Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1143 Marrying Qin Sheng as a Concubine

Chapter 1143 Marrying Qin Sheng as a Concubine
Seeing how excited Jin Hua said, belittling Qin Sheng to nothing, Su Xiuxiu was very aggrieved, "Mother, why did you say that..."

"Why didn't I say so? Isn't your mother right?"

"Mother, of course what you said is wrong, the Qin family's poverty is the Qin family's business, it doesn't mean that the cousin's husband is poor.

He has opened a shop in the town now, and you don't know, how much money does that shop make?

A lot can be sold in a day!
The soap costs several hundred renminbi, and the toothpaste is also very expensive. It is conservatively estimated that the store will not be without income of tens of taels of silver a month.

Calculated in this way, he can earn hundreds of thousands of taels a year. How can he not be considered a rich man? "

Jin Hua thought about it, and it seemed to be the case.

Then he felt something was wrong, and said to Su Xiuxiu, "Xiuxiu, that's not right, the shop in the town was obviously opened by Su Qingyao, and it has nothing to do with that Qin Sheng."

"Mom, Su Qingyao's is not Qin Sheng's, since she is married to Qin Sheng, everything should belong to a man.

Could it be that she, a woman, still wants to fight for those things back?

So the store is still considered Qin Sheng's, and Qin Sheng also has a share of the money he earns. "Su Xiuxiu and Jin Hua explained.

After hearing Su Xiuxiu's words, Jin Hua thought about it and felt that there was some truth to it.

In ancient times, after a woman got married, all her belongings would go to her husband's family.

The wealth of the family is in the hands of men, and women can only be attached to men.

"Xiuxiu, you seem to be right when you say that."

"Mother, then you agree with me marrying my cousin's husband?
If I can marry him, I will definitely be able to live a good life. They are so rich, so give me some casually, and I will give it to you. There will be a lot of money. Then I will buy a lot for you and dad A lot of things, let you and dad live a good life, eat delicious and spicy food every day..."

Su Xiuxiu began to make up fantasies for Jin Hua, just to get Jin Hua to agree to her being with Qin Sheng.

Jin Hua was indeed moved by what Su Xiuxiu said.

With the shop opened by Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng, the business can be so booming, and they can indeed earn a lot of money every year, and gradually accumulate wealth in the future, no worse than those big families in the town.

If Su Xiuxiu married Qin Sheng, her life would naturally not be bitter.

"Mother, tell me, what do you think?" Su Xiuxiu tugged at Qin Sheng's sleeve, and said something coquettishly.

"Xiuxiu, I don't think so, I think it's pretty good!

But if you have a crush on Qin Sheng, it doesn't mean that others will have a crush on you?It's so easy to marry even if you want to! "

This is indeed a problem, and Su Xiuxiu is also troubled.

After hearing Jin Hua's words, Su Xiuxiu curled her lips and said, "Mother, why don't you ask grandma to help me talk about it? As long as my cousin nods and agrees, my cousin's husband will definitely marry me!"

After all, no man would dislike having too many women, and he probably wished he could have more women around him.

Plus she is not bad looking, Qin Sheng has no reason to look down on her.

Qin Sheng didn't want to marry her for one reason, and that was Su Qingyao's disapproval.

Su Qingyao was still jealous when she brought food to Qin Sheng just now, that's why Qin Sheng treated him so coldly.

If Su Qingyao didn't get angry and didn't interfere with Qin Sheng, Qin Sheng's attitude towards her was quite good at the beginning.

"This..." Jin Hua's face revealed a look of embarrassment.

She just asked, would Mrs. Su agree?This kind of thing is really hard to say.

(End of this chapter)

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