you know, little girl? If we could exterminate flowers, we would have exterminated them long ago, and we wouldn't look at everyone's hallucinations. Those flowers are used to suppress corpses. It's over, it's over, the thousand-year-old corpse Mei is going to break the seal."

(End of this chapter)

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