Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1116 No one can be found

Chapter 1116 No one can be found

"Hey, do you think I can't talk nonsense? Why don't I talk about other daughter-in-laws and only talk about her?"

"Then how do I know? Anyway, she has passed through the door. She is the daughter-in-law of your Qin family. You can solve your own affairs by yourself. Don't bother me.

Sister-in-law of the Qin family, if you go too far, don't blame me for being rude! "The matchmaker warned.

Compared with Yin Cuihua, the matchmaker still has some background power.

After all, I have been in the matchmaking business for so many years, and I have met many people, and I even know some powerful people.

Yin Chunhua really got into trouble with her, she has a way to deal with this old woman.

Seeing the serious warning on the matchmaker's face, Yin Cuihua also knew that the matchmaker was not easy to provoke, and her arrogance faded by half.

"I didn't intend to make trouble when I came to see you today, it was my daughter-in-law who made my house like that, but now she has run away.

She was introduced by you. You always know where her family is and where her relatives are, right?

When I asked these questions, I went to find out by myself, and I had to bring that stinky woman back. "

Yin Cuihua's request was not too much, but the matchmaker still frowned.

Shaking his head, he replied truthfully to Yin Cuihua, "I don't know!"

Yin Cuihua couldn't hold back her temper, and screamed, "I don't know? How could you not know? You introduced him, where is his family? Don't you even know where your relatives live?
If you don't even know about it, how can you introduce someone who is unreliable to our family casually? "

The matchmaker replied coldly, "Sister-in-law Qin, what you said is meaningless!

I also told the situation when the two children went on a blind date.

It is said that both of her parents died, and she came to our town to join relatives, but the relatives moved away. Now let me tell you, I don’t know where her family and relatives are. How can I know? "

Yin Cuihua's lips trembled, "Sister-in-law Qin, according to what you say, I can't find anyone? Did someone run away for nothing?"

"Sister-in-law Qin, you didn't spend any betrothal gift and didn't pay any money when you brought her back. Now that she ran away, what do you suffer? What do you mean by running away for nothing?"

"But our Qin family's family business has been ruined by this stinky woman!" Yin Cuihua was full of heartache when she said this, and almost died of anger.

"Sister-in-law of the Qin family, don't be angry if I say something unpleasant.

How much family business can your Qin family have?Miss Lin has been with your son for such a long time, and your Qin family is not at a loss.

It would be very expensive for a beautiful woman like Miss Lin to sleep in a brothel once. Isn't your sixth child worth so much after sleeping with her for so many days? "

After hearing this, Yin Cuihua patted her legs and began to cry, "Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooahs, really let a biao marry into our Qin family.

I have been unlucky in eight lifetimes to have such a daughter-in-law, who turned our Qin family upside down, and we can't live a life.

Now the person is gone, I can't find it... woo woo woo..."

Really answered that sentence, people and money are empty!

She also thought that after finding Lin Ruyue, she would clean up and teach Lin Ruyue a good lesson. Now that everyone is gone, how can there be a chance to teach Lin Ruyue a lesson?
The matchmaker was annoyed by Yin Cuihua, "Sister-in-law Qin, if you cry, go to the side and cry, don't stay at my house, hurry up! It's almost Chinese New Year, you made me mournful, isn't it festive?"

(End of this chapter)

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