Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1259 Coax Zhang Shen

Chapter 1259 Coax Shen back
Qin Han curled his lips and said, "Mom, you don't make any footsteps when you walk, don't you look like a ghost!"

"You bastard, what are you talking about? Do you want to curse your mother to death?"

Yin Cuihua cursed, angrily pinching Qin Han's thigh a few times.

This brat, let him learn a lesson and see if he dares to talk nonsense in the future.

Qin Han screamed in pain, "Hey, mother, it hurts, can't you be gentler? It hurts me to death!"

Yin Cuihua stared at Qin Han fiercely and said, "How can you have a long memory if it doesn't hurt!"

Qin Han replied very aggrieved, "Mother, am I just talking? Why are you serious with me?
Anyway, I'm your son, why are you so hard on yourself?

Woooooooo... this hurts me to death! "

The more Qin Han thought about it, the more wronged he became. He was so old, but Yin Cuihua treated him like a child.

Yin Cuihua glared at Qin Han and said, "You brat, I want to talk to you about something serious, don't talk so much with a playful face."

Qin Han frowned, showing a serious appearance, and asked Yin Cuihua, "Mother, what do you want to tell me? Tell me quickly!"

"Your former mother-in-law is going to build a house, do you know about that?"

Hearing that Mrs. Shen was going to build a house, Qin Han's eyes also flashed with surprise. He didn't expect that the woman was going to build a house, and she was so good at it.

It seems that these days I have saved a lot of money!
Thinking of this, Qin Han couldn't help showing a hint of jealousy in his heart!
Thinking about the fact that she may not even be able to eat, but Shen Shi is living a good life, how could she feel at ease.

Especially since he lives in such a poor house, but wants to move to a better house, Qin Han feels even more unbalanced.

"Mother, I didn't know before, but now I know after you tell me!" Qin Han said.

"Look, it's all good deeds you did back then. If you don't hook up with other women, treat her better. Why are they arguing to make peace with you?
Are you okay now?Seeing that people are developed, you can't afford anything! "Yin Cuihua reprimanded Qin Han.

Qin Han curled his lips, "Mother, there is no medicine for regret in this world? What are you talking about?
Anyway, it's meaningless to say these things, people's life is theirs, and we can't think of it! "

Although Qin Han is also very regretful in his heart, after all, he can't go back to the past, and can't change the things he did before.

Yin Cuihua couldn't get angry again, she continued to stare at Qin Han and said, "You worthless guy, don't you know what to do?"

Qin Han looked at Yin Cuihua with a puzzled expression and said, "Mother, what can I do?"

"Of course I was thinking about how to coax him back!"

"Mother, what you said is simple, can people be coaxed back so easily?" Qin Han frowned, feeling that Yin Cuihua had downplayed the matter.

If he could come back, Qin Han didn't think about it.

Staying at home these days, I can't eat anything, but at Shen's place, there is some smell from the kitchen from time to time, and I can tell that I eat delicious food at home.

Before he even approached Shen's house, the three maids stopped him immediately, not giving him a chance to enter.

Judging by the attitudes of the three girls, they treated his own father as if they were enemies, and they didn't pay attention at all.

Even daughters can't accept him, let alone Shen.

(End of this chapter)

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