Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1034 Su Qingyao takes a lesson

Chapter 1034 Su Qingyao takes a lesson

However, Xiao Baozi was not as tall as Su Tiedan. When running over, Tiedan stretched out his hand and pushed Xiao Baozi out, and Xiao Baozi fell heavily to the ground.

Facing Su Tiedan's banditry, not only did the family members of the Su family not stop them, but they said in a strange way, "How can you eat candied haws if you are so poor? You should give it to my Tiedan."

"That's right, the dog still eats candied haws, how can it match?" After Su Tiedan spat on the ground, he triumphantly raised the candied haws in his hand and put them in his mouth to lick a few mouthfuls.

Seeing this scene, Su Qingyao became furious.

What the hell is this guy? It's the first time he's seen being a robber and doing it so confidently.

"Hehe, if you are not poor, why don't you buy it, but you have become a robber."

As Su Qingyao said, she came over directly, walked up to Su Tiedan, and snatched it away.

However, Su Qingyao's purpose in snatching back the candied haws was not to eat it herself, she simply didn't want Su Tiedan to take advantage of it.

After Su Qingyao snatched the candy, she threw it on the ground and stomped a few times. Even if it was wasted, she would never give it to anyone.

The big family member of the Su family froze for a moment, then looked at Su Qingyao.

I saw a beautiful woman standing in front of me.Her skin was like snow, not only white but also very delicate, and because of her good complexion, her face was flushed with blush.

Apart from being beautiful, she was well dressed, wearing a light purple jacket and a pleated skirt underneath.There is also a silver hairpin on her head, which is extremely delicate and beautiful.

The family members of the Su family had never seen Su Qingyao look better, so Su Qingyao stood in front of her and didn't recognize her for a while.


The little bun saw Su Qingyao, and ran up behind Su Qingyao crying, "Sister, woo woo woo... My candied haws were taken away."

Hearing the little bun call Sister Su Qingyao, the Rhubarb people were even more puzzled. Why did the little bun call Sister Su Qingyao?

The woman in front of me is very different from the ugly monster in my memory. If Xiao Baozi didn't mention it, no one would associate them together.Because not only the appearance is very different, but also the temperament is also very different.

However, although Su Qingyao's appearance has changed, her voice is the same as before.It's just that the tone of speech is not as cowardly as before, and people feel bullied if they don't dare to speak out. Now Su Qingyao speaks in a very aggressive tone, which makes people dare not despise her.

Jin Hua pointed at Su Qingyao in disbelief and said, " are really that ugly monster? No is this possible..."

Before Jin Hua could finish speaking, Su Qingyao stretched out her hand, and slapped Jin Hua hard across the face.

With a sound of "啪~", Jin Hua was slightly knocked out.

The hearts of the members of the Su family also trembled, and then they saw a red slap on Jin Hua's face.

Su Qingyao stared at Jin Huadao with cold eyes, "If you dare to say something ugly again, believe it or not, I tore your mouth apart?"

After being scolded by Su Qingyao, Jin Hua was stunned for a moment. How could this domineering woman in front of her look alike the previous Su Qingyao?But what Su Qingyao said was a disguised admission that he was the ugly monster in their memory?
It took a while for Jinhua to come back to her senses, touched her sore cheek, gritted her teeth and stared at Jinhua, "You... how dare you hit me?"

(End of this chapter)

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