Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1077 Qin Kui Has a Guilty Heart

Chapter 1077 Qin Kui Has a Guilty Heart
As Yin Cuihua said, the price of dog meat is not cheap now, if the ingots can be sold to restaurants, they can be exchanged for a lot of silver.

Yuanbao now weighs more than 20 catties. If it is fattened up, it is estimated to be [-] to [-] catties.

But even so, selling the ingots could exchange for hundreds of pennies, which could at least make up for her loss of a dozen chickens.

"Yes, I will kill the ingot and sell it to the restaurant later. I don't expect it to guard the door anymore. Since it is useless to keep it like this, it can still make money by selling it!" Wu said angrily.

Haohao cried while holding Yuanbao, "Mother, don't, don't sell Yuanbao, I want Yuanbao to accompany you."

"I said don't protect this dead dog, it will definitely be sold anyway."

"Woooooooooooo..." Haohao burst into tears.

It would be useful for Haohao to cry and fuss on weekdays, but now the Wu family is determined to sell ingots, and no matter how fussing Haohao makes, he won't let go anyway.

Yuan Bao was so frightened that he curled up in the corner, not daring to say a word.

It's a pity that it is a dog. It doesn't understand so many complicated things about human beings, it doesn't know how to speak, and it doesn't understand why Wu Shi was so angry that he beat it and even sold it.

After the commotion in Dafang ended early in the morning, the news that Dafang had lost a chicken soon spread throughout the village.

Many villagers were even more frightened, for fear that the chicken thief would come to their house next time.

No one wants their chickens to be stolen, and they hate the behavior of chicken thieves.

After Da Fang didn't expect Yuan Bao to guard the chicken coop, he moved the chicken coop back to the house, and the remaining ordinary chickens must not be stolen again, otherwise Da Fang would suffer even more serious losses, and she would be even more heartbroken.

He came back from the town after ten o'clock in the morning, and this time he sold it for hundreds of Wen, Qin Kui was very happy.

With this little money, he can last for a few days, and he won't worry about Lin Ruyue rejecting him in these few days.

But when he returned to Qin's house, he heard his sister-in-law Wu sitting in the yard cursing and accusing the chicken thief before he even got to the yard.

Of course, Mrs. Wu didn't know who stole it, but just cursed the thief who stole her chicken.

"If I know who stole my chickens, I'll kill him!"

"This should be damned. It's not good to steal someone's chicken, but you want to steal my chicken?"

"People's chickens have been raised so big, but mine are still so small, how can I do it?"

"So many chickens have been stolen, won't this goddamn conscience ache? This kind of person must be struck to death by lightning, and it's a disaster to stay in this world!"

"God, why don't you open your eyes? Hurry up and kill this chicken thief!"



The more Wu scolded, the more guilty Qin Kui felt, because he knew that the chicken thief was himself, but he didn't even dare to fart.

I thought to myself that if his sister-in-law knew that he was the chicken thief she was scolding, she didn't know how to deal with him!

When Qin Kui thought of the miserable end he might have to face, he couldn't help shivering.

Looking at Wu Shi who was cursing in the yard, she could only lower her head, and went back to Qin's house with a guilty conscience.

Seeing Qin Kui coming back, Yin Cuihua hurried forward and asked, "Lao Liu, why didn't I see you this morning? Where did you go?"

Asked by Yin Cuihua, Wu stopped cursing, and her eyes fell on Qin Kui.

(End of this chapter)

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