Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1163 It's normal to visit a brothel

Chapter 1163 It's normal to visit a brothel
Seeing Qin Fang's eager and expectant look, Qin Sheng couldn't help shaking his head.His third brother is really full of evil thoughts, he just mentioned it casually, but he actually took it seriously.Didn't you hear that they were just mocking and joking?
Aren't you afraid of hurting your mother-in-law's heart by doing this kind of thing?
"Third brother, do you really want to go to the brothel? Are you afraid that the third sister-in-law will find out and quarrel with you?" Qin Sheng asked in a deep voice.

"Oh, if you don't tell me about this kind of thing, who can know? As long as your third sister-in-law doesn't know, why are you arguing with me?"

Qin Sheng frowned, still feeling a little unhappy in his heart, thinking that Qin Fang's actions were not good, "But third brother, if you go to a brothel, you will be sorry for third sister-in-law, can your conscience let you go? "

If it were him, he wouldn't visit brothels even if he was killed.

Apart from Su Qingyao, Qin Sheng felt that he could not tolerate other women in his eyes.

In Qin Sheng's opinion, there is no woman in this world who is better than Su Qingyao.

Since he doesn't like other women, he won't have any physical contact with other women.

Going to a brothel is just a matter of physical refreshment, Qin Sheng thinks that the relationship between two people is the most important thing.

Sex is just an aid, and if there is no emotional basis, this kind of thing will become dull.

Just like he was thinking about doing that kind of thing with other women at the moment, but he couldn't arouse any interest or desire.

Facing Qin Sheng's question, Qin Fang didn't feel anything wrong, he didn't feel any pain in his conscience at all, instead he said indifferently, "Fifth brother, it's because you are short-sighted, you have never encountered such a thing!
Which man does not love young and beautiful?Among other things, there are quite a few men in our village who go to the town to visit kilns. Your third brother has never had one, and he is already very conscientious.

Isn't this your third sister-in-law's pregnancy, can't you touch her?

You also know, how can we bear it when we are men holding back for so long?

The third brother doesn't have such benefits as you. There is a daughter-in-law who can sleep with him every night!

If you can go to the kiln in the town, it's good to let off steam! "

The corners of Qin Sheng's mouth twitched a few times, he really convinced his third brother.

But Qin Sheng didn't bother to take care of other people's affairs, he just had to be himself.

"Third brother, you can do whatever you want!"

"Fifth brother, does what you said just now count? Are you going to help your third brother go to the brothel? Don't go back on your word!

For the sake of the third brother helping you today..." Qin Fang looked at Qin Sheng beggingly, as if he was afraid that Qin Sheng would refuse.

Qin Sheng twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Third brother, it's fine to sponsor you, but when the third sister-in-law finds out later, don't say that I gave you the money, lest the third sister-in-law ask me to make a fuss and teach me a lesson. It made me no longer."

Qin Fang nodded quickly, "Oh, don't worry, third brother will never let your third sister-in-law know!"

"That's fine. I'll give you the money tomorrow after the marriage is over. I don't have time now!" Qin Sheng responded casually.

Qin Fang smiled and nodded in agreement, "Okay, don't be in a hurry, fifth brother, your marriage today is more important.

Haha, as expected, the third brother did not help the wrong person, you are really a good brother of the third brother! "

Qin Sheng was a little speechless, he didn't want to admit that he had such a wretched elder brother, he felt like he would throw him away if he said it.

Why did God arrange such a wonderful brother for him?
(End of this chapter)

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