Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1180 Su Xiuxiu Confession

Chapter 1180 Su Xiuxiu Confession
Thinking like this, Qin Sheng felt much better after adjusting his mood.

After a while, we came to the river.

After Qin Sheng went out, Su Xiuxiu followed secretly all the way, including the jokes made by the men in the village just now, Su Xiuxiu listened to it.

She was blushing when she heard it.

Su Xiuxiu wasn't completely ignorant of those things, but she didn't expect men to say it so bluntly.

Of course, what shocked Qin Sheng the most was what he said.

Can it be done for so long at once?
How amazing that would be!

You can do it so many times in one night, and there are really few men who can do it.

Even Su Xiuxiu was eager to try Qin Sheng's ability.


Alas, we have to wait until Qin Sheng marries her.

However, Su Xiuxiu was comforted by the fact that Qin Sheng was so powerful that she took her as a concubine later, and she and Su Qingyao shared Qin Sheng, so she was not afraid of exhausting Qin Sheng.

Maybe Qin Sheng can make one in the first half of the night and another in the second half of the night...

The more Su Xiuxiu thought about it, the more shy she felt.

After following Qin Sheng to the river, Su Xiuxiu stood behind Qin Sheng, watching Qin Sheng carry water.

Qin Sheng put a bucket in the water, and quickly got up with a bucket of water. When he was about to carry another bucket of water, he suddenly noticed something was wrong.

There seems to be someone behind?

Qin Sheng turned his head, glanced behind him, and saw Su Xiuxiu.

Qin Sheng's face was immediately stained with displeasure, and he asked Su Xiuxiu, "Why did you follow here? Why are you following here if you don't stay at home?"

Su Xiuxiu lowered her head, faced Qin Cheng's angry questioning, bit her lower lip and said, "Brother-in-law... I just want to see if there is anything that needs help... I..."

Seeing Su Xiuxiu's contrived appearance, Qin Sheng was very disgusted, and at the same time directly exposed Su Xiuxiu and said, "Come on!

I ran out to fetch water, how can you help?Do you think you can still carry water for me?Do you have that much strength?

Why don't you stay at home and help my daughter-in-law with your work?Instead, run out and follow me!
I can see what you have in mind! "

After being told by Qin Sheng, Su Xiuxiu wished she could find a hole in the ground and go into it.

Why is Qin Sheng's mouth so vicious when talking to her?
Don't give her any face at all.

She is a girl after all, can't you be gentle with her?


"Okay, don't think of any reason.

Su Xiuxiu, if you have anything to say, just tell me, I'll see what's up. "Qin Sheng urged.

"Brother-in-law... I really don't mean anything else...

I just saw you coming out, and for some reason, I couldn't help following you out.

Brother-in-law... I don't know how to put it, I really like you when I see you...

I have never seen a man as handsome as my brother-in-law! "Su Xiuxiu blushed and confessed to Qin Sheng.

It just so happened that there were only the two of them there at this time, and Su Xiuxiu was afraid that it would be difficult for Su Xiuxiu to find a chance for the two of them to get along alone next time.

Su Xiuxiu struggled in her heart for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to confess to Qin Sheng.

It is said that men chase after women, and women chase after men. Qin Sheng should not be able to reject her.

Seeing that Qin Sheng just looked at herself with cold eyes, Su Xiuxiu continued, "Brother-in-law... I can't help myself liking you. In my opinion, you are the best man in the world. Can you accept my love?" Do you have a heart?"

(End of this chapter)

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