Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1091 Bitten by Lele

Chapter 1091 Bitten by Lele

A young woman who has been separated from a man for several days and stays alone in a vacant room must definitely need to be satisfied in some way.

Qin Kui felt that he was looking for Su Qingyao at this time, and Su Qingyao probably would not reject him.

Lin Ruyue didn't let him touch her for the past two days, if she could have a tumultuous time with Su Qingyao, she would probably have a different feeling!
When Qin Shengguang thought about it, he felt that he was looking forward to it. He wished he could start practicing immediately. He ran to find Su Qingyao, and the two of them would practice the relationship between men and women well.

And Qin Kui's movements sped up a bit, so he could get the chickens back earlier so he could find some to turn back and look for Su Qingyao.

But when Qin Kui was elated and triumphant, something bit his leg suddenly, and he couldn't hold it back, so he yelled in pain.

Looking down again, he found that it was Lele who was biting his leg.

Why doesn't this dog bark a few times?Biting his leg as soon as he came up?

"Go away, go away, go away!" Qin Kui hurriedly urged Lele a few times.

But Lele just kept biting his leg, and Qin Kui felt that the flesh on his leg was about to be bitten off by Qin Kui.

"Lele, it's me, it's me! Why do you still come to bite me? We live in the same yard, and you don't even know me? Could it be that it's too dark and you can't see me? ?" Qin Kui muttered in pain, and deliberately moved his face forward, trying to let Lele see his appearance clearly.

It's a pity that Lele just didn't want to get in, and didn't talk to Qin Kui at all, and continued to grab Qin Kui's leg and bite.

On the one hand, Qin Kui felt pain, but on the other hand he was very anxious.

Lele bit him tightly, even if he wanted to escape, there was no room for him to escape.

What should we do now?
I don't know if Su Qingyao heard the yelling just now, or woke up Su Qingyao.

But now his leg hurts badly, and Lele continues to catch and bite him, and he can't hold it anymore, and wants to keep yelling again because of the pain.

And at this moment, Su Qingyao pushed the door out.

Su Qingyao was very vigilant in her previous life because of her occupation, and even a little movement could alarm him, not to mention Qin Kui making such a big noise, how could he not know about it.

"Qin Kui, so you are really a chicken thief!" Su Qingyao looked at Qin Kui with cold eyes, which made Qin Kui shiver involuntarily.

Qin Kui opened his mouth and tried to explain, "Sister-in-law fifth, I...I'm not a chicken thief..."

Su Qingyao sneered, "It's all like this, and you still say you are not a chicken thief? Then what are you doing in front of my chicken coop to touch the chicken?"

Qin Kui was holding a sack in his hand, and the chicken in the sack was struggling and jumping.


Qin Kui felt guilty.

He wants to explain?is that useful?Useless!
Let alone Su Qingyao didn't believe the embarrassing scene in front of him, even he himself didn't believe it.

"Fifth sister-in-law, I..."

Su Qingyao didn't bother to talk to Qin Kui any more, but stood in front of the yard and shouted loudly to the surroundings, "The chicken thief is stealing the chicken, the chicken thief is stealing the chicken from my house, come and help me!"

When Su Qingyao called out, many other villagers were awakened.

As soon as he heard about the chicken thief, he jumped out of bed, regardless of whether it was cold or not in winter, as long as he could catch the chicken thief, that was the most important thing.

Recently, people in the village have been panicked because of chicken thieves, so they hope to catch them sooner.

(End of this chapter)

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