Farmer's wife comes to farm

Chapter 1280 There Are More Than Two Houses

Chapter 1280 There Are More Than Two Houses

Yin Cuihua looked around for a few more times, and exclaimed in front of Qin An, "Boss, your house is quite big, at least a dozen rooms, right?"

Yin Cuihua seemed to say it unintentionally, she had been thinking in her heart that there would be more houses in the big house so that she could bring Qin Kui to live together.

Qin An raised his chin and said, "Mother, where are there more than a dozen rooms? I haven't seen the small courtyard at the back yet. Adding it together, including servants and utility rooms, there are more than 20 rooms in total!"

Listening to Qin An's words, Yin Cuihua opened her mouth, clicked her tongue in admiration, "Hey, that's quite big! Looking at it from the front, I don't think it's too big!"

"That's right, there is only a small area in the front, which is the front hall, and the people live in the back." Qin An explained.

When Qin An said this, Yin Cuihua felt relieved immediately.

That's not bad, with so many rooms, it's perfectly possible to move a room out and let her and Qin Kui live in it.

When several people were chatting enthusiastically, they saw a servant call out, "Miss, madam is back!"

Su Qingyao and the others looked towards the door together, only to see Wu Shi and Qin Yu'er walking in side by side, carrying things in their hands. They probably went shopping just now, and then bought something they liked.

Yuan Bao followed behind Qin Yu'er, and he became more and more mellow in the past few days. It is estimated that Qin Yu'er gave Yuan Bao some delicious food.

Now Dafang's life is good, not as tight as before, there are many delicious things, so Yuanbao's food naturally follows.

If you eat meat all the time, if you eat meat, you will become fat and round, that is also a normal thing.

Now the Wu family who came to the county town is completely different from that in the countryside.

Wearing this silk dress now, with gold ornaments on the hands and head, it looks a bit extravagant, and those who don't know think it is a lady from some family.

Wu's face was full of smiles, and she was very happy these days.

The hard times are finally over, and she is now living a life like a lady's, which is better than her sister-in-law's life.

Eat well, drink well, live well, wear well, and feel indescribably comfortable.

Of course, Wu Shi also knows that she can have such a happy life now because of her good daughter.

Otherwise, he would still have to stay in the country now, and Dafang would still have to live the hard life of the past.

Yuan Bao shook his tail happily when he saw Su Qingyao, and the bell on his neck jingled even more.

Qin Yuer glared at Yuan Bao, and replied displeasedly, "Yuan Bao, have you forgotten who your master is? Why are you wagging my fifth aunt's tail?

If you're so disobedient and ignorant again, I won't give you something delicious to eat! "

After understanding Qin Yuer's words, Yuan Bao looked at Qin Yuer and then at Su Qingyao, with a look of sadness in his eyes, but his tail stopped.

Only then did Qin Yuer nod in satisfaction, "Yuan Bao, you're a sensible person, otherwise I won't love you!"

Su Qingyao couldn't laugh or cry, why is this Qin Yu'er so childish, what is she fussing about with a dog?Dogs don't understand so much, it's completely unnecessary.

"Ah, Mother, Fifth Brother, Fifth Brother and Sister, why are you here today?" Seeing Su Qingyao and the others, Wu asked with some doubts.

In fact, I didn't want those people from the Qin family to come here, after all, neither Yin Cuihua nor the other members of the Qin family, Mrs. Wu, had a good impression of them.

(End of this chapter)

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