Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1233 Shooting yourself in the foot

Chapter 1233 Shooting yourself in the foot
Everything he did was involuntary, and he had no consciousness at all, so naturally he couldn't be blamed!

After all, he was still a victim!

Who said that if a man sleeps with a woman, the woman must be the victim. Like him, it is obvious that he is the victim!
When Su Xiuxiu heard this, her face gradually turned pale.

She wants to defend, but will anyone believe her?
Well, I got a piece of evidence of burning love, and if I want to push it to other people, who can I push it to?It can't be said that Su Qingyao and Qin Sheng helped, right?
Even if they helped, it was still unexplainable for her to appear in Zhao Dong's room in good condition.

Zhao Ziheng's eyes became more and more complicated, thinking that Su Xiuxiu usually pretended to be pure and innocent, it was really easy to be deceived by her.

Zhao Dong said with some indignation, "Miss Xiuxiu, how could you do such a thing? Isn't this dragging me into the water for no reason?"


"Miss Xiuxiu, you directed and performed this matter yourself. Everything started because of you, so I take back what I just said to you. I will not be responsible to you, let alone accept you as a concubine." Dong said again, it happened that he didn't have to be responsible to Su Xiuxiu, so he could save dealing with his wife like him.

Otherwise, what awaited him after returning was another storm.

Su Xiuxiu cried, "I don't need you to take responsibility!"

He wanted to take her as his concubine, but he didn't even want to see if she would!

Zhao Dong snorted coldly, "It's so good!"

Su Xiuxiu's eyes fell on Zhao Ziheng, but Zhao Ziheng turned his face away, and there was a touch of disgust in his tone when he spoke to Su Xiuxiu, "Miss Xiuxiu, please respect yourself.

I don't have any affection for you. Now that this kind of thing happened, you will be the one who suffers.

I hope you will take care of yourself in the future, and don't do such stupid things again! "

After hearing Zhao Ziheng's words, Su Xiuxiu's heart felt cold, knowing that there was no possibility between herself and Zhao Ziheng.

The whole thing ended up being such a miserable end for her.

Su Xiuxiu buried her head between her knees and cried bitterly.

At this time, Mrs. Su heard the movement and ran out.

Seeing that Su Xiuxiu was crying like this, she came to Su Xiuxiu, patted Su Xiuxiu's back and comforted her, "Oh, Xiuxiu, what's wrong with you? Who bullied you? Tell grandma!"

Su Xiuxiu continued to cry and ignored Mrs. Su, and of course she didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Su asked a few questions to the other people in the room in a daze.

Su Qingyao explained the whole situation.

"Grandma, a person like her is reaping the consequences, there is nothing to sympathize with, don't comfort her!
If I had no face to comfort her!I guess I can't hide and come out to meet people! Qin Sheng sarcastically said that seeing Su Xiuxiu crying, he was not only bored, but even more disgusted.

After Mrs. Su learned of the situation, she was shocked at first, then heartbroken, and then a little angry after that.

After all, it's embarrassing for a girl to do such a thing.

Fortunately, the whole family knew about it. Otherwise, if it got out, what face would the Su family have to stay in the village?

The old lady Su whispered in Su Xiuxiu's ear, "Xiuxiu girl, why are you so confused, so confused...

Hey, how can such a thing be done?
Now that it's like this, what can you do?How to give your mother and yourself an explanation? "

(End of this chapter)

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