Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1090 The Evil Mind

Chapter 1090 The Evil Mind

It was a good time that Qin Kui dared to come over, so Lele could give Qin Kui a good lesson, and at the same time reveal to the villagers who the chicken thief was.

At night, Qin Kui packed up and got ready, took his tools and walked towards Su Qingyao's house.

He chose to go to Su Qingyao's house, because firstly, only Su Qingyao's chicken coop was placed outside, and secondly, because he had stayed in a yard before, Qin Kui and Lele were also very familiar.

Qin Kui was thinking that Yuan Bao would not scream when he saw him, and Lele would not scream when he saw him.

That being the case, there is a high chance of success in stealing chickens from Su Qingyao's house.

The winter night was quite cold, and Qin Kui was wearing thin clothes, so he shivered from the cold when he came out.

But Qin Kui couldn't care so much, whether it was cold or the money was more important.

You can live a good life if you have money, and you can't talk about everything without money.

He is short of money now, he must succeed tonight, otherwise he will be very worried for the next days.

Qin Kui skillfully touched the front of Su Qingyao's house.

Because Su Qingyao's house was newly built, the walls were relatively high, and Qin Kui spent a long time digging through it before getting in.

All of a sudden, he landed steadily and fell heavily on the ground, his legs were so painful from the fall.

If the pain was so severe on weekdays, Qin Kui would have screamed at the top of his throat long ago, but this time he endured it forcefully, for no other reason than not wanting to alarm Su Qingyao.

In case Su Qingyao finds out that not only has the chicken been stolen, Su Qingyao will probably have to teach him a lesson.

Qin Kui sat on the ground for a while, rubbed his sore legs, and started to touch Su Qingyao's chicken coop.

Soon, he found the location of Su Qingyao's chicken coop.

Qin Kui was still secretly glad that it was too easy to come here today, and he touched the chicken coop so quickly.

Moreover, Su Qingyao's family obviously had a dog and now they didn't bark, which is really amazing.

Of course it's better not to bark. If he barks, he will be discovered, and it will save him from dealing with dogs.

Qin Kui hastened his movements and stretched out his hand to pick out the chicken in the chicken coop.

He didn't empty out the chicken coop the first two times. The first time was because he couldn't move so much. The second time he felt guilty and couldn't bear to empty out the chicken coop, and left half of it for his elder brother and sister-in-law.

This time, Qin Kui planned to steal all the chickens from Su Qingyao's family.

Because Su Qingyao's family is rich, even if he loses a chicken coop, he probably doesn't feel heartbroken. Compared with the money Su Qingyao earns every day, it is nothing worth mentioning.

In addition, he managed to seize this opportunity. Since he wanted to steal more, he would steal more. It would not be so easy if he wanted to steal next time. He probably had to go to another village to do it. Anyway, they couldn't steal in their village.

Su Qingyao's family also has a lot of chickens. After such a long time, and with the large amount of food fed, each chicken has grown very fat.

Qin Kui was very happy while stealing.

If all of this is stolen back, it is estimated that it can be sold for a lot of money.

Qin Kui specially prepared two sacks because it couldn't fit in one sack.

It is estimated that I can't move it once, and I have to come again.

Qin Kui is not afraid of trouble, the worst is to travel more, money is the most important thing.

While clutching the chicken, Qin Sheng thought about Su Qingyao's remarriage with Qin Sheng, and the two slept separately. For the past few days, Qin Sheng had been sleeping in the room before the fifth room.

Now she and Su Haochen are the only ones left in Su Qingyao's new house.

Qin Sheng had evil thoughts.

Su Qingyao was alone at home, separated from Qin Sheng for so long, she must be very lonely.

(End of this chapter)

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