Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1260 Be kind to her

Chapter 1260 Be Kind to Her

So Qin Han dismissed this idea early, so as to save Shen's face from being embarrassed.

After all, he is a man, so he still needs to save face.

To coax his former mother-in-law, Qin Han still can't bear to do it.

Yin Cuihua said with a straight face, "Why can't you coax her back?"

"Mother, we're all divorced. They despise me and don't want to follow me!"

"That's not because you are incapable! Let me see, the chances of coaxing you back are still very high!"

"Mom, don't take it for granted!"

"Why am I talking nonsense? Think about it, she has slept with you, and she has been a husband and wife for so many years, how could she have no feelings at all?

Besides, aren't those three girls all your biological daughters?
After all, you are a real father, different from others!Maybe someone is willing to be with you again for the sake of my daughter? "Yin Cuihua carefully analyzed Qin Han.

After hearing this, Qin Han continued to frown.

Seeing that Qin Han was still thinking, Yin Cuihua didn't know what he was struggling with, so she continued to persuade, "If you think about it again, it's been so long, but he hasn't found another man to marry, so he still has a little bit for you. affection?

If not, I would have married long ago, so why stay until now?

Second child, listen to your mother, go coax and try, maybe you can become it?
When you're done coaxing, Mrs. Shen is now following the fifth daughter-in-law and earning a lot of money. With money, why don't you have to eat delicious food and drink spicy food every day?
When the house is built later, you can live in a big house, which is more comfortable than shrinking in this old house, right? "

Qin Han was a little moved by what Yin Cuihua said.

Who doesn't want to have a good time?He is also included!

Especially looking at the good life that the eldest and fifth families are living now, together with his fourth brother, who had such a life-threatening wife, met a good woman like Zhao Hongxiu. After marrying Zhao Hongxiu, life will definitely be better than that of the eldest family. Both Wufang and Wufang are more beautiful.

Now the only one who is having a bad day is Sanfang!

But what does he compare with the third child?

The third child is a slob, there is no comparison at all!
If his life is not going well, and the brothers don't laugh at him, outsiders will only say that he is useless.

Thinking about it this way, it was necessary to coax Zhao Hongxiu back.

Qin Han looked at Yin Cuihua, and asked uncertainly, "Mother, is this really possible?"

"Of course it can be done! Believe me, you should coax her in the past and say that you want to live a good life with her, and you should have a better attitude.

A woman, as long as a man treats her well, he will follow her wholeheartedly!

Shen is a soft-hearted person, as long as you treat her well, I guarantee that she will reconcile with you! "

Qin Han sighed and said, "That's all right, mother, then let me try it?"

"Well! Hurry up, don't lie in bed all day, do something serious this time! When your life is better, mother is still waiting to get rich together!"

Qin Han got up from the bed all of a sudden, walked out of the second room in a hurry, and ran over to look for Mrs. Shen.

At this moment, Mrs. Shen was cooking in the house!

Now that he has earned money, Shen does not save on food, and cooks more food for the children every day.

Today I cooked a bowl of braised pork, a bowl of stir-fried vegetables, a bowl of stewed radish meat, and a tofu soup.

The smell of meat wafts out from the room, making people drool.

After Qin Han smelled it, he couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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