Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1181 Su Xiuxiu Fell into the Water

Chapter 1181 Su Xiuxiu Fell into the Water
Qin Sheng coldly looked at Su Xiuxiu who was standing in front of him at this time, making a coy look.

Before, he only thought of Su Xiuxiu as a bit of a weirdo, but he never thought that Su Xiuxiu would be so shameless.

He is her brother-in-law, and he confessed to her?

Is this deliberately trying to poach the corner of my cousin?

To be so shameless?
Qin Sheng looked at Su Xiuxiu with even colder eyes, and replied with a cold snort, "Su Xiuxiu, I hope you don't say such things again, I am your brother-in-law.

If this is heard by your cousin, it will cause unnecessary misunderstanding and I will never end with you.

Also, I am not interested in you, please give your peace of mind to others, I am not worthy of you. "

Su Xiuxiu raised her head and looked at Qin Sheng pitifully.

Qin Sheng's words were like needles piercing into her heart.


Qin Sheng's face was frosty, and he said coldly, "Since you know that I am your brother-in-law, then I would trouble you to clarify your position.

There is no possibility between us, and you don't have to think about it, don't make such a mess, it sounds disgusting. "


Apart from heartache, Su Xiuxiu was more unwilling.

Is Qin Sheng rejecting her?
If so, how could she marry Qin Sheng as a concubine?

No way... She must marry Qin Sheng. Apart from Qin Sheng, she really doesn't like other men.

"Brother-in-law, I really like you. I don't ask you to like me. I just want to be your concubine. As long as I can be with you, I am willing to do anything.

Just try to accept me! "

Su Xiuxiu puffed up as she spoke, and stretched out her hand to hug Qin Sheng.

Since the language can't give Qin Sheng the feeling of facing her directly, let him touch her more physically, maybe Qin Sheng will fall in love with her.

A flash of sharpness flashed in Qin Sheng's eyes, and he secretly scolded Su Xiuxiu, a crazy woman, for wanting to touch him, is he crazy?

When Su Xiuxiu was about to hug him, Qin Sheng turned sideways, only to hear a "plop", and Su Xiuxiu fell into the water.

"Ah~~" Su Xiuxiu exclaimed, this ending was completely unexpected to her.

Originally, he wanted to hug Qin Sheng, but why did he fall into the water for no reason?

Water was poured into Su Xiuxiu's nose and mouth casually, which was very choking.

While struggling in the water, Su Xiuxiu called to Qin Sheng for help, " me..."

"I...I'm dying..."

Looking at Su Xiuxiu who was constantly struggling in the water, Qin Sheng didn't intend to save her.

Instead, he looked at Su Xiuxiu coldly, squatted on the bank of the river, and said coldly, "You woman is not clear-headed, you must soak in the water to clear your head."

"Hmm..." Su Xiuxiu struggled desperately in the river, and began to regret.

If I had known earlier, I would not have provoked Qin Sheng. If it cost my life, it would not be worth it.

Just when Su Xiuxiu's body was slowly sinking, Qin Sheng picked up Su Xiuxiu.

The reason why he didn't make a move just now was to teach Su Xiuxiu a lesson, but Qin Sheng also knew very well that no one should be killed.

If you have learned enough lessons, you can save people.

Su Xiuxiu, who was caught ashore, sat on the bank and coughed violently, coughing up a lot of water.

If Qin Sheng was one step late, Su Xiuxiu would feel like she was drowning in the river.

Looking at Qin Sheng at this time, Su Xiuxiu suddenly felt a little scared when she saw Qin Sheng's cold eyes without any tenderness.

(End of this chapter)

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