Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1035 Not Acting Like an Elder

Chapter 1035 Not Acting Like an Elder

"Why don't I dare to beat you? Who told you to spit shit and talk nonsense? Not only will I beat you now, but if you dare to talk nonsense again, I will continue to beat you until you stop talking." Su Qingyao said coldly A word of warning.

Jin Hua doubts very much whether Su Qingyao has really changed. Whether it is appearance or temper, it has nothing to do with the past.

"I'm your eldest aunt, is this how you treat your elders?" Jin Hua tried to suppress Su Qingyao by acting like an elder.

Su Daquan followed behind Jinhua, and after regaining his senses, he followed Jinhua and said, "That's right, girl Qingyao, she is your eldest aunt after all, no matter how wrong you say, you shouldn't treat yourself Auntie, do you want to do it?"

Su Qingyao snorted softly, not paying attention to Jin Hua and Su Daquan at all.

"Since the elders want to be respected by the younger generation, they have to behave like elders should. You deserve to be my elder like you, do you want me to respect you and treat you well?

I bother!It doesn't matter whether you are worthy or not! "

As Su Qingyao said, she spat on the ground, and then continued to curse, "Su Tiedan stole my brother's candy like a robber. Not only did you ignore it, but you even clapped your hands in the back. what people say.

As for the Jin family, she is ugly when she sees me opening and closing my mouth. Is this how my aunt treats her own niece?
You are wrong first, but you are blaming me?
Hehe, it's really funny! "

Su Qingyao made such an insult, Dafang's family was a little speechless.

Whether it is in momentum or reason, they are not dominant.

After Su Qingyao finished speaking, she kept silent. The old lady who followed the Su family's family kept her eyes on Su Qingyao and the little bun. Seeing them, the old lady's body trembled a little, and she looked a little excited.

"Boss, eldest daughter-in-law, don't worry about this matter. It is true that you did something wrong today, so don't blame Qingyao girl." The old lady said something to Jinhua and Su Daquan.

After finishing speaking, the old lady looked at Jin Hua and Su Daquan nervously, for fear that they would be angry.

After Jin Hua heard the old lady's words, she really gave the old lady an angry look, "You damn old woman, you know how to help Su Qingyao speak, and when you see this bitch doing something to me, just don't blame her and discipline her." , You even told me not to worry about it?
Forgot who raised you and gave you food?Turning his elbows out to help others speak, Feng wanted to eat at my place later! "

Jin Hua was cursing, with saliva flying all over her mouth.

After scolding Jin Hua, she was still not reconciled, so she stepped forward and gave the old lady a push.

If it weren't for Su Qingyao's timely action, the old lady would probably have sat down on the ground.

After the old lady spoke, Su Qingyao didn't notice her.

This old lady is none other than Su Qingyao's grandmother, Mrs. Su.

In the original owner's memory, Mrs. Su was one of the few people who treated her well.

After Su Qingyao's mother passed away, if Mrs. Su hadn't adopted the little bun and brought it up, she would have died by now.

And when Su Qingyao was bullied, it was often Mrs. Su who helped and protected her.

Sometimes when Lu Chunqin doesn't feed the original owner, it's because Mrs. Su secretly stuffs some things for the original owner. For Su Qingyao and her brother, Mrs. Su is definitely the closest person

(End of this chapter)

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