Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1141 Good-looking is useless

Chapter 1141 Good-looking is useless
It was Su Qingyao who Mrs. Su was reluctant to part with, and Qin Sheng who was reluctant to part with Su Xiuxiu.

Waiting for the carriage to disappear at the end, Jin Hua greeted Mrs. Su and Su Xiuxiu, "Mother, Xiuxiu, everyone is gone, hurry up and get inside, don't stand outside!"

Mrs. Su sighed softly, turned and entered the room.

Su Xiuxiu closed her eyes with some nostalgia, and then sighed in front of Jin Hua, "My cousin is really lucky, such a good fortune to marry such a handsome husband, my cousin's husband is so handsome..."

Thinking of Qin Sheng's handsome face, Su Xiuxiu's heart started pounding, even more violently.

It felt like my heart was about to fly out of my chest.

Then there was more reluctance, reluctance to Qin Sheng.

She can't get enough of such a handsome face!
At this moment, I am more and more envious of Su Qingyao.

To be able to be with such a handsome man every day, and to do intimate things.

And she... can't do anything...

Even talking to Qin Sheng feels like a great blessing.

Jin Hua snorted lightly, and did not agree with Su Xiuxiu's words.

Because Su Xiuxiu is a young girl, she doesn't think too much, she only cares about the man's appearance.

As a person who has experienced it, Jin Hua naturally knows that a man has no looks, and he has to have skills.

For those men with poor conditions, just having a good-looking face can't be a meal?
The reason why she looked down on Qin Sheng was because the Qin family was very poor. Back then, no one was willing to marry when they were so poor. If Lu Chunqin hadn't sold Su Qingyao there, Qin Sheng might not have found a wife now. Woolen cloth.

Jin Hua talked about Qin Sheng in a contemptuous tone, and at the same time reminded Su Xiuxiu, "Xiuxiu, a man's good looks are useless and can't be eaten?

A woman can't just look for someone who is good-looking, but someone with good qualifications, you know?
For those rich men, how good would it be to marry the popular ones and drink spicy ones in the future?It's okay to be ugly!
You are still young and ignorant, you will understand when you get married and live a life. "

Su Xiuxiu curled her lips, obviously not agreeing with Jin Hua's words.

"Mother, if you look too ugly, you will feel disgusted when you see it, so it's okay to be together for the rest of your life?
Anyway, it is impossible for me to find an ugly man to marry in the future. I have to be like my cousin and find a handsome man like my brother-in-law. "

Jin Hua frowned, and immediately taught Su Xiuxiu, "A man's face is more important than his own stomach? Looking back, you have nothing to eat, so what's the use of asking a man to look good?"

"Mom, I just like good-looking people! I'm not ugly, so why can't I deserve a good-looking one?" Su Xiuxiu replied unconvinced.

"Your marriage is up to your parents, it's not up to you!
If you like good-looking ones, you like them. If you choose me and your father, you must have good conditions. " Jin Hua said with a stern face.

"Mother, am I getting married or are you getting married? How could you treat me like this?"

"I'm doing it for your own good, you girl don't appreciate it anymore?"

"Mom, I don't want such a relationship. I have to choose who I marry."

"Hehe, don't you just want to choose a little boy?"


"Okay, okay, don't talk about this, mother is not against the boy. It doesn't matter if you look good, as long as you have money!
If you are very rich, even if you marry someone as a concubine, you won't be stopped! "Jin Hua corrected her attitude.

Su Xiuxiu bit her lower lip, and suddenly thought of something, her eyes lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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