Chapter 1033

"Daughter-in-law, I can't figure it out, so please tell me quickly." Qin Sheng tugged on Su Qingyao's sleeve as if he was the same.

Su Qingyao gave Qin Sheng a blank look, "If you can't figure it out, just keep thinking about it for me."

"young married woman……"

"Don't be naughty, hurry up and eat it. If you don't eat it, give it back to me. I want to eat it." Stared at by Su Qingyao, Qin Sheng was so weak that he didn't dare to continue talking, and slowly licked the candied haws.

"young married woman……"

"What are you going to say?"

"Daughter-in-law, I just want to say that this candied haws is so sweet! It's so delicious!"

"If it tastes good, eat more, there are a lot anyway."

"Hey, daughter-in-law, you really love others! You are so kind to me!"

Su Qingyao shook her head secretly, this guy is really narcissistic, she has no intention of being nice to him at all.

Su Qingyao didn't continue to talk to Qin Sheng, but also took a candied haws and ate it.

One of the little buns in each hand, fortunately in front of the two of them, they were still looking around to see if there was anything delicious.

Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng were also keeping an eye out for any delicious food on the street.

Suddenly, Xiao Baozi stopped in his footsteps, and someone stopped him.

Su Qingyao looked over and saw two adults with a child, an old man, and a girl about her age.

I saw these people talking to Xiao Baozi, "Gouzi, why did you come to the town?"

Facing the adults, Xiao Baozi said weakly, "I came with my sister to do some shopping..."

A sarcastic voice sounded, "So you came with that ugly Su Qingyao? Why didn't you see her?"

It was a woman who spoke, with a look of disdain and ridicule in her eyes.

Su Qingyao recognized this woman, and according to some memories in her mind, Su Qingyao learned that this woman was her eldest aunt, Jin Hua.

Behind her was Su Qingyao's uncle, Su Daquan.

As for the girl doll who was her age, it was Su Qingyao's cousin, Su Xiuxiu.

Another boy who was slightly older than Xiaobaozi was Su Qingyao's cousin, Su Tiedan.

Xiao Baozi pouted, feeling very upset when Jin Hua said that Su Qingyao was ugly.

Not to mention that Su Qingyao was really ugly in the past, and Xiao Baozi was not happy to hear this, but now Su Qingyao looks good, and Jin Hua also said that Su Qingyao is ugly, so Xiao Baozi was naturally not convinced.

"My sister is not ugly!"

Jin Hua sneered and said, "If you say you're not ugly, you're not ugly? That girl Su Qingyao is just ugly. Anyone who looks at her will know that she is ugly. It's useless if you don't admit it."

The little bun was full of grievances, and wanted to argue with Jin Hua, but he also knew that she was a very powerful aunt, so he couldn't quarrel with her, anyway, he couldn't quarrel with her.If he is in a hurry, maybe he will take action to clean him up.

Little Baozi could only cry to himself, " sister is not ugly...uoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"

The big family members of the Su family ignored the little bun, and still thought that Su Qingyao was still the ugly monster in their impression.

When Su Tiedan saw the candied haws in Xiao Baozi's hands, he went up and snatched the candied haws.

Because the little bun was so busy crying, he didn't react, and when he did, the candy was already in Su Tiedan's hands.


(End of this chapter)

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