Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1232 Finding Evidence

Chapter 1232 Finding Evidence
Zhao Dongxi really felt strange thinking about it, and said to Zhao Ziheng, "My lord, I said that the wheels of our carriage are not damaged naturally, but man-made. Could it be Miss Xiuxiu..."

Because no one stopped them except Su Xiuxiu and didn't want them to leave.

Su Qingyao even prepared dry food for the road. Whoever had Su Xiuxiu kept trying to dissuade her, but in the end she had to delay because of the wheel.

Zhao Ziheng didn't say a word, for things that were not absolutely proof, Zhao Ziheng didn't want to understand and guess others with vicious thoughts.

But after hearing Qin Sheng and Zhao Dong's words, Zhao Ziheng also doubted whether Su Xiuxiu was responsible for this matter?

Su Xiuxiu didn't expect that Qin Sheng would expose her, opened her mouth, and replied aggrievedly, "Brother-in-law... no... I... I don't... it has nothing to do with me, you just hate me and don't like me, so you You can't pour dirty water on me for no reason, can you?"

"Su Xiuxiu, you know best in your own heart, so I don't need to say more.

But for a woman like you, I just want to say that you deserve it, you shoot yourself in the foot, and now you want to rely on others, I don't know where you are from!

Anyway, the face of the Su family has been lost by you, please don't say that you have something to do with my wife when you go back, so as not to affect my daughter-in-law's reputation. "

Su Qingyao found out that Qin Sheng really liked Su Xiuxiu a little bit, maybe he just couldn't understand green tea!
But for Su Qingyao, the ins and outs of the whole thing are almost understood.

As for why Zhao Dong was confused, Su Qingyao knew the reason half a minute ago.

Just now I was obsessed with this matter, thinking too deeply, so that I didn't notice a faint fragrance of burning love floating in the air.

But because of the time, the smell has dissipated, and if you don't smell it carefully, you can't smell it.

Because Su Qingyao had studied medicine in her previous life, she knew what this smell was?What kind of effect does it have?
The reason why Guo Dong lost his sanity should be because he smelled the incense of burning love.

And this incense has an aphrodisiac effect, that's why Guo Dong did this kind of thing with Su Xiuxiu under bewilderment.

Su Qingyao searched the room and found that there was really a trace of soot left on the ground.It is left after burning the burning incense.

Su Xiu's delicate body trembled, Qin Sheng said, how could he be reconciled in his heart.

Mainly waiting for Zhao Ziheng's face, I don't know what Zhao Ziheng will think of her.

"There is burning incense on the ground, who lit it?" Su Qingyao asked.

Su Xiuxiu's heart tightened suddenly, she didn't expect to be discovered by Su Qingyao.

Both Zhao Dong and Zhao Ziheng looked at Su Qingyao.

"It's not me, I didn't order it!" Zhao Dong said hastily.

Zhao Ziheng also shook his head, "It's not me!"

Qin Sheng smiled and said, "Since that's the case, it's obvious at that time, if it wasn't the two of you, couldn't it just be Su Xiuxiu?
In this way, better understanding!

Let me analyze it. It should be that Su Xiuxiu mistakenly thought that the person sleeping in the room was Zhao Ziheng, so she secretly lit the burning incense and ran over. Who knew that the person sleeping in the room was actually Zhao Dong.

Then the two of them slept together under the impetus of burning incense..."

After Qin Sheng finished his analysis, all the lumps were unraveled in an instant.

Zhao Dong suddenly understood why he fell asleep with Su Xiuxiu on the spur of the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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