Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1078 Qin Kui is motivated!

Chapter 1078 Qin Kui is motivated!
Qin Kui felt even more guilty when he was seen by Wu Shi, for fear that his sister-in-law would suspect him, and it would be over.

Qin Kui babbled a reason tremblingly, "Go to town."

"What are you doing in town?"

"I'm looking for an errand! Life at home is so difficult, you can't do nothing and sit and wait for death, right?

I'll go to the town and ask more, maybe I can find a good job! After Qin Kui finished speaking, his face blushed, his heart was very guilty, and he lowered his head for fear of being exposed by suspicion.

However, after hearing Qin Kui's reasons, Yin Cuihua praised Qin Kui instead, "Hey, Lao Liu, I didn't expect you to be so self-motivated now!
You should really go to the town to ask more questions and look for more!If you don't ask or look for this kind of thing, it will definitely not fall on your head in vain.

You have read books and know how to read and write. It shouldn't be too difficult to find a job. Our good life will depend on you in the future. "

Qin Kui twitched the corners of his mouth and replied, "Mother, I understand."

"Lao Liu, did you have breakfast?" Yin Cuihua asked with concern.

Qin Kui shook his head.

He has been busy selling chickens all morning, how can he have time for breakfast?
After selling the chicken, I hurried back and didn't have time to eat.

When Yin Cuihua mentioned it, Qin Kui realized that his stomach was already rumbling with hunger.

"Oh, then you rest in the yard first, and mother will go to the kitchen to make you something delicious, fill your stomach first, and have lunch later." Yin Cuihua started to work enthusiastically, and saw that the sixth child suddenly changed. She must be self-motivated, and she is also happy in her heart, always feeling that there will be hope in her life after the change of the sixth child.So now she is happy to make something for Lao Liu to eat.

Qin Kui nodded, "Yes! Mother, you can do it."

"Okay, old six, what do you want to eat? Mother will bake you a pancake with eggs, okay?"

"Okay, mother, you can get me something to eat!"

He is hungry now and can eat anything.

Yin Cuihua responded with a smile, "That's fine, then egg pancakes."

It happened that Qin Fang was also in the yard. Seeing Yin Cuihua's eccentricity, he couldn't help muttering, "Mother, are you being too kind to the sixth brother? If he is hungry, you can make him something. Why didn't I see you cook something for me when I was hungry?

It's also your son, aren't you too biased?
Mom, I'll get some of the egg pancakes you made later, I haven't eaten since early in the morning. "

Yin Cuihua glared at Qin Fang displeasedly, "Brat, what are you talking about? Are you hungry to find your wife? What do you expect me to do? I have to compete with your sixth brother!"

"Mother, my daughter-in-law is pregnant and has limited mobility. It's fine if I don't serve her. How can she cook for me?"

"That's your business, don't come and tell me."

"Mother, why should I feed my sixth brother or not..." Qin Fang continued to mutter and complain.

"That's because you are not as capable and self-motivated as your sixth brother.

He went to the town to look for errands today, you can tell you are lying at home without doing anything! Yin Cuihua snorted coldly, looking at Qin Fang with disgust in his eyes.

Qin Fang's heart was a little hurt, "Mother, I said that the sixth younger brother is a piece of shit, and in your eyes, he is considered to be capable and self-motivated? It's almost the same when he finds a good job, you see Looking at him like this, can you find him? Or don't hold out too much expectation."

(End of this chapter)

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