Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1117 Borrow money from old 4 and old 2's wives

Chapter 1117 Ask the fourth and second daughter-in-law to borrow money
Yin Cuihua blamed the matchmaker while wiping her tears, "Do you still have any conscience? If this happened to your house, can you not cry? It's not the person you introduced to me. I will cry at your house." Can't fight?"

The matchmaker also stomped her feet angrily, "You can't solve the problem even if you cry, why are you making trouble in my house?"

"I just like to cry, what's the matter?"

"Okay, okay, you cry, you cry, I'll bring you a stool to sit on, and you can cry here with all your strength."

As the matchmaker spoke, she actually brought out a stool for Yin Cuihua to sit on.

Yin Cuihua was also excited for a moment, and she couldn't cry for a long time. After a while, she wiped her tears and left the matchmaker's house with a lonely face.

She had to figure out how to deal with the injuries on Lao Liu's body when she went back.

The doctor doesn't want to see any of them, so we can't let Lao Liu lie on the bed and die, right?
After all, it's all about money!
She has to get the money!

Originally, I planned to go to Da Fang and Wu Fang to borrow it, but unfortunately the sixth child stole chickens from Da Fang and Wu Fang, so I couldn't borrow it at all.

Especially Su Qingyao, who likes to care about every detail, can't borrow from her.

Sanfang is very poor, and it is better to count on yourself than to rely on borrowing money from Sanfang.

Now the only ones who can borrow money are the fourth child and the second wife.

I have accumulated some money in the past four years, probably a few taels of silver, but I don't know if it is enough for the sixth child to see the injury.

If it is not enough, then you have to borrow it from the second daughter-in-law.

Now the second daughter-in-law follows Su Qingyao to make soap and toothpaste, and earns a lot of wages every day.

Yin Cuihua saw that now Shen often buys meat for the three losers to eat, and buys new cloth for the three losers to make clothes. From Shen's living standards, it can be judged that Shen has saved a lot of money.

If she borrowed some, Shen would definitely be able to get them out.

Thinking of Yin Cuihua in this way felt a little more at ease, and hurried back to the village, first went to the fourth child's house to greet the fourth child.

"Fourth, how are your legs and feet recently? Are you feeling better?" Yin Cuihua asked Qin Qi with a concerned look.

Qin Qi frowned, a little unaccustomed to Yin Cuihua's sudden concern, secretly wondering if Yin Cuihua had something in mind.

"Mother, I can walk down the ground, already much better!" Qin Qi replied lightly.

A smile appeared on Yin Cuihua's face, and she said, "That's good, that's good! Mother is relieved to see that you are fine!"

Qin Qi responded lightly.

When did his mother care about him so much?She didn't say a word when she saw him walking on the ground before, as if she hadn't seen him, but now she pretended to be happy.

But his mother herself may not know how fake the smile on her face is, it was obviously forced out, and she used happiness to cover up her unhappiness, but she couldn't hide it well.

Yin Cuihua continued to stay in the four-bedroom house, and had no intention of leaving.

"Mother, what are you doing here with me? What's the matter?" Qin Qi asked.

Qin Qi was embarrassed by Yin Cuihua's thoughtful face, and the way she stayed in his room without speaking.

Yin Cuihua twitched the corners of her mouth, and smiled embarrassingly, "Fourth brother, actually, Mother has something to discuss with you today..."

"..." He knew it!

Don't go to the Three Treasures Palace for nothing, Qin Qi felt that Yin Cuihua interpreted this sentence to the extreme.

"Mom, if you have anything to discuss, just say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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