Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1164 Ignore Su Xiuxiu

Chapter 1164 Ignore Su Xiuxiu
It's a pity that he can't choose his reincarnation, otherwise he wouldn't even want to be reincarnated in the Qin family.

After a dozen or so tables of wine were finally served, Qin Sheng's belly was already too full.

Even if it is wine mixed with water, after drinking so much, it still smells like alcohol all over.

The guests in the yard were enjoying themselves, Qin Sheng told everyone to eat well, and then rushed to the toilet.

After drinking so much wine, I can't hold it anymore, and I urgently need to excrete.

Seeing Qin Sheng's figure walking towards the back of the yard, Su Xiuxiu hurried to catch up with Qin Sheng.

She just wanted to stay alone with Qin Sheng and talk a few words.

Seeing Qin Sheng right in front of her eyes, unable to speak, Su Xiuxiu's heart was already very anxious.

If you don't find an opportunity to get in touch with Qin Sheng alone now, it will be difficult to get in touch with Qin Sheng alone in the future.

Su Xiuxiu wanted to find out her position in Qin Sheng's heart first, and hoped that Qin Sheng would not agree to accept her as a concubine because of Su Qingyao's intervention.

Qin Sheng rushed to the latrine, and after a big vomit, he turned around and faced Su Xiuxiu, who was startled by Su Xiuxiu. He didn't know when this woman stood behind him, but he didn't even notice.

I just don't know if Su Xiuxiu saw him when he was urinating just now, I feel very embarrassed when I think about it.

After seeing Su Xiuxiu, Qin Sheng raised his eyebrows and asked, "Are you coming to the toilet too?"

Su Xiuxiu's cheeks flushed, she shook her head and then lowered her head, her voice as small as a mosquito replied to Qin Cheng, "No..."

Qin Sheng frowned, looked at Su Xiuxiu even more puzzled, and muttered, "Didn't you come here to go to the toilet? Then why did you come here? What's the point of being stunned by this stink?" Hurry up and go to the front yard to have a banquet!"

Qin Sheng said that he was about to leave, but Su Xiuxiu suddenly blocked Qin Sheng's way, and said to Qin Sheng shyly, ", am I here to find you?"

Qin Sheng even felt that Su Xiuxiu was inexplicable, and almost wanted to scold Su Xiu for having a hole in her head.

If there is something wrong, I can't talk about it later, I have to follow him to the latrine, a big girl's family, and she hasn't left the cabinet yet, how can she do such a thing?
If it wasn't for the fact that Su Xiuxiu was Su Qingyao's cousin, Qin Sheng wouldn't want to talk to Su Xiuxiu because of Su Qingyao's face.

With a cold face, Qin Sheng replied flatly, "I still have something to do, so please talk to me later, it's not convenient to talk about it here."

After speaking, Qin Sheng directly bypassed Su Xiuxiu and walked towards the front yard.

Su Xiuxiu was stunned for a few seconds, she didn't expect Qin Sheng to treat her with such an attitude.

She thought that Qin Sheng would be very gentle, would listen to what she had to say, and then give her the answer she expected...

But no, Qin Sheng just walked away!

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law!"

Su Xiuxiu called Qin Sheng behind her a few times, but Qin Sheng ignored Su Xiuxiu at all and walked away.

Su Xiuxiu felt sad for a while, bit her lower lip bitterly, and had no choice but to go to the front yard too.

The bustle was still going on, and after finally finishing the banquet, it was already afternoon, and the villagers joined in the fun, and made a fuss at home for a long time, and finally Qin Sheng was rushed to the wedding room by the crowd.

Qin Sheng was also so happy.

Although some people wanted to make trouble in the bridal chamber, they were all sent away by Qin Sheng.

The so-called money is easy to do things, put a few more red envelopes, and others will not embarrass you too much if they take the money.

Qin Sheng was also happy to leave the rest of the good time to himself and Su Qingyao.

(End of this chapter)

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