Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1142 As long as you have money, you can become a concubine

Chapter 1142 As long as you have money, you can become a concubine

"Mother, is what you said true? As long as you have money, you can be a concubine for others?"

"That's natural, it's normal for men from rich families to have three wives and four concubines.

After marrying, as long as a man loves her or has a son, her life will be no worse than that of being the main wife.

The most important thing is to have food and drink, so you don't have to worry about eating and drinking.

Wife and concubine is just a title, marrying a poor man as a wife will not lead a hard life, so my mother thinks that being a concubine is fine, the premise is that the family is rich and can really live a good life. "Jin Hua said in a blah blah blah, thinking very clearly.

In this era, the status of concubines is very low, so most people look down on concubines at all.

But Jin Hua felt that being a concubine or not was not important, what mattered was whether her life was good or not.

I can't even fill my stomach, what do you still care about those illusory reputations?
Old Madam Ning frowned listening to this, not knowing how Jin Hua had the nerve to say such words.

It's really shameless for money, so I'm not afraid of being said by others.

It's a pity that Mrs. Ning didn't agree with it in her heart, and even somewhat rejected this statement, but she didn't dare to say anything more when facing Jin Hua.

Talking too much will only make Jinhua yell and quarrel with her.

She is getting old, and she doesn't have the time to argue, and she finds it very tiring.

Besides, she wanted to make the family live a more peaceful life, and stop arguing about a little thing. It hurt the peace, and it wasn't worth it.

"Mom, it's good if you can think so.

In fact, I think there is someone who is quite suitable... I want to marry and become a concubine..." Su Xiuxiu said, lowering her head shyly.

Seeing Su Xiuxiu like this, Jin Hua frowned, and asked, "Who is it? Why don't I know which rich man you have your eye on?"

There are not many rich people around Su Xiuxiu who can contact her, so how did Su Xiuxiu fall in love with her?
"Mother, that's...that's my cousin's husband..."

When Qin Sheng was mentioned, Su Xiuxiu was even more embarrassed.

After finishing speaking, she glanced at Jin Hua nervously, afraid of what Jin Hua would say.

"What?" Jin Hua was stunned when she heard it, thinking she had heard it wrong, she said to Su Xiuxiu, "Say it again, who is it?"

Jin Hua's reaction made Su Xiuxiu's heart tighten, and felt that her mother seemed very unhappy, what should she do now...

But I had to say it, Su Xiuxiu took a deep breath and said, "Mother, I mean my cousin."

"Xiuxiu, are you out of your mind?"

Jin Hua blinked, stared at Su Xiuxiu, then touched Su Xiuxiu's forehead to see if Su Xiuxiu had a fever and her head was broken.

" head is not broken..." Su Xiuxiu curled her lips and complained dissatisfiedly.

From what her mother said, doesn't it just mean that Qin Sheng is not good enough?

Su Xiuxiu felt a little disappointed, Jin Hua didn't agree with Qin Sheng so well.

Jin Huayu taught Su Xiuxiu earnestly, "Xiuxiu, let me tell you, are you fascinated by that kid Qin Sheng?

What's so good about him?
Isn't there just a handsome face?

It looks good and can be eaten as a meal?

Back then when the Su family was poor, no one wanted to marry her, yet you still said it was suitable?
Fit ass!

I despise that kind of people, even if you used to be treated as a big one, let alone be treated as a small one for him!
How can you be poor?
Xiuxiu, hurry up and give me up on this idea, you are just young, and little girls like those good-looking, useless men! "

(End of this chapter)

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